Do you ever feel as though you have entered rat-race season starting about the end of November? We can become so caught in up in what we think we should be doing for the holidays that we lose track of how we really want to be feeling. We send holiday cards that wish each other…
Great Source for Self-Healing Advice
Visiting with a couple that is very dear to me, I was recently reminded that some of the best self-healing advice you can ever hope to get is from a source most of us tend to ignore. This source knows you better than your own doctor knows you, and sees the emotional roots behind your…
A Little Understood Healer in Self-Healing
I’m here in Paris, and it is easy to become intoxicated by the art, architecture, wine and food of Paris. Nearly every street has a sidewalk café and patisseries are almost as frequent. The excellent coffee and croissants have been my temptation, though neither of them are particularly good for my body. Since my body…
Feel Yourself Well in Your Self-Healing
I was chatting with a client today and realized something I wanted to share with you. Sometimes in our self-healing, we are hoping that a treatment we are using will help us heal, without having to become too personally involved. That’s what we are used to when we take allopathic medications. It can happen with…
How Do I Heal From Guilt?
This is such an excellent question. Guilt is at the core of many illnesses. Its partner is regret. As long as we are living in emotional pain rooted in the past, we are going to have a difficult time healing in the present. Guilt is anger with yourself for some choice you have made. The…