The live event was a Zoom video call. However, due to a technical glitch, we are only able to provide the recording in audio-only format. Thanks for your understanding! 🙂 More Healing Resources
3 Steps to Finding Your Purpose and Brighter Future, Even Now
I think we can all agree that life as we know it has turned upside down in 2020. Add to that that even without a pandemic, most women feel their life shift significantly in their forties and fifties as our shifting hormones put everything to be examined under a microscope – our changing bodies, our…
Out of the Silence: What we can learn from a woman in prison in 1917
Recently, I asked author Miriam Reed, PhD to write a guest article based upon her book about Margaret Sanger. I was struck by how Sanger used the time she spent in prison to plan the Birth Control Movement that allowed women to finally be in charge of their pregnancies. This was revolutionary in 1917, because…
Negative Energy Attack or Healing Crisis?
Last week we talked about what is really happening when your life is cracking open, which for some people includes a crisis and/or healing crisis. Today, let’s explore a little more deeply the crisis part of the equation. Remember, we explored how things can seem to fall apart just before they get better. We looked…
Transformation—When Your Life is Cracking Open
When your life is cracking open… It seems like everything is falling apart. Life was just starting to get a little easier and suddenly things have gotten much harder. A part of you believes something wonderful is about to happen. Another part of you is afraid your dreams will never come true. One minute you…