If Sound Healing can help a 70-year old woman grow a new heart valve, what can it do for you?
Discover your own Sound Healing Power to heal gently and easily from Misa Hopkins, one of the world's premier sound healers
What's possible with sound medicine? One of Misa's earliest clients, Amelia, set the bar by growing a new valve to her heart using sound and visualization... at age 70!
This led Misa on a life-long journey to teach people how to access their own innate ability to heal with sound—no singing skills required!

Note: Amelia's story is an extraordinary case and not a typical result... but demonstrates the full potential of sound healing.
Science Shows Us How Sounds Affect Physical Matter
Sound Medicine returns you to your vibrational essence, calling you naturally to health and awakening.
Watch this 1-minute Cymatics educational demo showing the different patterns sand takes when excited at different frequencies.
Take This Free Intro Exercise!
- Science behind sound healing
- How sound is effective with even "incurable" diseases
- Find your 3 signature sounds to begin harnessing your own sound healing power!
Get Results: Create Your Own Sound Healing Miracles
Discover proven methods for your healing and awakening Misa has taught to hundreds of healing practitioners and individuals for over 20 years
Here’s What You Get and Discover in Your 12 Sessions
The method of instruction Misa uses is one of the oldest, best proven adult-learning methods—helping you get results immediately.
Session 1
You’ll experience your fundamental or signature sounds for healing and well-being. This is what you just did with me in our exercise today. In addition, you’ll discover how you can change your own cellular structure using sound.
Session 2
You will discover how listening improves your ability to heal. We’ll explore breathing for expanding and deepening the penetration of the healing sounds. We’ll learn about the power of the pure vowel.
Session 3
We will explore deep listening, where you discover how you hear the world inside and outside of you; and then we’ll explore the power of consonants in healing.
Session 4
You’ll experience conscious breathing – opening the resonating chamber of your body; taking your breathing into the cellular-level. You will also use toning for healing and introduce compassion into your sounds.
Session 5
This is where we dive into sounding. You’ll be introduced to Misa’s trademark Sound Wave – sounding the cycles of emotions within the body; releasing trapped energy and charging the body with healing, comforting sounds.
Session 6
We engage the sound of the water of the body (remember you are 70% water) and we’ll tap into the frequencies of nature for healing (crystals, herbs, etc.) We will also discuss some special considerations if you are highly empathic.
Session 7
We explore the emotional roots behind illnesses and discover how to address them. We will also create a special spiritual opening through sound that Misa learned from her first sound teacher.
Session 8
You will discover how to do a body attunement by sounding the chakras; charging and discharging as you attune the physical/emotional body.
Session 9
We go deeply into the power of silence and The Holding, in compliment and necessary balance to healing sounds. Then we will discuss conditions that require silence rather than sound, so that you know when not to use sound. It is just as important to know when not to us sound as when to use it.
Session 10
You experience the power of both dissonance and harmony in healing— breaking up stuck energy patterns in the body. We’ll consider the role of chaos theory and entrainment in healing; and we will introduce ourselves to the power of non-human sounds and more nature sounds. We’ll finish by learning how to overtone chant and we’ll discuss its benefits in healing.
Session 11
We discuss the ethical responsibilities of healing others with sound, which is vital if you intend to use healing sounds with others, either for your loved ones or for your clients.
Session 12
To finish, we will discuss what you need to know about healing chronic conditions.
Sessions are delivered to you weekly

- Powerful exercises you can do at home. You will be able to use these exercises for healing for the rest of you life. (Since the lessons build on each other, we space the delivery of your sessions to make sure you have time to fully experience the exercises in each lesson before continuing.)
- Misa recommends reading and research topics so that you understand some of the current science behind sound healing and energy medicine.
- And she shares inspirational stories so that you can consider what is truly possible for you and your clients.
- Because this was originally taught as a live tele-course, you’ll hear actual case studies as Misa addresses participant’s specific conditions and concerns.
Plus you’ll receive these great gift bonuses:

- Recording of a bonus follow-up Q&A tele-session Misa did a month after the original tele-course had ended. This became an opportunity for any final questions that might have come up as everyone used the sounds, and to report their successes. This actually became a content-rich class in it’s own right, so Misa is including this gift recording as a special resource for you.
- Breathing Your Way to Physical Freedom Audio MP3, which is especially good for preparing yourself to do Sound Medicine or for healing chronic pain.
- The first step of the Creation Meditation—The Holding—an audio MP3 for dissolving intense emotions, stress and anxiety that are at the root of most physical pain.
- Your complimentary subscription to Misa’s periodic Inspired Healing Messages with articles, stories, interview and services to support you in your journey of healing and awakening.
- Your complimentary subscription to Prescriptions from Heaven, brief Divine inspirations kicking each weekday morning off right.
Here's what people are saying...

Misa's Money-Back Guarantee
I guarantee everything that I do. If you are unhappy with what’s been given to you, cancel within 30 days, and I will refund you in full. You can even keep the bonuses as a way of saying “thank you” for letting me participate in your journey.

Start Your Sound Healing Course At Home Today
Here's what you receive:
- Audio course with 12 sessions (over 15 hours of training), delivered weekly
- Bonus: Breathing Your Way to Physical Freedom audio download
- Bonus: The Holding guided meditation audio download
- Bonus: Complimentary subscription to Inspired Healing Messages
- Bonus: Complimentary subscription to Prescriptions from Heaven
- Lifetime access to all materials

Comparable live courses sell for thousands of dollars… and Misa’s original live telecourse sold to overflow capacity.
Misa wants to help as many people as possible grow their sound healing skills, so she's made it available as an audio course at a special discount for a limited time!
Have questions before you purchase? We're here to help!