For a very long time, I’ve been intrigued that we tend to talk about cancer in terms of fighting cancer: the war against cancer, the fight against childhood leukemia or the crusade against breast cancer. It seems many of us are looking for the cure for cancer by fighting it. You would think that we…
Metaphysical Meaning Behind Multiple Sclerosis
A Metaphysical View of Multiple Sclerosis Before I left for the Northwest, one of my readers asked me to discuss the metaphysical meaning of MS. For those of you that have read my book, The Root of All Healing, you know that topic is very close to me. I’ve self-healed from the onset symptoms of…
Metaphysical Meaning Behind Liver Toxicity
My self-healing topics usually come directly from your questions, but today my intuition is telling me to write about liver toxicity. The liver is a multi-functional organ, and it primary duties are described in this article at According to this same article the number one cause of liver toxicity is alcohol abuse. Some medications…
Metaphysical Meaning Behind Osteoporosis
Addressing the Metaphysical Meaning Behind Osteoporosis Whenever I meditate on metaphysical roots, I encourage you to do the same. What you get for yourself might have more meaning for you personally, and there may be nuances in your own intuitive and psychic insights that could make a significant difference for you. First lets review what doctors…
Metaphysical Meaning Behind Depression
Depression affects many of us at some point in our lives. If you are suffering from a chronic condition, serious injury, loss, or emotional trauma, you might find yourself suffering from depression. Most of us understand that depression can have many causes, but did you know that there are differences in the brain that occur…