Is there any way to get rid of migraines?
This is a reader question that I thought might be helpful to many. If you have submitted a healing question to me, I’ll do my best to get to it. Keep in mind that I receive a lot of questions. If you want an answer specific to your needs and/or you don’t want to wait, I suggest you consider a healing reading. You can find out more about those at the bookstore in this website.
Migraines occur for a variety of physical reasons. Some of the more common physical causes are: allergies, stress, or hormonal imbalance. They can last for several hour or days, and are extremely painful. Many experience additional pain accompanying the migraine, such as vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to light or sound.
When I energetically see a migraine, what I tend to notice is too much energy in the brain. I was once able to help a woman by sharing with her to her that her crown chakra was wide open with white light streaming in. I explained to her that while we tend to think white light is a good for us and that having open chakras is healthy, you can end up creating pain if you are running too much energy too fast for the cells of your body to be able to absorb.
I encouraged her to let her crown chakra rest along with her mind and body. Within a couple of hours, she was feeling much better. Now she knows if she starts feeling the onset symptoms of a migraine to check her energy body. If she is drawing in an abundance of energy through the top of her head, it is time to shut down a bit and invite herself to receive a softer, more gentle vibrational frequency of light, such as a color of light that feels appealing to her. Better yet, she has discovered she avoids a headache even more quickly if she uses a meditation I taught her that takes her into a cool, pool of water at night. She quickly cools down and relaxes, avoiding the migraine.
Not all migraines are due to physical problems. I have discovered that intuitives and empaths can experience severe migraines when they are not using their healing and empathic gifts. The energy literally backs up in their bodies until they experience that back-log of energy as physical pain.
I knew one empath that got migraine headaches whenever there was significant volcanic disturbance. Another tended to get headaches if she relied more on her logical mind than her intuition. In each of their cases it became important to honor their empathic an intuitive natures so that the headaches simply ceased to occur.
The earth empath that tended to get volcanic headaches learned to listen to signals in her body that told her when a volcano was active. She then went into meditation to be present to Mother Earth’s activity. When she held loving space for the volcanic activity, she prevented herself from experiencing migraines.
In the other case, my client incorporated her intuitive wisdom into her daily activities at work. As she honored her intuitive insights along with her deductive insights, her headaches went away.
If you are having a difficult time preventing migraines from happening and you have not identified a physical cause that can be corrected, you might want to consider that your migraines are originating from an energy imbalance within you. If you are closed off from your intuition or empathic, energy healing gifts, or if you are running too much energy for your body to absorb, your body pays the toll.
Running too much energy is a common symptom of a world that value achievement and doing. Running excess energy can be a way to attempt to accelerate your spiritual awakening or simply sustain you during a long work-day. You might even be doing energy healing to prevent or cure a migraine and you might be discovering that it is not working. In my experience, our usual methods of energy healing don’t typically work once the headache is setting in because you now need a different approach.
In addition to being a “being of light,” you are also naturally a being of darkness. Unfortunately, we have equated darkness with evil instead of its true place as the compliment to light. The concept of yin and yang energy (sacred feminine and sacred masculine energies) is a more balanced perspective of energy in the universe and in your body.
If your mind is not getting enough rest in the darkness, your cells are going to cry out in pain. Darkness is the place of rest, stillness, silence and lack of activity—necessary for you energetic body to actually sustain itself.
When you have a migraine, you naturally want to be in the dark and quiet because it is soothing. Your energy body needs the same thing. And you can call your energy body into the soothing, healing space of the darkness. Some of my clients have had very good results with a meditation I created that helps you quiet your mind to rest in the darkness. This is the same mediation I mentioned above that I taught my client. You can find it here. It is a very simple meditation, and it works.
Is there a way to get rid of migraines? If you have seen a doctor and attempted to prevent your migraines using modern medical assessment and treatment without success, consider that there may be an energetic source of your pain.
Hi . I have been getting chronic migraines 3-4 a week since I was 2 . So for 37years. They are my worst enemy. My tiggers are red dies M.S.G .
Stress. When the weather changes. Especially when it’s windy. And where I live it’s windy lot.
Also. I’m sure I’m a Empath as I can feel people emotions/feelings . And when I was younger I would tell my friend what would happen and it did . Even know I tell my husband or mom. see watch this is going to happen and it happens. And I listen to my gut feeling when I get a bad vibe from people. Actually always listen to my gut feeling on anything. Good or bad. One thing I have noticed along the way that is my hands are cold and I would put them on my mom or who ever and just hold my hands on them . They start to get cold and I to warm up it’s like I am taking there heat. One this is I would like to learn how to tap in and use my gift. I guess that’s how you would say it
Hi Melissa. I’m so sorry to hear about your migraines. That is a long time to be living with them. It sounds like you have some pretty good ideas about the triggers and what you need to avoid to get some peace from the migraines. I’m curious. Have you used your hands to help heal your migraines? Holding you in healing love, Misa
Hi, the link above for the meditation is not working, could you kindly update it or post here the correct one? Thank you
Hi Karla. We’ve checked and that is the correct link. I’m not sure why it didn’t work for you. If it still isn’t working in your browser, you can visit my “shop” here at the site and look for guided meditations. 🙂 Hope the meditation provides you with good support.
Hi Misa, thank you for this brilliant article. My 16-year-old daughter has been suffering with migraines since she was a child. She’s always told me that whenever the weather changes, her migraines come on, and also with changes in the moon, etc. I wasn’t fully convinced until I stumbled across a couple of articles on this very subject, one of them being yours. As I’m writing this, she has just recovered from a migraine that ran on and off for almost a week. And yes, the weather has been up and down, and we had a blood moon and an eclipse within the past week. Also, she has abilities in that she can feel what another person is feeling. She also gets a ‘feeling’ whenever something negative is going to happen, which has proven to be true. Is there something basic and simple that she can do to reduce the pain of a migraine? I have told her to meditate, chant, but she’s 16 and just can’t be bothered. Thank you. Annjelyn
Annjelyn, your daughter is quite fortunate to have a mother who is really listening and trying to sort this out with her. More than likely, you daughter needs to be engaging her own spiritual gifts before the moon changes and in anticipation of the decreased barometric pressure. She also needs some basic skills in being with her empathy. I’ve got a couple of articles here at my website that could be helpful to her, and give her some ideas about how to be with her sensitivity a little differently. Also, if she would like a reading with me, we can focus on how her spiritual gifts work and how to work with them (including her empathy) so she can have an easier time.
Hi! Very good interpretation! I have suffered from migraines a Numbers of years and i feel it absolutely has to do with me “prisoning-in” emphatic energy or rather the healing energy that wants to spred in My body and to be shared with those around. My work as well as an accountant has not made it easier for me to let go of logic and embrace My inner healing energy. I recently made a decision to Quit My Job. And now i dont know what awaits me, but i feel this is gonna help me to recover:) its like your splitting your energy between what you really feel /is inspired by/know in you soul – in comparison to what you Should be doing right now/ logical “thesis” that don’t serve the individual / forced upon ideas and resonings to keep “controll over something” that fall flat emotionally for the individual even though they are a “must”. I think the “must” part is really a huge part of migraines. Think migraine sufferers are sensitive and intuitive and could use it for people who actually deserv it and be used in good ways. But they are too weak to be proud and embrace the sensitivity 100% and be guided by it which is a must if they dont want to get overridden by pressure of the outside world which they get when they get the migraine.
Frida, you’ve added some great insights to this article. Really understanding your sensitivity and how it is intended to serve is a beautiful way to approach it!
Hello, thank you for this article as it helps more to understand the causes of migraine, I never thought it could affect me but I have been having migraine since a year now and it happens most of the times from stress or from strong emotions I try to suppress. But I have noticed too, that since a year I tend to see flashes of light around me even when I have no headache. I really think it is about overloading energy to our cerebral system or blocking our empathy and intuition insight. I have tried Reiki once but I just ended too confused in the end of the session. One of the best things I have found liberating is singing, dancing or just going out in nature to equilibrate the energies and emotions we tend to absorb from others.
Jona, how wonderful that you are using your creativity and nature to help you center yourself. For sensitive and empathic people, these are two powerful ways to be with the energy rather than try to protect ourselves from it. Intuition and compassion thrive in environments filled with happiness and peace.
Thank you for this article. I get light-sensitivity at different times throughout the day. I am sure it is because of “too much light” in the head. I had already learned that most meditations that involve “bringing down the light” are too much for me and cause problems in some are because of it. [Had a auric reading and portrait done that described purple energy pooling at my feet. I had started doing a meditation of earth, solar system, galaxy, etc. I could feel the energy. It was like walking on mercury (whatever that feels like). Afterward I would disrupt the remote for several hours until it had dissipated.]
The thing is, I know that this is related to larger patterns that have been going on since childhood. I can get temporary relief but not permanent. The only energy color I could stand was deep navy or purple energy at these times.
When the light sensitivity comes on, I have to cover my eyes and rest. I also see at that time “thought clouds” flowing out of the third eye like smoke rising out a hole. They swirl counterclockwise for 10-15 minutes until the worst of it is over. They are usually light pinkish purple, but a few times light blue energy clouds. I figure it is my body’s way of getting rid of the energy.
But I don’t yet understand how to change the root cause of it. I still have what I call “dead time” usually between noon to 3pm. In addition, I have wrestled with having enough energy/motivation to function on a very basic level.
I know a lot of the spiritual/psychological reasons behind this, but knowing it hasn’t had an effect on the root causes. How does one begin to affect patterns like this that the body seems to be doing “on it’s own”? I’m ready to let go of this pattern.
Lora, it is quite a revelation to discover it is possible to run too much energy isn’t it? What I have discovered in my journey is that energy, in general, isn’t too much when it is founded in deep love. That said, the quality of endless love we experience streaming in through blissful light is not always what we need. Sometimes we need the unconditional love of yin, or Sacred Feminine energy. Please allow me to share this meditation with you. I’m curious as to whether it provides a way to naturally shift the body’s pattern, by honoring where your body might be taking you? Energy is every present; however how we experience any given energy can change and its relationship to us can change. This might help you develop a new way of relating to the migraines, the pain and what you are seeing when they happen. The Holding Guided Meditation: Let me know what you experience.
link doesnt work
Licia, we aren’t sure why it wasn’t working. But we reset it and it appears to be working again: Thanks for letting us know.