What Epigenetics Is Teaching Us About Self Healing One of my readers asked about whether or not we can really affect inherited conditions, and I’m pleased to share my self healing perspective about this and introduce you to what current epigentics is teaching us. We tend to think of DNA as being permanent, but the science of…
How Do You Stay Positive When You Feel Sick and Tired?
Staying positive is part of the self healing journey, but how do you do it when you are not feeling well? As someone who has spent a lot of her time in the shop healing herself, I can really relate to this question. And yet, that’s what the journey is really all about—learning how to…
You Just Thought You Were Feeling Better…and then…
In the Process of Self Healing Sometimes You Feel Like You’ve Been Fooled Do you ever feel like you are finally getting some relief from some symptoms when they start back up again? Have you ever found yourself following your treatment perfectly only to have the symptoms sneak in and out? One day you are…
Self-Healing at SpiritQuest
by Misa Hopkins When you no longer perceive that healing is about finding the right cure, you realize you need to create an environment within you in which self-healing can happen. Once you’ve become acquainted with the concepts of the 7 Self-Healing Steps in my book, The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing…
Kindness and Self-Healing
How Kindness Helps You Experience Greater Ease in Your Self Healing Journey When you just aren’t seeing the healing progress that you would like to, you can become quite discouraged. That discouragement can lead to you being really hard on you, your doctor, your healer, your family or the Divine. It becomes far too easy to…