I’ve received several requests to talk about the metaphysical meaning behind thyroid problems. I’m happy today to offer you the insights I received in meditation and to provide you with a few statistics as well.
When I started to write this article, I had forgotten a while back I did an article on the metaphysical meaning of thyroid dysfunction in general. There are some subtle differences between general thyroid dysfunction and having an underactive thyroid specifically. If you are curious about general implications, you can read that article here.
An underactive thyroid can create some very uncomfortable symptoms, as you may know:
Fatigue and lack of energy
Weight gain
Sensitivity to cold
Joint and muscle pain
Hair Loss
Decrease sweating
Cholesterol problems
Slowed heart rate
Menstrual problems
Women, more than men, are likely to develop an underactive thryroid. And you should be aware that according to the National Institutes of Health, some medications interfere with thyroid production, so you should check out those medications and talk to your doctor.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center this is the role of your thyroid:
The thyroid plays an important role in regulating the body’s metabolism and calcium balance. The T4 and T3 hormones stimulate every tissue in the body to produce proteins and increase the amount of oxygen used by cells.
Source: Thyroid Gland | University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/programs/diabetes/health/endocrinology-health-guide/thyroid-gland#ixzz3E50oSNgZ
Web MD does a great job of giving you insights into some of the causes of hypothyroidism from a medical perspective.
As you know if you’ve read any of my articles, I believe that lasting healing occurs when we address an illness physically and emotionally/spiritually. It is wise to be educated and knowledgeable and also to become aware of any underlying emotions that might be influencing your body’s unbalanced state.
To support you in addressing spiritual and emotional patterns, I meditate to get to the metaphysical roots behind illnesses. Best of all, I recommend you become still and listen to your own inner wisdom. Compare that to what I share here, so that you can deciper for yourself what you perceive is true for you in your own emotional and spiritual healing.
I typically mediate first and then pick up Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life to compare my impressions with hers.
Here is what I received in meditation about hypothyroidism.
Your underactive thyroid is about giving up too soon. It occurs when life seems too hard and you feel defeated. Perhaps you have not experienced your sense of purpose or the ease and joy you thought life would bring you. And while a part of you is still going, a part of you has given up.
You thought you had to get something right. A part of you thinks there is an emotional and spiritual quality of life and level of intuitive guidance that you need to attain. And yet, the artistic, creative part of you really wants to just experience what is there to be experienced.
Deep down, you really don’t want to be told what to do. You want to experience and discover for yourself what seems to work best for you. In a sense, it’s about the right to experience life, without it having to mean something.
Here’s how Louise Hay describes the emotional root behind thyroid problems:
Humiliation. “I never get to do what I want to do. When is it going to be my turn?” And her affirmation for the thyroid encourages freedom of expression and creativity.
In essence, you are a free spirit sitting inside a box of your mind’s creation. Therefore, it is time to get out of the box and experience life without judging your performance. Once the creative spirit gets its time, your intuition will naturally come along for the ride, and you’ll feel your love for life—ultimately making life easier and more fun.
Your underactive thyroid, from a metaphysical meaning, just might be guiding you to trust the creative spirit inside you and allow those intuitive impulses to express through your creativity.
misa hopkin, homeopathic medicines totally work on mind patteren as these are minute diluted millions of time to have extract which works on dynamic level in human body and i am being qualified experienced ( 22 years of experience ) registered homeopath in india treating my patients on this theory & getting excellent results. i also suggests you to use these remedies. Thanx
I’m so glad you are sharing your experience with homeopathic medicines. They do indeed work on the deeper levels of mind and emotions. 🙂
“Your underactive thyroid is about giving up too soon. It occurs when life seems too hard and you feel defeated. Perhaps you have not experienced your sense of purpose or the ease and joy you thought life would bring you. And while a part of you is still going, a part of you has given up.”
Yikes! This rings so true, I can’t even…yeah I definitely have work to do! Thank you so much Misa, this article is a gem. (But they all are really:))
Teddybear, so glad it’s ringing true for you and giving you a place to focus—to inspire you life! Hugs,
Perfect timing, Misa. Happening more and more of the time. Or perhaps it has been happening all the time and I am just becoming more and more aware of the perfection. Love to you!