When symptoms aren’t due to illness, it could be your kundalini awakening. Not all physical symptoms are the result of an illness. Some symptoms we experience arise from our body, mind, emotion and spirit’s response to increased spiritual energy. We are literally learning how to embody higher frequencies of energy and more vast consciousness. This…
Cancer, Sinusitis, Mold
Surprise discovery I made about mold when I was healing sinusitis, and the link to cancer… One of things about being a healer is that I’m really sensitive, and have to work hard to maintain my health. I’m sure some of you can relate to that! When I do become ill, like I did last winter, I…
What Can You Do About Depression?
When Spiritually Healing the Root of an Illness, You Are Often Also Healing Depression Depression underlies many physical conditions, either because it was part of the cause of the illness or because you are feeling the pressure of your physical limits. If you are healing the root cause of your illness, the root cause of…
Women’s Rhythms and Healing Autoimmune Diseases
What You Should Know About Autoimmune Diseases and Their Metaphysical Meaning Over the years I have met a number of people that have been challenged by autoimmune diseases, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and MS. The vast majority have been women. Those seem to be the most common conditions I encounter with people,…