When you are receiving other people’s prayers for your well-being, it is important to filter them. You do that by setting the intention for prayers and energetic forms of spiritual healing that are in alignment with your own your clear desire. That means your intention needs to be very clear. A clear intention is dependent…
Receiving the Gifts of Prayers in Your Self-Healing Part I
This weekend some wonderful initiated elders came to our house for a visioning retreat where they held individuals and groups across the world in their sacred feminine arms. In that space of profound love, tremendous healing can occur for those of us open to receive. Though the ceremony is completed, the power of the ceremony…
Elderly Woman Grew a New Valve to her Heart
Early in my sound healing career, I had an experience with a woman in her seventies, who had never worked with energy healing, but her results set the standard for me in regard to what our healing potential truly can be. For the protection of her privacy, I call her Ellie in this story. Several…
Told He Would Never Walk Again
Hello Dear Friend, Today’s self-healing story is important for two reasons. First, although we often hear that women are naturally more intuitive than men, Kevin followed his intuition and was able to heal fully when he was told that he would never walk normally again. His “permanent” condition turned out to be repairable when he…
Self-Healing in the Face of Medical Resistance
Your responses have been so powerful! They are as important to this blog as the stories I am sharing, and I’m grateful. Let us know you’re here. Keep sharing your questions, insights, challenges, and victories.We all benefit from them. I will respond to every comment. And if you have something to add to a comment,…