Partially excerpted from “The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything” Many of us in our healing process look everywhere but inside for our answers. We search for doctors and healers who can make us better. We hope with all hope someone will provide us with the miracle cure. This approach can actually…
Looking for Miracles is Different than Believing in Them
When someone comes to me looking for an instantaneous healing, I know we are not likely to make very much progress. Are you wondering why? Doesn’t it seem to make sense that the more the person is able to believe in instant healing, the more likely it is going to happen? Indeed, I love to…
Self-Healing Miracles Are Within Your Reach
I woke up one morning with these words on the tip of my tongue, “The Root of All Healing.” What the heck is that, I wondered? It happened two more days in a row. I knew it had to be something significant, but I had no clue what that might be. Hoping to get some…