Metaphysical meaning of nerve damage…
Before we talk about the metaphysical meaning of nerve damage, let’s take a look at how nerves get damaged and some of the physical treatments for them.
Nerves become damaged for a variety of reasons. This article at WebMD suggests some ways in which nerve damage occurs.
When I was healing from MS, I could feel my nerves shifting. I now understand that the myelan sheath (insulation) around some of my nerves may have been deteriorating, as explained in this article at medicinenet.
Although I approached my MS with energy healing rather than using physical remedies, you might want to consider some physical treatments. Here is an article discussing options for nerve damage and spinal chord injuries:
And here is another article discussing options for neuropathy (or nerve damage) and the use of supplements:
While I was self-healing, I was aware that I was learning to relax my nerves and call my body into balance as part of the healing process. My therapy of choice was sound healing. You might prefer other approaches, but you are probably going to discover that nerves typically need calm in order to heal.
Understanding the metaphysical meaning of nerve damage…
Nerves can reflect hypertension—in feelings and beliefs—played out through your physical body. Hypertension of this nature can occur when you are taking on more than your fair share. You could be overextending by demanding too much of yourself physically, emotionally or mentally, or all three.
If you are running around from early morning until late at night, every day of the week (or nearly every day), you might want to consider whether you have an unreasonable expectation of your physical stamina. You may be stressing your body, attempting to make sure everything gets done, all the while depriving your body of much needed rest.
For example, if you find yourself becoming angry regularly, you are experiencing tremendous stress that could result in an overtaxed nervous system. Whether you express that anger or internalize it, you are holding a belief that you or someone you know needs to meet an expectation. You may find it helpful to evaluate your expectations to see if they are unreasonable for your current circumstances. You might want to consider relaxing your standards and discovering the wonders of the unexpected.
You could be living a relatively inactive life and still be stressing your nerves. How does that happen? That occurs when you hold a belief that you are not good enough because you are not living up to an internal expectation you have of yourself. So a part of you is trying to drive you forward, whether or not you are physically, emotionally or spiritually up to fulfilling the expectation.
Louise Hay sees nerves as related to communication. This makes sense if you are driving yourself forward with tension and not listening to the deeper needs beneath your pain. When your true needs are being over-ridden by your expectations, your internal communication is compromised.
My own experience healing damaged nerves…
With my MS, I discovered that my silent expectation of myself was so unreasonable it wasn’t going to be fulfilled. I was embarrassed when I finally admitted what was driving me, because I knew it wasn’t achievable. My spiritual self didn’t want to admit I actually believed it, but my body needed me to be honest with myself. What was the belief? Deep inside, I saw my role in “saving the world” to be more than that of anyone else.
This was an inner longing to save myself and a longing to be special. When I finally admitted (communicated honestly with myself) that this was the agenda behind my MS, I was able to reframe the belief. I “saved myself” by acknowledging how special I truly was, and then looked around me to notice the special qualities of everyone I knew. Once I honored my need to be special, the belief simply no longer needed to exist, and I no longer felt driven.
I discuss the power of subconscious needs, such as this in my book, The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything. You can try a variety of methods, but until you honor the subconscious need driving your illness and meet that need in healthier ways, your body will continue to remain ill as an attempt to meet the profound underlying need.
The biggest nerve healer…
Nerves are traditionally slow healers, as explained by Dr. Nathan Wei in this article: So remember to be patient as you attend to your nerves and the underlying cause of your discomfort. By the way, Dr. Wei discusses pinched nerves in this article. Notice that he recommends rest as one of the best ways to address this condition. (Personally, I find some gentle yoga stretches to be very helpful for keeping my sciatic nerve in its proper place; however, even those stretches are restful and easy.)
Nerves coordinate the impulses between the mind and body. If your feelings and beliefs are by their nature inducing a state of hypertension, then your nerves are going to reflect that heightened state. Clearly, relaxing in life is the biggest nerve healer.
If fulfilling major underlying emotional needs will help you rest and relax, check out my 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul program. Understanding the beliefs and feelings that are at the source of your tension, and meeting those needs in new ways, will support you in experiencing a greater state of true relaxation so that your damaged nerves can actually self-heal.
Hi Misa
I found your blog while searching for help. I have nerve damage in my mental nerve, and alveolor inferior nerve along my chin due to dental trauma. I am in incredible pain. It was bad a couple years ago and due to recent dental extraction it’s set off again. Do you have any supplemental tips for me, or specifically questions I should be asking myself.
I suffer with much negativity, depressive symptoms, emotional paralysis and have done since being a teen.
Thank you in advance for your kindness,
Hi Emily. Nerve pain is just no fun. My specialty is in emotional and energetic healing, so when I was experiencing nerve pain, I did some research on the internet for natural remedies for nerve pain. I then checked in intuitively for which ones were going to be best for me. And I checked them out with my naturopathic/medical doctor. Herbs can sometimes be a little slower than medication, but they do help to heal and restore. I recommend seeing a functional medicine or holistic doctor to help you with natural approaches to healing physically. There are several directories online. Here is one of them: If you are not on my mailing list, you might want to hop on. We regularly discuss how to heal the emotional roots and traumas behind our physical challenges. As emotional roots heal, our physical healing usually follows with greater ease. All you need to do is sign up for the gift on this page to get on my list. Most of all, know that my heart is with you.
Hello Misa,
I just came across your article via an internet search “spiritual meaning of nerve injury.” My daughter fell with a Yoplait yogurt glass in her hand last fall, and the glass shattered and went into her arm, severing a forearm muscle and her ulnar nerve and artery. She was 17 months old at the time. This accident happened during cleanup of an event that my family and I worked hard to put on on our farm, and during a time of emotional upheaval for me because of interpersonal challenges with my aunt and uncle. The trauma of the accident and coinciding familial challenges have coupled in my mind, and I often try to figure out ways to make my daughters accident my fault. Did it happen because of this thing I did or that? What I read here really resonated, and I also felt guilt because I thought about how hard I pushed myself and my little family to make that event happen, and I wonder if my pushing myself, and my daughter by default, is why she fell and got hurt. I’m struggling because it all feels connected, and that scares me. My therapist assures me that accidents happen, and that this was a freak accident. I am doing my best to believe that, and while I grieve my daughters accident all day every day, she is healing and has been so strong.
Thank you for reading,
Hello Allison. I’m so sorry you and your daughter are going through this. I’m so glad to hear that your daughter is healing. We have such amazing ability to recover when we are young. What I’m hearing is that you need some compassion for yourself and your regret, so that you can bring less guilt and even more compassionate healing energy to your daughter. There is a beautiful and ancient practice that I share in a meditation called the Holding. This would be a powerful place in which to bring your guilt and regret so that it can be held in the compassion of infinite love—that is there for all of us to remember and feel. As the regret softens, you’ll be able to feel the flow of Divine energy pulsing through you—and that will empower you in your ability to provide even greater strength and healing to your precious daughter—through that pure love. For whatever reason, she needed this experience in her life, she needs you, yes? She draws strength from your strength. You can download the meditation for free at my nonprofit – Sacred Feminine Awakening – When the regret is gone and your daughter healed, you can use the same meditation to help you with emotional challenges in your family. Know that I’m Holding you in my heart as you the two of you navigate this sacred time of healing together.
Hi, I just came across your article this evening. I’m a 73 year old retired teacher in the UK and have suffered from what was eventually diagnosed as Pudendal Neuralgia for 11 years. This pain and the limitations it imposes has had a massive effect on my daily life-and it’s getting worse rather than better as the years go by. I’ve tried just about every therapy you can mention, but only medication from my GP is of any help. I’m open to new approaches but feel hurt by some of the people out there who have exploited people like me by providing useless therapies-sometimes at very high cost. You mention some kind of session with you-what might that involve and could it be done at a distance, say using Skype?
Hi Alan. I’m so sorry to hear about the pain you’ve been experiencing for so long. I have had my moments with neuralgia, so I have some empathy. I’m glad to hear that medication is helpful! Many of my clients begin with a Healing Reading. That’s because I look for the spiritual/emotional root of a condition. I also look to see what spiritual gifts YOU have that can make a difference in your healing. In my experience, healing the spiritual/emotional root frees up one’s own healing gifts and intuition to work better for you—allowing Divine love (the great healer) to shift your reality. If that speaks to you, you can check it out here: Most of all know that my heart is with you.
wow im impressed by this article
Thank you Judith. I’ve done it personally, so I’m happy it resonates with you. 🙂
Thank you so much for writing this article with all the significant references. I suffer excessively from widespread nerve pain and have not found just the thing that resonates with me as this article. I appreciate the work suggested to take me to the next step.
Cynthia, I’m so sorry to hear you are challenged by this. I’ve healed neuropathy. It takes dedicated love and focus, and inner wisdom can be a fabulous guide! Personally, the biggest healing happened with some supplements and meditation practice. I’m glad you’ve found some insights here and wish you comfort and ease in your body!
Awesome! 🙂
This is extremely interesting never heard of the connection before.
Hi Misa,
It’s great to have found your website. To be honest, I am at my wits end with nerve pain, stiffness in my back and muscle tightness in my lower back, left glute and down the back of my left leg, not to mention sciatic pain. I’ve been like this for 15 years and seen multiples therapists and specialists, including chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, musculoskeletal specialists, podiatrists etc etc. No matter what I do or who I see, my nerve pain persists. I’ve been told that perhaps my pain is neurological. I also had an MRI about eight years ago and was told that although I have a slightly bulging disc, it isn’t impinging on the nerve.
My pain and stiffness rule my life. I’m 46 and don’t feel I’m able to fully pursue my goals and live freely. It’s is truly debilitating and depressing sometimes.
Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Many many thanks,
Hi Nadine. So sorry about this. I do have an idea about how debilitating nerve pain can feel. One of the ways I like to attend to nerves is to ask them what they need through meditation. Even dreams can offer insights about what the body needs. I’ve also learned to lean on my spiritual healing gifts to assist me—something I help people discover for themselves in Healing Readings, along with getting to the emotional root behind the condition. Nerves can be affected by viruses, bacteria, and microbes in my experience, so a pinched nerve is not the only source of pain. I’ve also found a compliment of herbs and supplements that make a big difference for me and this can easily be discussed with some online research and a consultation with a functional doctor. Nerves can and do heal. For lower back and sciatic nerve pain, I actually found yoga to provide great relief and then kept me from having pain. Please feel free to contact me for a Healing Reading or a Holding Session to help you get to the root. They are both available in my shop here. Most of all, I hold you in a vision of being truly free and at ease in your body.
Nadine, I just wanted to let you know that I REALLY feel you as I am in such a similar place. Unknown left-sided pain that initially started like sharp pain in left back/shoulder blade area and then because radiating pain down left arm and hand, and then full bodied-left sided pain has gotten progressively worse the last 9 months. I too have “migrating discs” but have been told it may not explain the pain. I’ve entered the hopeless phase the past 10 days…so I REALLY get how you feel.
Hi Miss, I have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Nueralgia and am struggling with taking anti-convulsant medication as I don’t take anything usually and am fit and healthy. Can you please suggest a way for me to relax the muscles in my jaw so that I can ease this excruciating pain without medication? TIA
Hi Susan,
Nerve pain is certainly challenging. The best relaxation I have every experienced has come through some form of meditation. I have a meditation called, Breathing Your Way to Physical Freedom, that I and my clients have used successful to alleviate pain. You can find it in my shop here at this website. I’ve also successfully used the Holding guided meditation which is available at Because they are in a guided form, they give your mind something to focus on which can be very helpful. Nerves like still and cool energy (yin), compassion, long slow sounds, soft colors, soft burning candles to remind our inner fire it needs a gentler pulse. You are always welcome to get a Healing Reading with me to help you get clear about your unique healing gifts to support your nerve healing and to get to the emotional root behind it. Holding you in a vision of love, ease and freedom!
Hi Misa,
I have been in a pattern of insomnia for quite some time. It’s now progressed into a lucid state where I go under, although I remain actively dreaming. My body, particularly the area of my head/ brain/ nerves/ spinal cord seem to remain active and awake. I used to feel huge amounts of pain, nerve pain, in my head in the beginning. This has lessened, though now I have a numbness and wake up feeling hurt around the skull area/ top and temporal. I took on energy healing 2 years ago and I felt my crown just seem to feel wide open for some time. I felt very unstable, my third eye felt overloaded, and from there I began to be in fear before bed. There was anxiety about feeling safe and then I stopped sleeping. My mind just seemed to race at night. I feel like a part of me lifted and tore out of my body, and in being afraid of how I was feeling, I also felt like of flares of energy shoot out of the top of my head, it was so painful I kinda shut down for a while. Since then I’ve had work to help me ground, but I still feel stuck out side of myself somehow.
I’m sorry to hear, Alina, how uncomfortable all this must be for you. I have an energetic perception about this. See how this feels to you. In my experience when the crown and third eye chakra are open all the time, if can be too much for some of us. It sounds like your nerves are completely overtaxed. In the way I was taught, it can be helpful to quiet down the amount of light (yang energy) you are present to by engaging stillness and darkness (yin energy) particularly as you are going to bed at night. This balanced state—moving from yang to yin, allows the body to rest and recuperate. (Think about how the body prefers darkness and stillness when you get a migraine.) What I’m suggesting is very similar. I have a meditation you can have for free that takes you safely into yin energy for emotional healing. Once you get to know it, you can adapt it for focus on your physical or energetic body if you like. You can get it at You can always schedule a Healing Reading or Holding Session with me as well if you feel a need for some direct support. Most of all, you have my compassion.
To whom it may concern, i got Guillian Barre 5years ago & my nerves haven’t healed. I am numb head to toe,can’t feel anything. I have been told by a Neurologist i will never heal. You said you healed your nerves….HOW????????
Hi Lea, I’m so sorry to hear this. However, there is some good news! I interviewed a woman some years ago who healed completely from Guillian Barre. Later, I spoke with a key manager from a health and services department who explained once the virus is out of your body, it is possible to regain normal functioning. I just healed the nerves in my face after a virus got hold of me and paralyzed half of my face. 1) Accupuncture has a good reputation for helping to rebuild nerves. I went to one to restore my facial nerves and muscle tone. 2) Talking with a holistic doctor about a good course of action for ensuring the virus is completely out of your body, and any lingering inflammation and pain is reduced or eliminated. 3) Read the “Biology of Belief” so you get an understand the influence you have over your body. 3) Get help to restructure your beliefs so that healing can occur. I’m happy to chat with you about what that might look like: Healing anything that has been deemed to be incurable starts with developing a mind and heart-set in which healing can occur. Holding you in a vision of mobility, lovely sensations,and happiness!
I had open inguinal hernia surgery on May 30th, 2019, without mesh. I’m now suffering with severe inguinal neuralgia (extensive numbness in the abdomen, upper thigh & groin, and excruciating nerve pain in the groin and hip.)
I can barely stand or walk for more than a few seconds or minutes without the nerve pain getting severely triggered, although it still hits intermittently when I’m sitting or lying down. At the least, it feels like a quick electrical shock, and at its worst, it feels like boiling hot water is being poured on me, 1000 hot knives are stabbing me, and a million electric shocks are being administered all at the same time. The pain can be so bad, that my body has symptoms of going into shock.
Gabapentin was prescribed recently, but it only takes a slight edge off. The nerve pain is still there, and the medication has horrible side effects, which I can’t stand. I want to get off it ASAP. I still have to confirm with the pharmacist if I’m allowed to take herbal supplements with it, since I want to use these in conjunction for nerve repair & regeneration.
The doctors believe that the ilioinguinal nerve is either caught in the sutures or it was damaged during surgery. Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm this without a second “exploratory surgery”, since Canada doesn’t offer MR Neurography (imaging to see and diagnose such small nerves.) Either way, the iliohypogastric & genitofemoral nerves have also been impacted.
I’d appreciate your thoughts on the possibility that the nerve is caught in the sutures (nerve entrapment.) Do you believe that supplements, alternative treatments (eg: physiotherapy, medical laser, PNP, etc.), metaphysical & emotional work, etc. can still help to heal it, or is this nerve bound to atrophy if I don’t go for the second surgery to release it? If it is indeed caught in the sutures, how long do I have until the nerve atrophies?
I’m worried that another surgery could possibly lead to further nerve damage. This has been such a traumatic experience, and I’d rather not opt for another surgery when we don’t even know if it’s necessary. I was told it could take months or years to heal, or could even become permanent. I’m young and recently started my own business (I’m educated in alternative healing methods, supplements, diet, etc.), so I need to get back to my old self to continue my mission! But I need to help myself before I can continue to help others. This is a nightmare and I want to find a way to heal this as quickly as possible.
Thank you for any feedback or advice you can offer.
Hello Christina, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been living with this pain. You might want to take a look at my response to Emily Flores, below. I have experienced neuropathy and have some idea about how persistent and severe the pain can be. My face recently was affected by a virus, and once again, I experienced intense nerve pain. What I didn’t mention with Emily is that in both cases I used homeopathic remedies and herbs (and have clients who have used my sound medicine) to get inflammation down and reduce or eliminate pain. I talked with my doctor about this and followed up with some on-line research about herbs for neuropathy. I’ve witnessed some pretty wonderful recoveries. In my world, all parts of the body can regenerate and heal. Another option you have is to schedule a healing reading, so I can get a better sense of your healing gifts, and beliefs or emotions that might be at the root cause or blocking any healing. You can check out my work at
Hi misa
I have ms as well. I am healing naturally no meds. My main issue is a neuropathy and foot pain. I love louise hay and am fascinated by metaphysics. I have felt in general in my life I general feeling of people and things being “on my nerves”…the irony of this does not escape me. I wondered if the fact that i feel irritable stems from a dislike for myself, resentment for doing things i dont want to do and just like you mentioned in this article..hypertension in life. I want to fix this. Any suggestions? What herbs have you found to help neuropathy? Also, do you work with individuals from a distance? I downloaded the free book and I have read things similar Bout false beliefs especially with divine healing. I can tell I will love your work. Thank you!
Hi Emily,
I can really sympathize with the neuropathy. I experienced it off and on for a few years. I used 4 approaches. 1. I did some research on line for herbs and supplements for neuropathy and found a blend that felt right for me, and that made an immediate difference. A good functional doctor should also be able to help you with this. Here is one directory and there are a few others on-line: 2. I found that a deep meditative state worked well for me in getting relief, healing the emotional roots and in physically healing my nerves. I teach this practice in this course: 3. I did exercises to strengthen my vagus nerve, because a healer traced most of my issues to damage to that nerve specifically.We had the smart meter removed from our house, which helped tremendously. 4. We then moved to an area where they don’t use smart meters and the symptoms stopped completely. I believe all of these played a significant role in finally getting full relief. Come back, and let us know what you decide to do and how they work for you! 🙂
Dear Misa,
I am so hopeful after reading your blog. I’ve had Type II diabetes for 15 years and was controlling it with traditional oral meds until they stopped working. In the last four years, I’ve slowly developed numbness in my feet and now they feel as if they’re taped up tightly in duct tape. I’m assuming it’s diabetic neuropathy.
I now control my blood sugars (over the last few months) without any meds at all via intermittent fasting and clean eating, but there’s no relief to my feet and it’s a constant source of my obsessive anxiety and discomfort. To make matters worse, in September, I broke my femur in a freak accident and am in a rehab facility for 12 weeks total following surgery, with no weight bearing on the injured leg.
What can I do to reverse or at least reduce the discomfort in my feet? I’m desperate. Thank you so much for listening.
Hi Shelley,
Congratulations on controlling your diabetes with fasting and diet! Please allow me to suggest you find a Functional Medicine Doctor that can help you in regard to your foot. I have personally found herbs and supplements that put an end to neuropathy, but with the diabetes, I think good medical advice would be wise. Functional doctors are inclined to discuss diet, herbs, supplements and alternatives with you and have the ability to prescribe medication if that is truly needed. Here is one of several directories on-line for locating functional medicine practitioners: Some of us find it helpful to use meditative practices to help calm the energy, release any metaphysical roots behind the neuropathy and receive insights for healing. I have one available for free at my non-profit website. It’s the one I used when neuropathy was troubling me. You can get it at Thanks for reaching out. I hope you find relief soon!
One more thought. I found that getting away from smart meters made a huge difference. Also, making sure your brain chemistry is balanced helps us cope with all of the electro-magnetic impulses we are exposed to today. I use sound healing to keep myself balanced, but that is also something you could explore with a functional medicine doctor. 🙂
I had a severe accident, lacerating my main artery and median nerve also partial ulnar and my main artery in my left arm was replaced. Then I had nerve surgeries taking some nerves from my ankles and calves and putting them in my left arm. Since then my muscles have been, I don’t know, shrinking? I have weird tremors and sensations sometimes pain. I know it’s a nervous thing. My doctor says it’s nothing but admits to seeing the dramatic on going symptoms. I firmly believe I can heal with positive thoughts and mindfulness but I do not know how. It pains me to admit it but vanity, vanity drives me. My looks are so different it alarms me. Worse, I know that eventually if it persists this way my looks will be the least of my worries. I can not envision myself living a life with health issues. My hand and arm has healed tremendously I don’t know what’s going on with my body but I know it just has to stop. God saved my life, not to suffer but to be well. I hope I don’t sound crazy but I hope you can help.
K, I know that atrophying muscles can be painful as well demoralizing. Your vanity just might be the perfect to incentivize you to find your healer within. Maybe not as spiritual as we think we “should be,” but looking as good as we possibly can is how we tend to the gift of having human bodies. You might start with my book, The Root of All Healing, which you can get here at the website. Consider following it up with either my Psychic Powers course, so you can discover your spiritual gifts and how they work for you, or get a Healing Reading, where I share your spiritual gifts with you and help you in seeing how to use them. Most of all, the accident has taken you into a profound journey into self-love, and there is no limit in how much we can love ourselves! 🙂
I am doing the meditation and it’s very powerful. I plan to buy the books and the other meditations this week. Can you tell me if I can heal from blepharoptosis on the left eye (all my health problems are on the left side of the body). I have looked into the metaphysical side and some say that in women it’s to do with resignation and sadness at a dissatisfactor spouse, marriage and child problems. I’ve a difficult step daughter and my husband’s ex wife who have impacted on our marriage, how we see each other and on our happiness. Can I recover my eye from the pstosis and the recurring shingles that affects it (5 bouts).
Elizabeth, I personally believe that the only limits to our healing are the limits we believe in. If Divine love is limitless, then so is our potential to heal. Those painful emotions from childhood and previous lives do not have to be permanent emotional states. As you are discovering with the Holding, emotions respond beautifully to compassionate love. The cells of our body follow. You might want to read my book, The Root of All Healing. (You can get it here on this website.) See if the concepts in it feel right to you, and if so, give permission for your own spiritual healing gift to awaken in you. With love, a quiet mind, and your healing gift working for you, you’ll open the doors to you potential. I’m holing you in a vision of wellness.
Hey, I have the same underlying belief of my own speciality. Please could you give some advice on that? How did you meet that belief in a healthier way?
Hi Latte. If you are referring to the underlying need to feel special that was associated to the MS, I let myself see and feel all the ways I was special. I did for myself what an adult might do for a child that wasn’t feeling very special and wanted to feel that way. It was an emotional need that longed to be honored and filled, so I did. 🙂 Hope that sparks ideas for you.
What about neuropathy from chemo???
Not one doctor can tell me whether this is permanent damage to my nerves (hands and feet) or not. I didnt even know this would be one of the side effects of chemo drug docetaxel. My oncologist didnt tell me. I am shocked to now know I might have to live with this discomfort and pain and not be able to do regular chores like I once used to, instead of celerating the fact that Im cancer free.
Please, if there is any specific advice you can give???
Thank you
(I’ve searched the internet endlessly for answers without success. Your website is the first that tackles this subject head on and positively)
Sev, I’ve experienced neuropathy so you have my compassion and sympathy. I can also provide some hope.
Here are some ideas:
1. If you do a little research on line or see a Functional Doctor, there are supplements that can help your nerves heal, reducing or eliminating the symptoms:
2. Check into cannabis. It’s known for it’s nerve-calming and restorative effects.
3. Reduce exposure to smart meters: Smart Meters
Information and facts:
EMF Telesummit with a Colleague of Misa’s:
4. Use the Holding Meditation (and do it often) that I offer for free at:
(You can Hold your nerves as well as your emotions.)
5. Then, write back and let me know how you are healing!
Holding you with love and compassion!
Thank you so much for your blog,
I am currently taking time out to heal my life and see what direction my life’s purpose takes me. I have financial debt from a previous business in yoga and healing , I had to close a large center , Since taking the time out , I have a lot of nerve pain , sciatica and neck pain. My partner is very kindly supporting me financially while I take 4 months out but I am ending up having physio [to no avail] which has been expensive and very challenging for me to receive for extras though he gives graciously. I am 49 and also my youngest child is about to leave home . My relationship with my mother is strained , we are very nice to one another but I only visit occasionally out of duty, I feel impatient every time she rings me , I feel judged and despite best efforts I always want to leave her company or conversations as soon as possible. I have the luxury now of this time which I am grateful for though I am worrying about the future, I feel that I am not to teach yoga anymore but I all I know is that my purpose is to be and spread love wherever I go I am a student of a course in miracles , I have always felt huge love and compassion for people and now all I feel is that most people or things are irritating. For example I get a text from a past student of mine , an older lady whom I thought for 3 years , I instilled in my students the practice of gratitude and now she texts me her gratitude lists everyday and it drives me insane. I feel really unkind and uncaring and wonder what is going on.
I have a facebook page called the House of Love and I am struggling to post on it at the moment and yet fear that if I dont ‘keep up’ I will be failing to be what people expect of me , which of course I have created in the first place.
I would be really grateful if you have any suggestions as to what I might do with the gift of this time , I feel quite lost despite prayer and meditation , I feel at times like I am disappearing, I also feel worn down and frayed from the physical pain. I have done a lot of intense work through ACIM and a spiritual teacher of tantra and some times I just seem to fill with fear and other times feel deeply connected to source. I also want to say thank you for this space as I am usually trying to be upbeat and positive but today I felt free to call it as it is having stumbled upon you and your beautiful writing.
Lots of Love to you Misa
Mia Sera
Mia, I personally identify with much of what you have shared here. It sounds to me like your soul needs some love. You might find some support with this article: Then if you are on my mailing list, watch for the announcement about my Happivize interview with Aimee, where we talk in more depth about these emotional needs and how to fill them. I have some sessions coming up to walk people through them and they are available through Aimee. As these deep soul needs are met, you might find it easier to be in compassion with your mother. 🙂
My husband had nerve damage in his feet making them numb, hurting and tingling. The dr said he’ll just have to live with it. He believes in Physic powers. Do you think there is any chance of his getting even a little better? Are there healing cd’s ? He loves to listen to meditation and regression Cd’s although he can’t seem to be hyptonized as I can. I do have past lives that I have gone back to but my belief isn’t that strong, because I wonder if they are fantasy “dreams” he had surgery to widen the narrowing that was damaging the spinal cord, which left him with this foot problem. I will be willing to do or try anything that could help him heal. Yesterday we celerberated our 49th Anniversary. Now I have been diagnosed with Reynauds Syndrome of my hands. Seems age is catching up.
Hello Farron,
When it comes to energy healing, silence or breath work are often gentler on nerves than sounds, unless you are making your own sounds and can monitor your reactions. I used sound to heal MS, so I know it is possible. Here is a little information about Raynauds from Dr. Weil and the energy treatments he recommends: I have two resources that might be helpful for you and your husband. Check out my Breathing Meditation: or download this free Holding meditation: Because Raynauds often accompanies or precedes an auto-immune condition, I hope you are working with a Functional Medicine doctor, because those are the doctors with whom people are seeing results from auto-immunes. Faron, when you see a past life, consider asking yourself this — out of all the “fantasies” I could have, why am I having this one? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether it is real or fantasized, if you accept it as communication from your subconscious mind. Congratulations on your 49 years together. That is quite a strong love and commitment. May you enjoy many more.
This really resonates with me. I have a pinched nerve in my glute. Allowing too many people’s demands to get to me and trying to satisfy all of their needs is creating a lot of stress for me.
Gavin, it’s great that you recognize the source of your stress. It can be challenging, but rewarding to change old patterns, and to make sure you are taking care of yourself before you consider the demands and needs of others. Sometimes, the demands of others are just not in alignment with our own priorities, and we can create a great deal of freedom for both parties when we decide to stop meeting the demands of others and focus on following our own internal guidance. You are embarking on a powerful journey!
Apparently I have some damage from acute stress or so, and it psychological as well… What can I do.
Keinna, I truly feel for you. If you have had a traumatic event that catalyzed your anxiety, you’ll probably need the help of a psychologist, hypnotherapist, and/or a shamanic practitioner to release the trauma of the original event. Here is an article that might offer some insights for you: Also, Keinna, my book, The Root of All Healing, here at the website talks about how and why nature helps you heal deeply emotionally, spiritually and physically. Keep in mind that all things heal, and stay true to your intention. Know that I’m Holding you in love!
I have radicle nerve damage due to fracture of my left hand after opening my fracture bandage i don’t up my wrist the doctor said me that i will heal in 1 month but i have tension what can i do
Anish, there are a couple of ways that you can approach this with sound. Some people have found great healing support with the Deep Peace recordings, and some have chosen to learn how to make healing sounds for themselves using the Sound Healing audio course. I do think you could find the Deep Peace recordings to be very soothing, and Richard’s low tones are wonderful for nerves. All the best in your healing!
Hi Misa
I believe that I’m mercury poisoned. I’ve had CFS for the last five years and have tried many treatments which help but nothing has made a real difference. I sense that the kinder I am to myself (something I find hard), the more this will open things up to physical healing. Could it be that if I accept who am (and address those negative, unconscious patterns) then perhaps the treatments will begin to work?
I particularly suffer with constipation so am unable to detox which is really frustrating. Any suggestions.
Hello Alison,
Perhaps there is wisdom in following your own sense of what is right for you. My own experience has been that as I tend to my emotions and spiritual body, the insights that allow my physical body come forward. As I become more compassionate, my resistance within me softens and result is healing. And my own innate spiritual gift through sound medicine emerged. Many people discover they have spiritual and natural gifts for healing once a greater trust is developed. It is quite a revelation to realize that the spirit within you is often the one that beats the odds and finds answers, particularly with conditions for which we don’t have known cures. You might enjoy some of the interviews with other women that have also discovered healing through the inner journey at You are embarking on a powerful journey of self-awareness. Compassion is the great healer. 🙂
Thank you for this insightful article. While I do not have a serious disease, I finally got to see a neurologist yesterday and he did the electronic nerve test — and said that yes, I have nerve damage. It will heal. Intuitively, I knew that I had to slow down; I tend to take on a LOT of various projects and am often juggling multiple balls and priorities.
Just the past couple of weeks, I started being much more meticulous with my self-care, including daily gentle yoga and meditation. I am also paying closer attention to what I eat and taking my nutritional supplements.
But this outlook on the what is underneath was truly helpful. It is all connected to our mind and emotions — and really getting in there to take a look is key.
Sandi, I too find it helpful to consider the metaphysical causes while tending to my physical needs. Wonderful to hear that, so quickly, you are adjusting your life style to lovingly tend to your care. Very inspiring!
My mother has just recovered from a compression fracture but her d7 of the spinal cord yet hurts I’ve tried asking many doctors and they say it’s a nerve compression. Her pain is so much that she is mentally traumatized what should be done in such a situation?
First of all, Najeebah, I am so sorry to hear that your mother is suffering. I know how difficult it is for the person in pain and the loved ones that are supporting. We tend to view conditions like this as hopeless and without cures. But the body is more malleable than we realize. Your mother most be holding a great deal of tension in her back. You might want to begin by considering this article I wrote about the metaphysical meaning of neck and back pain. In her case, the focus probably needs to be on the spine itself. I’m holding you both in my heart!
thank you so much for the clarity in this article. The doctor prescribed pain killers for a long standing problem – I have been to the spiritual healers. Everything here – especially the driving expectations as root cause nerve overload – makes perfect sense of a state of foggy non well being
I'm glad to know you found clarity that is helpful for you. Isn't it wonderful to know that we can actually help our cells in their healing by becoming aware of the unconscious agendas going on inside of us. We can rest our inner standards around achievement and allow life's gift to reveal themselves to us. In that state of allowing, our nerves can (and in my experience, do) heal. Thanks for sharing!
Whomever wrote this, I just bounced onto this site and I was diagnosed with MS. I want to mention to you if you happen to read this – that in fact I am mercury poisoned and I'm slowly healing from it. Mercury does affect your mind and body. Yes, learning how to relax is good but also since you have an MS diagnosis, to find out if you are mercury toxic and then you can chelate to get better.
I truly appreciate what you have shared and indeed learning about the physical causes of an illness and treating them directly are significant to healing. I'm so glad you mentioned the mercury poisoning.What I have discovered in my process of healing is that what can make one person susceptible to chronic illness and disease, while another person is not as susceptible can be what is happening emotionally and mentally. In the case of MS, my intuitive insight is that demanding and expecting too much of yourself puts stress on your body that results in greater susceptibility and slower healing. So while clearing out the mercury is a perfect response for physical healing, we can also support ourselves mentally and emotionally by being a lot kinder and gentler to ourselves.