While this article addresses the metaphysical nature of Parkinson’s Disease for self-healing, you might find it helpful to become acquainted with physical causes. Here is a synopsis from the Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/parkinsons-disease/DS00295/DSECTION=causes
What I appreciate about Mayo Clinic is that they explain traditional medical treatment options as well as alternatives. I was intrigued to see that there may be some link to viruses. You can explore more on your own here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/parkinsons-disease/DS00295
What Are the Metaphysical Roots of Parkinson’s
Metaphysically, Parkinson’s stems from a refusal to engage life on life’s terms. It is based in a fear that as we are, we are not enough to meet the challenges that life offers. According to my intuitive guidance, it is the unworthiness behind the disease that prevents people from experiencing total healing. But unworthiness is a feeling that can heal, and when it does it frees your energy for physical healing.
In feeling unworthy, you might be finding you have a great longing to be in control. Control can be a way of trying to feel worthy or good enough in the world.
But control that doesn’t allow you to relax enough to see that life has its own flow and rhythm, with much of that flow working for you, naturally. In order to heal, you need to give over to what is seemingly impossible to do—realize that you cannot and don’t need to control the world around you.
It is an opportunity to recognize that all life is worthy and good enough, simply because it exists—because it comes from the love of the Divine. When you become comfortable with this concept inside of you, you’ll find you relax more, feel safer, and trust in Universal love for you with greater ease. This is the love that heals.
I did not read Louise Hay’s book before I did my own meditation. But here is what she says about Parkinson’s Disease: Fear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone. Clearly, we saw this illness almost identically.
Parkinson’s, and if you have it you already know this, is a nervous system disorder. I discuss the metaphysical roots of damaged nerves in this self-healing article, here at Self-Healing Secrets, and you might find that it provides you with some additional insights. Here is an excerpt from that article: From a metaphysical view, nerves can reflect hypertension—in feelings and beliefs—played out through your physical body. Hypertension of this nature can occur when you are taking on more than your fair share—controlling as much as possible in order to feel safe and worthy in the world. You could be overextending by demanding too much of yourself physically, emotionally or mentally, or all three. Relaxing into Divine love for you allows you to feel worthy again, release your grip, and feel safe in the world.
You can read the rest of the article at: https://misahopkins.com/1247/how-do-you-heal-damaged-nerves/
Let’s put all of these together in a picture. If you have experienced life as being unsafe—as a child, from a past life, or from experiences in your adulthood—you might be profoundly motivated to make your world safe by controlling everything that you can. That pressing need to control is too much demand on your emotions and body. That excessive demand becomes manifested in your body as Parkinson’s. The disease is trying to tell you to stop being so hard on yourself and everyone around you. Your expectations are simply too high, though understandably probably rooted in a desire to be safe.
What you probably already know is that you can’t control everything anyway, but the impulse or drive to control is so strong that you don’t know how to quiet it down. That’s an indicator about how unsafe you probably feel. Let’s focus just on safety for a moment. How do you develop a greater sense of safety in your world?
Addressing the Lack of Safety You Feel
Let me suggest something from my book, The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything. Consider spending a significant period of time with Mother Earth. Think about where you go when you want to reconnect with life. Do you think about the ocean, the mountains, the desert, a river, or a garden? Do you need to build a greenhouse so that you can experience the plants all year long? Do you need to take a trip somewhere?
You see, the Mother is a profound healer. You can’t control her. You can only fall in love with her and admire her. As you enjoy her you receive her calming influence. You reconnect with the healing power of her circadian rhythms and negative ions, which I discuss at greater length in my book. As you rest with her, your body relaxes, your emotions soften, you feel safer and you heal. You discover that you can even rest in her unpredictability. You don’t know from day to day whether she will be windy, sunny, raining, or storming, and yet somehow regardless of her moods, with her you can relax and remember that you are a part of her.
She is like a mother wrapping her arms around you in the scent of the trees recently visited by the rain, singing to you through the surging of the water, hugging you in the warmth of the sunshine, and rocking you to sleep as raindrops fall on the roof. She is the ultimate earthly mother, because she is always there. She has after all been here for billions of human beings for thousands of years.
Each one of us is capable of learning how to love life as it is and then to live in trust of the Divine. When that happens, life reflects that trust and the world reflects a sense of ease. If you have not been able to safely trust in your life, you might consider beginning a relationship in trust with Mother Earth.
Addressing the Unworthiness You Feel
Now, worthiness. As you feel more safe, allow yourself to notice the subtle ways in which life is supporting you—not because you have earned that support or because you have done something to push it away. You are supported because you exist. Food grows that humans can eat. Water nourishes your body. Sun warms you and charges you with energy, and on and on.
Unworthiness occurs because you think you have done something wrong and as a result have been denied love. Unfortunately, this is often played out between parents and their children, where the withholding of love is used as punishment.
In the Holding meditation I share for free at my non-profit site, New Dream Foundation, you get to discover and get comfortable with Divine love—a love that is ever present and cannot be earned or withheld.
I have been studying alternative medicine, and more in the field of metaphysics for over 50 years. As a long time follower of Louise Hay, it made perfect sense to consider the Mind-Body-connection. I was delving into this field of study before Louise Hay so when she became the voice for truly making the connections between what people were thinking and believing and the manifestations of diseases it opened up a massive un-investigated science, which when truly studied becomes painfully obvious.
To that, I have a sister-in-law in her 60’s now who has Parkinson’s Disease. She began having symptoms in her 50’s and not until later was diagnosed. I could see how and why she developed the disease. She wears a mask to the world, appearing as the soft spoken, hard working person. But, as an intuitive myself it was easy to see the fumes coming out of her ears, her inability to be genuinely happy for others, very competitive to a fault, which leads to needing to control situations and all people. The image verses content. She is quite passive-aggressive, so not someone you’d want to spend lots of time with. Unfortunately, she would never be secure enough to investigate her beliefs, let alone own up to what’s really brewing inside her mind. But, like all things, … it leaks out. She will likely go to her grave with her ‘disease’.. Dis– Ease worsening. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
All illnesses begin in mind first. Few want to know that. They’d rather remain in known hells than risk unknown heavens.
I’ve learned to not offer suggestions to people I can intuit are closed minded. They’d never pick up Louise Hay’s books. Know who is open to change. And, do not waste energy on those who are too attached to their story. Help those who want help. They tend to be the exception, but any and all can heal anything. Anything.
Hi! I know how difficult it is to be with those you love when they are not drawn to understand the how the mind and emotions contribute to illnesses. It is not easy to watch someone lose their capacity to live with joy and ease. I have learned over the years that it is compassionate and respectful to allow people their right to choose their own path when it comes to healing. Most of us hope that our loved ones will respect our choices regarding our bodies and our lives, even when we know they don’t understand it. I find it relatively easy for us to want it from others, but it can be so very difficult to give… and yet, the Divine endows us with the gift of choice. Our guides and ancestors typically model this approach so beautifully. They leave us to our discoveries and are there when we ask for their help and insight. I have found that if a loved one is not open to “alternative” concepts, and their spirit allows, I Hold them in all-accepting love, and ultimately that may be the greatest gift I can offer, as it is the expression of Divine love. It’s not easy, but I find loving each other in the presence of each other’s limitations is the honorable work of being human.
1st dont read comments as good idea before posting spontaneously… retired from healthcare, worked much of it in long term care. of late its been a lot to revisit all things ‘thought’ known. Have made less insightful referance, but similar. So it was rather a kind thing to see, not malicious.
Montgomery, it is lovely to know you have drawn your own similar conclusions. Thanks for taking a moment to share that. 🙂
Hi Misa,
I recently read your article on Parkinson’s and found these comments very discouraging and depressing. “According to my intuitive guidance, it is rarely cured because the unworthiness behind the disease prevents people from experiencing total healing.” If I was a person that easily gave up I would have lost all hope.
Shirlene, I’m so sorry that sentence caused you to feel discouraged and depressed. I would never want someone to feel that way about their healing. I absolutely believe in each person’s potential to heal even the most chronic conditions. I was not speaking in that sentence to an individual’s potential. Rather, I was speaking to unworthiness as being behind the pervasiveness of this condition on the planet. I’ll make sure I change the article to reflect this and a greater sense of personal hope. I absolutely believe every person can heal and the rest of the article explains how circumstances can cause us to feel unworthy, points to suggestions that can help an individual feel safe and worthy, and suggests an article about how to heal nerves. My 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul program, particularly assists individuals in discovering the worthiness that allows us to heal emotionally and physically. Know that I’m Holding you in my heart for your complete well-being and healing.
I was so interested in reading this. I have been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s and am desperately trying to find ways of healing naturally. Can you offer suggestions as to how to improve my walking? It is the thing that affects my life most and I hate going out walking now as I am so self conscious. What would you recommend most for self healing? I am amazed that you managed to heal yourself of MS. How did you manage to do that? I am a huge nature lover and have been a keen gardener for over 30 years. I love the idea of Mother Nature healing me but not sure where to start? Your advice would be most appreciated. Are you based in the States?
Hi Marion, Those are some pretty big questions. I can appreciate how challenging it must be to go out into the world when you don’t feel you can walk well. I often recommend people get connected to their own spiritual gifts and healing abilities. This is where you can see the most dramatic changes. And that is how I healed MS. You might start with my book, The Root of All Healing, and go from there: https://misahopkins.com/shop/books/the-root-of-all-healing-7-steps-to-healing-anything/. If you are not on my mailing list for regular insights, I recommend it and you can do that here: https://MisaHopkins.com. And yes, I am based in the US. Know that I am holding you in my heart.
thanks….so much…………i have parkinson……….i nne to let go and become whole…there i will find myself…
please st in touch with me…
Shame on you, making money of of diseased people, who feel at the end of their road and feeding their fear by telling them they have caused their own diseased.
First of all, if you are suffering from Parkinson’s, my compassion is with you. I do not and would not blame you for the suffering you endure. If you feel you are at the end of your road, you also have my compassion. I have experienced that feeling. It was a difficult and painful time. So my heart hears you. I do not usually post comments from people who feel compelled to try to shame me, because I believe personal and societal healing is benefited by compassionate communication, even when we don’t understand one another. However, today I was compelled to respond to you because I think there is a misunderstanding. For those of us who explore the metaphysical roots behind an illness, we are not looking to blame ourselves for the situation we find ourselves in, nor are we seeking to blame others. We are seeking to take full responsibility for how our own beliefs and emotions contributed to a way of being or created an environment that allowed an illness to grab hold. Of course, there are physical causes too, and there are experts who better address the physical roots. But my spiritual path took me in a different direction for healing. In recovering from more than one chronic condition, I have personally experienced the gifts of this kind of emotional/spiritual work, and now gratefully help others with the insights and tools I have learned. This kind of work is not for everyone, and for those drawn to it, it can greatly empower one’s healing. I do not see my clients as diseased people. I see them, in the same way I see you, as beautiful people with personal mountains to climb. I’m honored to provide hundreds of pages of insights, tools, and meditations on my websites, freely given. Yes, I am also paid by amazing clients who would like some personal support in applying the tools and insights they are learning. In many years of my own spiritual/emotional healing and in supporting others, I do know that in Divine grace, there are many roads to healing. I wish you healing.
with regards to making money from diseased people…how do u explain the medical doctors whom we paid millions of dollars to for diseases but may or may not heal or be healed? how come its ok for them to earn and no one questioned it? i do believe in causes and effects, that we may unknowingly attract diseases to us…the question is how do we prevent this – fear & emotional distress comes to us naturally, unconsciously at times and its deep seated can be debilitating without us knowing it
May, I can’t really speak to our medical system, except to suggest that healing is as much an art as a science. And it is a relationship between two people—the client and the healer. Perhaps, if we knew from a young age how to keep our minds and emotions clear, we would be less prone to needing physical illness to teach us. Perhaps, we would also be more intuitively aware and less prone to filling our world with toxic substances. Until we have reached that level of consciousness, we get to learn how to love ourselves through and beyond our illnesses. Personally, when I enlist the help of a doctor or any healer, I work from the assumption that I am responsible for my healing. I have asked for their expertise to help me, but I have found I heal best when I take full responsibility for my wellness. 🙂
Enjoyed this very much . The person Ibsm working with fits the profile
Glad to hear it and hope it helps. 🙂
I am caring for a woman with Parkinson’s Disease. The insights you have shared here are invaluable! We can now work together toward her healing!
Much love!
So glad the insights are helpful Kate! 🙂
I thank you for your words. They resonate with me and help me feel that I am on the right road. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s almost 3 years ago and am still only in my early 50s. I was so afraid that I would spiral down to a life of immobility. I couldn’t walk — primarily because of my fear I am sure — but I tried to force myself to learn again. My gait was that of jointed doll whose jerky movements were controlled by a puppet master. I decided at that moment that I was in charge of my own body and I was responsible for my own health. I have tried so many things to optimise my health – through diet, meditation, exercise. What I have discovered is that when I can “get into the groove” – whether through playing music or dancing or listening to the ocean – I enter the rhythm of the earth and I am free. I can walk again. I swing my arms and rejoice in my freedom. I know I can heal myself. I feel the power of the infinite touch me and know it is within myself to be able to access it.
As an aside, I should just add that my very illustrious Parkinson’s doctor has told me on my last 2 visits that “you are improving. Not just reaching a plateau, but actually improving”. I am not a scholar of religion but I am reminded that Jesus told every person who was miraculously healed “it is your faith that healed you”. We have the power to heal ourselves.
The road is not a straight line. But it goes up more than it goes down. The union of mind, body and spirit comes so rarely but the circle of wholeness when it does come strengthens my very nerve endings. We can heal.
Wanda, I’m so glad you have shared your story. There is something truly wonderful that happens the minute we decide, as you did, that we are in charge of our own bodies. I love that you know the sounds and movement are the conduit for you to feel connected to the earth, the infinite and your freedom! Like you, like Jesus, I too have come to believe that it is our faith that heals us. The healer amplifies the faith that is already there. I honor your progress and that you have embraced the journey of healing – step by step discovering who you really are and your beautiful freedom!
dear wanda
i read your post with great emotion
i also am in early fifties and diagnosed last year
so far i am not taking medication n notice my condition fluctuates depending on my anxiety n fear
lately i have experienced great fatigue n often feel very alone
i am also a musician n songwriter n feel best when i play my music
would love to exchange emails with you to share our journey towards recovery
much love and many thanks again
hi…what do i need to heal from parkinson………..meditation………..affirmation…i have the faith….how do i get rid of fear…
Hi! I’m so glad you are aware that you need to address the fear directly. There are alternative options and releasing the fear opens up your energy to receive healing. Here are two articles that might be helpful to you: https://misahopkins.com/frozen-by-fear/ and https://misahopkins.com/moving-through-the-fear-so-that-healing-can-occur/. If you feel you need more one on one support, check out my Private Counseling Sessions here: http://misahopkins.com/private-sessions-with-misa/. Holding you in a vision of wellness!
looking for answers please my brother who is in unbelievable shape & takes care of his body just got diagnosed with parkinson
at the age of 50 2 small kids ,he the kind of person that would do to get better ..so im looking for answer
thank you
Hi Dominick, so sorry to hear about your brother’s diagnosis. If he is open to it, I would encourage him to seek out the advice of a functional doctor. They tend to be more aware of natural treatments that get results. http://functionalmedicinedoctors.com/. He might also find it helpful to read my book, “The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps for Healing Anything.” It will give him ideas about how to get into the mind and heartset that gets us to actual healing results. It’s quite lovely of you to reach out on his behalf!
Hi all, very interesting reading your posts. I was diagnosed with P.D. 3 years ago, but have shown systems for about 10 years. Straight away I went to the metaphysical cause and could only somewhat relate.
I have been on medication since diagnosis with very little results, and many side affects.
I had an unsafe childhood, followed by an unsafe marriage, both of which I have tried healing from, but it only been recently my true controlling nature has been revealed to me. I used to think my actions were out of love, but I can now see it as controlling and not letting others take responsibility for their own choices. I always felt I had to make things right, to the point that my body said enough!
At point in time I am considering switching completely to alternative therapies while I still have the energy to balance the unbalances.
I found your blog very interesting, it fits well with my belief system. I would like to read the article about repairing nerve damage, (but link not working for me). Also interested in the hypno cd.
I wish you all well, as I do for myself.
Thank you
Thanks so much for sharing about your journey. Please try this link: http://self-healingsecrets.com/1247/how-do-you-heal-damaged-nerves/ to read the article about healing nerve damage. I don’t have a hypnosis CD to share with you; however you might find my book helpful, and soon we will have some healing CD’s available. So, so sign up for my mailing list so that you can be notified when the CD’s are ready. Best to you in your journey of self-healing!
thanks for sharing the interesting viewpoints.
However.. do you remember a single (or more) cases of pd,
where your spiritual and psychological insights were
leading actually to a practical Recovery from pd?
Or is this article just a kind of theoretical and philosophical discourse?
I would be very happy to get a response from anyone
to this quest-ion, like
“Yes, I know first hand, I saw it with my own eyes,
that so and so many people got healed from pd
through that approach.”
I hope my quest-ion is not to naive.
Thanks and perfect health to all of you!
You ask a really great question. I meditate for metaphysical insights about the various conditions I write about on my blog. In my experience, most (if not all) illnesses have a metaphysical root. Understanding the root helps us know where to begin paying attention to the beliefs, emotions, and needs beneath the illness. Although I cannot say I have met someone with Parkinson’s directly using this perspective, in my experience exploring the metaphysical roots (this perspective or your own) supports whatever condition you are healing. Let me know what you experience!
I am also very interested in the hypnosis CD. Is it available?
My husband is suffering from Parkinson but he is not outwardly
controlling. He does have fear I believe in not having control
over things. I also wonder if the death of a favorite nephew in
an accidental death has something to do with my husband
developing the dis-ease. His symptons started within 6 months
of his death.
Jodi, Did you get the information about the CD?
Amazing–today have been grieving an emotional loss, a friend diagnosed last year with Parkinson's. His insistence on trying to control everyone and everything around him is "legendary" and he may be the most isolated person I've ever met because who will put up with that for long?I am no longer part of his life, so will not be able to share this–and it isn't likely he would consider letting go control of one molecule. Not for a minute. Sometimes knowledge isn't power, but it is still better to know, and I will take this to heart myself. I am still surrounded by over-controlling people to a lesser degree–perhaps my example can benefit them to some extent. Thank you, Misa!
I can only imagine how much pain he must have experienced to cause him to be so controlling. How lovely that you are willing to be for yourself a balanced space so that others have the opportunity to experience balance through you. Holding balance for ourselves, knowing that it can benefit others is truly a beautiful gift for everyone!
Great insights Misa, I very much enjoyed reading it. I'm working with a client now to reduce the symptoms of Parkinsons, I am recording a hypnosis CD for her, and I will let you know how it goes! Thank you so much for your inspiration!
Holly, I'm so glad to know you are a recording a hypnosis CD and I expect there are other visitors to this site that will be glad to know that kind of aid could be available to them too! And I know how good you are at it. Please do let me (us) know how your client progresses. Those beautiful, deep trance spaces are so perfect for helping us open to full and complete healing!
Holly, I am very much interested to know how the hypnosis CD worked for your client. My wife was diagnosed in 1999 and recently her illness has taken a turn for the worse. I know that she is better when she can relax or when she is laughing at a funny movie. If you have finished the CD would it be possible to get a copy? I have suggested to her that she should try hypnosis and she seemed to be open to the idea.
Beautiful thoughts! They resonate with me. Even when I felt unsafe as a child, I found my sanctuary in the ravines or woods.
Mother Earth is truly an ultimate healer. She provides such safe sanctuary—a place in which to remember that all is well. And we know to go there even when we are children. I'm so glad you are reminding us about that. It's good to carry that natural wisdom we had as children into our adulthood challenges too.