One of the great challenges for many of us is in allowing ourselves to receive support from another when we are in our self-healing journey. Yes, we need to do our own work, and sometimes we just have too much of that “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps,” going on. Too much of, “I’ll do it myself,” in your self-healing journey can actually get in the way of creating the health, prosperity, relationships and fulfillment we deserve.
That’s why my circle of healing friends is so important to me. We call each other when we’ve got something going on that needs immediate attention, and trade our services to one another. Talk about affordable health care!
Of course, we seek professional medical assistance when we need it, and it feels great to also know that we can rely on each other.
My friend and colleague, Krystalya Marie’, and I agreed some years ago to help each other out and we’ve both delivered on our promises multiple times.
I remember a few years ago, when she acquired a gum infection. The dentist suggested work that was going to cost a lot of money and multiple visits, so she decided to give energy medicine a shot before committing to extensive dental treatment.
Krystalya set to work creating healing symbols for herself (her primary healing modality) and I created a sound healing CD for her. Within days, the infection was gone.
Between the two of us, that infection didn’t stand a chance!
If you have a difficult time receiving support, your healing need can provide a wonderful opportunity to allow someone to share their healing gift with you. In fact, it is frequently part of the lesson your soul wants us to get.
Plus, allowing someone to support you in your self-healing and spiritual development has an added benefit. We often have unconscious blocks to our own healing and awakening that slow down our healing process.
Let’s say an underlying block in your life is unworthiness. That block limits your capacity for your healing and awakening. Until that block is dissolved, it will continue to trap you.
But a friend or loved one will frequently see you as worthy much more easily. As he or she holds loving space for your healing and sees your intentions for living a life beyond your block, they create a field in which it is easier for you to realize your dreams and aspirations.
This ability to hold loving space for someone else’s intentions until the other person can embrace if fully for themselves is an ability that comes from Sacred Feminine or yin energy. You create a field that gives some “oomph” behind your friend or loved one’s intentions for healing and awakening.
That’s why there is so much power in sharing our gifts with each other. In our willingness to support those we love and be supported by them, we create a field of love and potential that supports each other’s deepest intentions until they become reality.
True enough, sometimes outside support would be the key answer to surpass the fence of perhaps blocked doors holding one to jump into further roads thus, unfortunately, for reasons beyond one`s control, cannot be requested and/or obtained as would like doing so. Nonetheless, your incoming shared comments on posts-mails somewhat helps in many ways in feeling being supported, even under a distant-still self-sufficient level in itself. Thank you.
Thank you so much Dear Misa for this message at the exact time when I really needed to hear it. It is good to be reminded that we don’t have to be going through the challenges on our own all the time and that there are friends and soul family that are there for us at times when we need the extra help, love and support. Blessings of Love to you!
I’m so glad to hear this had meaning for you. Being rather self-sufficient myself, this has been a blessed lesson in my life. May you enjoy the support of loved ones that deeply care about you!