Negative ions – invisible, natural healing To date, I haven’t met anyone that has told me they can see them, taste them or smell negative ions. 😉 Yet, in nature, negative ions are all around us. Visit the ocean and you are in the company of negative ions. Visit the mountains, splash around in…
The Root of All Healing
The Root Of All Healing Right now, Reverend Misa is launching her book, “The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything.” If you are health challenged, in chronic pain or know someone that would love to find relief from illness, this book lays out a clear and successful pathway to ultimate health. Order…
Self-Healing Miracles Are Within Your Reach
I woke up one morning with these words on the tip of my tongue, “The Root of All Healing.” What the heck is that, I wondered? It happened two more days in a row. I knew it had to be something significant, but I had no clue what that might be. Hoping to get some…
Love the Parts You Have Deemed to Be Unlovable.
Compassion’s Power in Self Healing It is easy to underestimate the effect of love in healing. It is easy to adopt a, “Yah, yah, I’ve heard that before,” perspective and then neglect to incorporate greater love into our own self-healing journeys. I know. I’ve done it! When my love quotient was low… Whenever I catch…