Access Your Intuitive Wisdom for Self Healing Do you ever feel like other people seem to have an intuitive wisdom about what they need to do for their self-healing, but you don’t? It can be a pretty common experience, but the greater truth is that everyone has access to their self-healing wisdom. Many of us…
Women’s Rhythms and Healing Autoimmune Diseases
What You Should Know About Autoimmune Diseases and Their Metaphysical Meaning Over the years I have met a number of people that have been challenged by autoimmune diseases, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and MS. The vast majority have been women. Those seem to be the most common conditions I encounter with people,…
Breathing Meditation for Centering and Self-Healing
One of the first things you need to do when you are choosing to fully engage in a self-healing practice is to quiet your body and mind, bringing your body into a relaxed state that allows healing to occur. Getting to this relaxed state is the challenge and the opportunity. As I discuss at greater…
Quieting the Mind to Assist You in Your Healing
Before you read this article, I suggest you read the article How to Create Safe and Quiet Space to Enhance Your Healing: This will prepare you to set your space for quiet contemplation. In your healing journey, you may have heard about the importance of quieting your mind in order to receive intuitive insights…
How to Create Safe and Quiet Space to Enhance Your Healing
Meditation enhances your self healing experience. The greatest mysteries to healing in life are right here in front of us, part of us, each and every day. The reason we do not recognize them is because we are so busy surviving. We rarely slow down long enough to notice the spirit of life hidden within…