Have you experienced this? Someone that loves you doesn’t agree with how you want to go about approaching your healing. Or maybe you are on the other side of this experience. Maybe you are the one that is really uncomfortable with your loved one’s choices. I meet people and hear stories about people on both…
Creativity Opens Doorways to Your Self-Healing Intuition
Creativity is a stimulant for intuitive insights. Creative people often describe the source of their creativity as inspiration. Highly intuitive individuals will often describe their source of insight as inspiration. Stimulating your creativity is one way to develop your inspiration and intuitive abilities; therefore, receiving more messages about your healing from your inner well…
Intuition—A Pathway to Wellness
Do you have intuitive insights? Do you know how to access them? Intuition is one of those elusive concepts that many of us know we should be using to enhance our opportunities for healing, but often, don’t quite know how to access. I remember a friend that had been a meditator for many years asking…
Discovering Your Inutition for Self-Healing
Someone recently asked me, “As an intuitive, how do you make decisions about what medical or healing care to receive? When I’m not feeling well or I’ve had an injury, I just go to the doctor. How do you figure out what to do?” No one had ever asked me that question. I really had…
Overriding Intuition and Psychic Abilities
I used to be a master at overriding intuition that came through one or two of my psychic abilities. For example, I would get a feeling about something, sometimes accompanied by one of those thoughts in the back of my mind about a direction or choice to make, and then I would logically make a case…