This is when I discovered the potential of sound healing. You may have read this story about my discovery with sound healing in my book or on one of my web-pages, and if so, here it is again…to inspire you! (Hummingbirds were her favorite birds.) The prodigal daughter returns home… In 1994, I received a…
Self-Acceptance: Sound Healing Tip # 4
Sounds don’t lie. Sounds tell the truth about who we are and what we are feeling in any given moment. That is true whether you are simply talking to a friend or engaging in a sound healing session. If you want to know yourself deeply, listen to what you say and how you say it…
How Would You Change Your DNA to Change Inherited Conditions?
This question came from one of my readers and having done some work on my own DNA, I’m pleased to share my perspective. If you believe in karma, then you have probably already considered that inherited conditions can in a large part be karmic conditions. I suggest “in large part” because it may have been…
Quieting the Mind Through Sound—Sound Healing
Use sound healing to help you quiet your mind. It has frequently surprised students when I suggest that sound healing is as much, if not more, about quieting the mind and listening as it is about making sounds. Many of us can make sounds, but we access the sounds that have the ability to heal…
When Loved Ones Don’t Like Your Approach to Healing
Have you experienced this? Someone that loves you doesn’t agree with how you want to go about approaching your healing. Or maybe you are on the other side of this experience. Maybe you are the one that is really uncomfortable with your loved one’s choices. I meet people and hear stories about people on both…