Have you been using energy healing but not getting the results you want? It is deeply frustrating to have a clear intention for healing, learn an energetic healing approach and then experience minimal to no results. There are many reasons that energy healing doesn’t work. You can be holding limiting beliefs that are interfering with…
Energy Healing and Cell Renewal for Specific Organs
I was recently asked a question regarding how to encourage cell renewal for a specific organ. Here is the wonder of energy healing: you don’t have to understand the organ or have a detailed intention in order to heal it energetically. Some years ago my doctor told me one of my fallopian tubes was collapsed.…
Energy Healing—When NOT to Use Light
This is really on my mind right now because I’m helping a young woman that I sense has a brain aneurysm. She has been having migraine headaches, which are increasing in frequency. She has been to doctors and had multiple tests and they were unable to find the cause. If you have had a migraine,…
How Do You Self-Heal Damaged Nerves?
Metaphysical meaning of nerve damage… Before we talk about the metaphysical meaning of nerve damage, let’s take a look at how nerves get damaged and some of the physical treatments for them. Nerves become damaged for a variety of reasons. This article at WebMD suggests some ways in which nerve damage occurs. http://www.webmd.com/brain/nerve-pain-and-nerve-damage-symptoms-and-causes. When I…
What If I Can’t Heal Myself?
At some point in the self-healing process, this question flashes through many of our minds. This question was offered by one of our readers, and I know I grappled with this in my own personal journey. When I was first learning how to work with sound to heal, I had given my finger a good…