A Metaphysical View of Multiple Sclerosis
Before I left for the Northwest, one of my readers asked me to discuss the metaphysical meaning of MS. For those of you that have read my book, The Root of All Healing, you know that topic is very close to me.
I’ve self-healed from the onset symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS, and getting to the emotional root behind that illness was quite a journey for me. I truly found it difficult to accept the belief, and inherent emotions, that triggered MS.
First of all, you should know that according to the National MS Society:
Symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from person to person. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision.
It can even take a while for a neurologist to identify MS as the source of your conditions because it is not considered to be an easy condition to diagnose. To me, that means it really helps to be tuned in to your own body.
The National MS Society explains, …most MS symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, which means that the doctor needs to rule out all other possible explanations.
While you might or might not have a clear diagnosis, being a little more familiar with the metaphysical meaning behind MS, might help you in attending to its spiritual and emotional root immediately for your self-healing.
Here is what I heard in meditation about Multiple Sclerosis:
MS is rooted in a form of overachievement. It is based in a desire to be all things to all people. A wounded ego persists in telling you that the salvation and hope of others is based in you and your decisions.
This may or may not be evidenced as an active life. Even if you are not an external overachiever, internally this driving belief gives you little rest. Then when your nervous system can’t take the pressure any longer, your body crashes in some form, forcing you to have to stop, rest, and let others become responsible for their own lives.
MS is the result of greater compassion and concern for others than you have for yourself.
Honoring the Emotional Needs Behind MS
No wonder this is challenging to diagnose because a wounded, over-achieving ego could play out in the physical body in various ways, depending upon the wound.
In my case, it was based in a burning desire to be special—more special than anyone else. So to be that special, I developed a type of savior complex that raised me above all others in order to help all others.
Of course, what I actually created was separation from others, and ultimately from my experience of the Divine and ultimate oneness with all.
What was the remedy?
I honored my need to be special. The ego is very particular about what it wants. Mine wanted to feel how special I am. So, I gave the ego what it needed in a healthy way.
I began noticing my unique gifts and talents because I hadn’t yet honored them within myself. I noticed my good heart and loving nature. I quieted my critical inner voice and nurtured my complimentary voice.
When I began feeling special about myself, I naturally noticed that the people in my life were also very special. Eventually, I delighted in the special nature of every person I met. (Now you know why I love to do readings. I get to see and speak to the powerfully special and unique gifts in everyone.)
As my ego was honored and given permission to rest, my own healing sounds penetrated to the very core of me and eventually the MS symptoms were simply gone.
By the way, I’m happy to share the love. I have 3 Sound Healing recordings for Multiple Sclerosis available.
Louise Hay has a very different perspective about MS. I was surprised when I read it, because for the very first time I’m having difficulty seeing an intersection between her intuitive insight about it and my own. Maybe I was just too close to it personally to see the intersection, so here is her perspective for your own discernment:
Mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility. Fear.
I experienced it as caring too much. Perhaps my impulses became a form of inflexibility and iron will that didn’t allow for the tender care I needed for myself. Perhaps you have your own intuitive insights about the emotional root behind MS. I’d love to hear about your experience.
I do know this—if we allow it to be, the ego can be a fabulous teacher, showing us what we need in order to heal and fulfill our potential. Is it possible that your own answer lies in getting to know the needs of your ego, and finding a way to honor those needs in a healthy and meaningful way?
As a survivor of aggressive breast cancer, then several years later aggressive ovarian cancer, I love what you have to say about your healing from MS (as compared with Louise Hay, which feels very judgmental, imo). I, too, was taken on a spiritual journey which led me into deep inner spaces I’d never have found without the gift of cancer. Your thoughts on embracing your need to be special hit a soft spot for me for it becomes way too easy to dive into our “wounded places” with shame, blame, and guilt, rather from the perspective of the sweet Love of the Divine. My inner message was that I had been looking to experience the love of my mother, then later my two husbands. My mantra was, “Do you see me now?” The realization that God sees me as his precious daughter, all glorious within” was my healing.
Thanks so much. I love your story which will bless many. (My brother passed a few years ago from MS.)
HI, Enjoyed your article . I am 8 7 yeas and have been looking within for 55 years . I was the youngest child I felt myself to be special in different ways to my 15year older brother who objectified me about my physical beauty. My father sexualized his love to over power me. I became a woman who loves too much ,saw that some of my love was more directed to get love. I still work some as a therapist. I have discovered my divine self.
Louise, isn’t it lovely when you recognize what truly does make you special? And discovering your divine self sounds like the rich reward of your inward journey. Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
Hi there. Just want to know why some people get ms and others don’t??
Stravroula, you are asking such a significant question. I expect someday we will truly understand why physiologically we are more likely to get an specific condition. Metaphysically, it is my sense that our emotional and spiritual state combined with our body chemistry create an environment in which we are more predisposed for certain conditions. I’m curious about whether you have your own thoughts concerning this?
The terms hardhearted, inflexible, iron will, fear, are difficult to accept as a team, working as a central driving factor in your life. However, when consideration is given to the infinite combination of factors that may cause the development of these characteristics, it’s not all so harsh, and not your fault. Attempting to survive, anything, for a long time, especially early in life will concievable engender these ridged behavior strategies.
If you are beaten badly enough to give the hard style of living a second look, and to look at how you are managing your current moment, you may be available to ask for help. I believe you can ask a friend, anyone really, who may really care. I started with the night sky, it’s corny, but there is a river and trees, it is a beautiful place. You can only be helped if you ask, and if you are deeply sincere. I never would have believed how much care and compassion is available. I experienced tenderness for the first time at sixty two years old. I have learned a great deal. I am nothing special, but I have not been treated that way. It is gut wrenching hear and there, but the work is rewarded in new feelings that defy description, at least with my vocabulary.
Yes, certainly nature; other people; connection to our guides, ancestors or the Divine—so many relationships can help us reconnect in love. As we love ourselves, all the ways we learned to protect ourselves—coming out of harsh environments—drop away. Thank you for sharing your message of hope Isilhwen!
Thanks for the enlightenment. I am going to begin working on me today. I can clearly see how this can manifest.
So glad it is helpful. 🙂
Hello Misa. Lovely article I enjoyed reading it. Glad to hear your journey is very similar to my wifes ms journey. My wife was a normal working walking woman. had tingling one day down right side. 5 days later was a quadriplegic from 1 ms attack. She refused cancer and ms drugs. Being a Homeopath I gave her a Natural Homeopathic remedy and we focussed right away on the WHY this occured, worked with stress. We see no contradiction with your view and LL Hay view. Basically my wife has reversed ms by about 95% in the last 2.75 years. Your view and LL Hay view can both co exist. It can down to my wife solving her stress, reducing stress, and learning to LOVE herself, FIRST BEFORE ALL OTHERS. Once she did that then she never over extended herself again, she never did too much again, never too much for others again. She took care of herself first, loved self first and like magic, lol, and lots of hard work…she has reversed ms. I love hearing your story as he story is so similar. I wish we had your book and knew of your journey when it happened as we were flying by the seat of our pants…but we got there! We now try to help others but most want to change the diet, take supplements, take cbd oil but not work on the INNER work that needs to be done to solve this ms. Thanks for all you do for helping others.
Domenic, what a fabulous story of your wife’s recovery from ms! Congratulations to you both. 🙂 It’s really wonderful to hear such a similar story to my own. Isn’t it wonderful what the body will do when we free it from the limitations we have inadvertently set in place? I’ve utilized homeopathy for some deep healing and wonderful results over the years. I think many of has healed flying by the seat of our pants, and I can hear what a blessing it was that your wife had you (and all your knowledge) by her side. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your wife’s beautiful journey of healing, so that many more of us can be inspired!
Hello Misa, I am so glad to have stumbled upon your beautiful website! My name is Christine Albright. I am a certified energetic, spiritual and intuitive master healer. I was diagnosed with my greatest fear, MS in 1990. Through healing work very similar to yours, I completely healed myself of MS and have been symptom free for the past 26 years. I grew up in metaphysics which I deeply drew from in my healing process which enabled me to get to the deep awareness of me and why the MS was in my life. As I delved deeply into the MS with love, its symptoms the immense fear of becoming disabled, (as a prior professional ballet dancer with Colorado Ballet), which I eventually was able to befriend and embrace and learn important lessons from, dissolved away. As I felt (not thought) into my body and all the symptoms and what my body/being was communicating to me, I “knew” I needed to love, not fear all of it. As I did this, and it continued to soften and heal I was aware of no symptoms and that I could no longer feel the MS in my body! The energy that was most used for this compete healing was love and God. The highest healing frequency energies that exist. I then asked God if She/He wanted me to take this amazing healing energy out into the world. I received a resounding “YES”. I then established the MS Alternative Healing Center in 2002 and have been helping people worldwide to heal of MS and other illnesses and injuries. I too have heard of the “iron will” from Louise Hey many times and I too believe I have my own form of trying so hard to get the attention and love I craved through overachieving (ballet so my dad would notice me). When I discovered that my deep longing and need for love was what was at the core of the MS I began to saturate my entire being with spiritual love that I so desperately needed and wanted. That love energy along with other components completely healed my MS and I now teach it to others. Here is my website info if you would be interested in viewing it. Thank you for putting your information out into the world for all to benefit from! msalternativehealingcenter.com (it is under revamp construction but readable). It has long been a vision of mine to get this high frequency energy out to the public and educate for a better, more loving world. I am currently writing a book and hope to get on TV and an expansive form of communication but have not discovered how to open that realm . Love and Blessings to you!
Christine, so lovely to hear about your beautiful work in the world! Congratulations on your recovery and your willingness to help others do the same. It’s truly lovely to envision an MS-free world, isn’t it?
That’s wonderful! My 24 year old son is starting his journey with MS.. I’m devastated and I need to help him through energy work.. could you give me your website to chat ? Many thanks and great to hear cases like yours !
Hi Christine. Glad to offer some hope. You are here at my website! 🙂
Hi, I have symptoms of MS (not yet diagnosed) and I read Louise Hay’s take on it and that did resonate. I believe I have become very hard hearted and mentally hard since my son died two years ago. I stopped having faith in the universe, stopped having compassion for others, didn’t care whether I lived or died. Once I read about being mentally hard and hard hearted being the cause of MS, I immediately thought I need to soften and find joy in life again. I have now started journalling my gratitude for the smallest things in my day. I believe if I find a way to allow joy to exist side by side with sadness, I won’t be so hard. Here’s hoping.
Holding the vision with you Sharon!
Thanks for your article. I already looked a few things up in my one laguage Dutch. Your article fits with it and also the vieuw of Louise Hay.
Ik worked so hard the last years at letting go of past things in my childhood and last 14 year during relationship. The emotional thing MS is telling me is the part I forgot.. myself and the person I became true everything. Time to spend time on myself and become softer and letting go more. Become who I really am and recognize all the beautiful things in myself instead of tearing myself apart
It seems you discovered something very profound here – to “recognize all the beautiful thing in myself instead of tearing myself apart.” Seeing what is beautiful in you honors Divine creation and the Divine’s intent to create beauty. Sometimes that beauty gets a bit warped and there is friction in the making, but connecting to beauty within is such a lovely to meet and honor the Divine intentions within you. To your rich and “beautiful” journey!
I really enjoyed reading your article. I connected to a few things you said and am ready to buy and read your book. I live in Sydney Auatralia and wanted to ask if you could recommend any healers close to me? Thank you
Olcay, I’m glad you enjoyed the article. I’m sorry. I don’t have a recommendation to make for you. However, I do recommend doing a google search for “functional medicine doctor directory.” That could aid you in finding a progressive physician in your area and might lead you to some other practitioners as well. 🙂
Wow, while searching for emotional blockages that are associate with MS, I immediately found your explanation. This resonates with me in a enormous way, while in TCM Medical school the symptoms became unbearable, I could hardly walk. Without a diagnosis (still am), I attributed it to adrenal-fatigue and pushed on to get done, not wanting to take time-off and slow my momentum. Once I graduated and continue to study for state boards, my symptoms stopped me in my tracks, barely able to eat or walk for 3-4 days. Exhausted, frustrated and miserable I am on the journey to seek a diagnosis, knowing fully that I am responsible for my health. Having a less than desirable childhood, and loosing my only 2 sibling to drug overdoses, I have always being an overachiever and wanting to help others over-come their pain & suffering, I have ignored my own…I see this, meditation has given me the answers many times, but you spoke the words without me speaking directly to you…universe works in strangely literal ways and answers are always in front of us, when we open our eye to the message. Thank you, Here’s to my healing journey!
I’m so glad my own experience and understanding of MS helps you in your own understanding. Thank goodness, all relationships with our bodies have the capacity to change! Indeed, here is to your healing journey into love.
I also read Hay’s interpretation, however I did feel a connection to what seems like another fear. I had a childhood very much like others that replied. My father was completely emotionally unavailable to me and my mom left him and chased her demons until she passed.
Honestly, the hardest part of reading the interpretations, is that they are true.
My MS was diagnosed last year but told I’ve had it for almost 20 years. Makes sense.
I long to be free from the chains of the life I thought I was in control of… it has gotten very unmanageable.
Thank you for your post and any insight you, or anyone else, has to share ❤️
While it is true that understanding what is behind an illness can be difficult to realize, the good news is we get to shape our reality. Gathering knowledge and loving yourself are great ways to break the chains!
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful words. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Like you, I didn’t feel a connection with Louise Hay’s causes. You’re words were crystal clear to me. My mother was extremely judgmental and manipulative as well as verbally abusive.
I never felt good enough, I.wanted to be special/important, to be the best at everything. A people pleaser. Only to be come friendless,, depressed, with no self-esteem or confidence. I feel like an afterthought.
I now see I’ve wanted so desperately to be loved, unconditionally and makes me feel special. I have an amazing partner who gives me that and it’s still not enough. I know I’ve got to give it to myself, and I can’t seem to love myself enough or correctly or…i don’t know. Would you be able to advise me on finding a reputable, trustworthy healer in my area?(Nashville,tn)
Again, thank you.
Much love to you, Dear Misa
Elizabeth, I’m glad these insights resonated for you. I don’t know a healer in Nashville, but because you experienced, what sounds like, some disconnection from love during childhood, I do have a couple of programs that could be helpful. Either the Inner Child Program or the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul might be helpful to you in reconnecting to the love you didn’t experience when you were younger. You can find both of them here at my website. May you know love beyond anything you could have imagined.
Wow! I could have written every word you wrote. This described me and my journey to a “T”! I would love to connect with you and share your experiences, as I heal myself. I’m from Knoxville TN. I read Louise Hay’s metaphysical analysis and could only conclude that this is how I treat myself, with inflexibility, iron will, etc. Let me know if you’d like to connect.
First of all, I would like to say thank you. I have M.S. and for many years I have looked for the emotional reasons behind this desase. I read Louise Hay’s affirmations and I thought they did’t apply much to me. What you say makes sense to me and I can see it vey clear on me. The wanting to be special. The over achivement.
Luz, I’m so glad to know that my insights from experiencing MS resonate with your own experience. I wish you love and support in your healing!
I believe you have a lovely way of expressing yourself and see the connections of both your and Louise Hay’s definition. Thanks for posting this. I will send some newly diagnosed people to your site. I would love to read your book on metaphysics and illnesses as I have three different books on the subject. Blessings.
I think Louise has tapped the shadow of what you’ve articulated, Misa. We are light & darkness & only by addressing all areas can we find harmony, whether that means physical wholeness or not. MS has been a gift to me to love even more & release fear. I have still yet more compassion for people living with chronic pain. For me, an adult woman, this is the light opening my broken heart to what I already knew in my soul. Perhaps if it was my child it would make me harder, but I hope that whatever challenges Spirit brings me, I answer with love.
Namaste’ & Thank You 🙂
Indeed Lumyn, life does seem to give us millions of pathways to love!
I think healing is multi layered and needs to addresss not ONLY the metaphysical and spiritual sides of ourselves but ALSO the physical which includes the real need to rid our bodies of toxic parasites, chemicals and the effects of the toxic world we now live in, as well. It’s multi layered and I fear by simply stating we can ” think this way or love that way” as the be all, end all Cure to disease is a bit reckless. Do children with leukemia in all their youthful optimism and want to be healthy and living playful lives simply not have enough good thoughts to make themselves well again? Of course not. We must see our physical, energetic and mental bodies for what they are: complex systems with their own unique needs and requirements to healthy functioning. Myself personally, after experiencing Lyme disease now possibly turning into a bit of MS ( Dr Richard Klinghardt states MS and Lyme and many auto immune diseases are really coming from the same Borrelia bacteria microbe as Lyme) Parasite cleansing and reducing pollutants in phenomenal bodies is key( Dr Hilda Clark) whether our thoughts or spiritual needs are affecting our cells came first or the cells then affect our thoughts is whether the egg or the cart came first. Either approach, either system, is really not as important as making the MOsT important discovery of all: meeting your own body and health! Wonderful to make our bodies our best friends isn’t it? Namaste!
http://Www.DakiniGoddessofMarrakech.com fa
I couldn’t agree with you more that it is wise to address body, mind, spirit and emotions when healing. That said, I have personally experienced complete cures, including the removal of viruses or parasites that occurred through only spiritual/energetic healing. Good thoughts are certainly not enough to heal. In my experience deeper karmic and subconscious issues are usually at play and need to be addressed, if in fact actual healing is part of your karmic agreement. It is indeed wonderful to become best friends with our bodies, understanding how they work, their messages, and what they uniquely need for health and enjoyment. My spiritual gifts align more directly in supporting the spiritual and emotional bodies in healing, and so that is where I offer my services – with the best of what I have to offer.
Broken to the very core
Kizzy, Thanks for reaching out. Broken to the very core is a difficult place to be, isn’t it? It has a way of taking you right to your core—what is truly YOU. Consider actually exploring this concept of being “broken to the very core.” You might give some thought to what is breaking down. What belief or pattern of behavior has not been good for you? You might want to write, dance, draw or make a recording as you explore this question. When we begin to explore a question like this, there are often several layers of answers—one answer leading to yet another thought and another. Explore until you have some understanding about what precious aspect of you, you have been trying to protect. It may be time for new beliefs and choices that allow the precious part of you to not only be protected, but to be respected, honored and cherished by you—in the way the Divine cherishes you.
I have m.s 2 and as i read your words tears flowed like a river…
Maria, I’m glad my thoughts and experiences touched your heart. “River” is such a perfect metaphor for those moments we release all the pain a condition has meant for us. I’m sure you know, those beautiful tears open you to your great potential.
Thank you, Misa for your wonderful article! As I read it I felt “YES! Now this feels right!” I too felt a disconnect from Lousie’s belief about the cause, it just didn’t feel “true” for me, other than the “fear” part! After reading your article I feel like I have a better starting point to check with my own ego to see what it has been trying to say to me! Thank you again!
Jenna, I’m so glad it resonated for you. Hope you return to share what you discover as you uncover the roots and healing with you. 🙂
Greetings Misa! I read your mataphysical causes and I read Louise Hay’s perspepective and I believe they go hand in hand. I just think that your definition looks has aore positive wording. My perspective is that Mental hardness comes with being an overachiever. When we are overachievers we are usually hard on ourselves, and we care how we are viewed by other people. Where as for you your personal gifts were spreading love and compassion maybe some end up putting up walls in order to achieve their “greatness” which hardens the heart a little. When our ego get in the way we tend to be dismissive to ones feelings, not necessarily on purpose, but it does happen sometimes. This is just my perspective. Thank you for this very informative article! I enjoyed reading what you have learned. And congrats on your healing!
Chanara Free, I completely agree. It requires one to have an iron will to be everything to everyone. I see the intersection of the two views so clearly and I so appreciate Misa’s interpretration of having this overachievement need. I’m finding some of this need is perpetuated by my close circle and will have a lot of work to do in order to manifest differently in order to shift their perspective as well. Thank-you for your perspective…
Ah Veronica, I hope you don’t mind if I comment on your reply to Chanara. I’m touched by your powerful discovery to realize your circle also subscribe to the “be everything to everyone” philosophy. I’ve bought into that belief so many times in my life! I can empathize with you and your circle of friends. No doubt, as you discover new perceptions that support your sacred journey in better ways, you will inspire some if not all to discover beliefs of their own that are more enjoyable and self-empowering. Thank you for sharing!
Misa, how do I know if I have a smart meter in my house? Where would I look or where would it be? If I do have this, what is the next step, who do I call and what do I ask or say? Thank you
Gail there is tons of information on-line. Do a web-search on smart meter and you’ll find a lot of information. Also check out Alison Heath’s and other’s at a recent summit: http://tv.naturalnews.com/alison_heath.asp. If I knew I was neurologically sensitive, given what we know today, this is the first thing I would be checking out.
Misa, I came across this… Help me please. I believe I am suffering from MS, the tingling, numbness, burning and more are debilitating. How does one change if I don’t want people to see me? I feel like I’m not in my skin, I’m so disconnected that it’s scary. When I try to connect I still feel out of it. I’m depressed and have anxiety too. Where does one begin?
I appreciate how debilitated you feel. And with those symptoms it may or may not be MS. Here are some thoughts for you to consider:
1. If you want to know for sure, then seeing a doctor and getting a diagnosis will help you understand what your body is doing, and you’ll discover whether there is a medical cure that is right for you.
2. After having personally experienced what exposure to radio frequencies from Smart Meters did to me, you might want to do a little homework regarding the utility meters on your home and or place of business. I had a flare up of symptoms similar to what you describe and one week after having the meter removed, the symptoms were gone. My colleague, Alison Heath (https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlisonHeath/posts) is providing a lot of information in this regard.
3. Engage in a meditation practice that helps you quiet your mind and body so that your body can get some rest, your emotions can soften, and you can get some mental clarity about what is happening. Even walking outdoors in nature can help calm the body, mind, spirit and emotions, which I sense would be very helpful for you.
4. If the depression has been with you for a long time and is chronic, you may want a psychiatrist to help you break the feedback loop between chronic pain and chronic depression.
5. Get help from healers that you trust. Healers can help you develop greater compassion for yourself, identify tools you can use to help yourself heal, establish a supportive diet and lifestyle for healing, discover your intuitive wisdom for healing, and assist in shifting emotional, spiritual, mental, and even physical blocks that could be limiting you.
6. Most of all, stay focused on attracting exactly what you need when you need it to heal. All things are changeable, including your health.
7. You can certainly grab a copy of my book, “The Root of All Healing” at Amazon and my new Breakthrough Healing System might be helpful in determining more steps you need to take: http://breakthroughhealingsystem.com/.
Misa, I’ve been to doctors, I do have depression and anxiety, along with disassociative disorder. I’ve tried medication for this and it either makes my symptoms worse or I can’t handle the side effects. I also have neuropothy and adrenal fatigue. The other symptoms I believe are ms, I have the “everything is so bright and loud ” sensations. I am sick of doctors I have become home bound.
I’ve never liked myself and have always had social issues. I’ve always wished and want to look like other people. I’m mad at life because I’m suffering so much, not only am I suffering but my family is too. I don’t do or go anywhere anymore…
What are smart readers?
Do I always have to come to this to see your response, or can you send your response to my email?
Thank you for your time, Gail
I have had MS for 20 years the last 3 in a wheelchair. Nothing but hatred for myself and my body for not working. Feeling so bad for my loved ones around me that I can’t do for as I should be able to. When my 3 year old Grandson says ” Gammi tomorrow when me and you grow up you can walk” it breaks my heart and I hate myself that much more. When my Daughter and her Step-Mom go to the beach I hate myself even more. I spent my child hood basically like you say only believing I was important or people loved mean if I did things for them. It imbedded in me my Mother didn’t love me if she had she wouldn’t have left me. Being told how appreciative I should be because they are feeding me and putting a roof over my head. As a 5 year old I knew to be loved depended on what I could do for you. How do I address the child in me? I feel like it’s too late. I would really be so thankful for your help in anyway.
Tina, I truly appreciate how self-honest you are. It also seems that you have traced the emotional roots right back to early childhood and that you are aware it is the inner child that needs help. You’ve clearly done a lot to get that much clarity! Congratulations. I understand that there is a point when the emotional pain you have been carrying simply becomes so great, you are willing to be more conscious with it by holding the pain in compassion, regularly, steadily, until the emotional pain can finally dissolve. Once the emotional roots dissolve, it is easier to maintain enough positivity and clear, trusting healing energy to affect the physical body.
Best of all, it would be fabulous if you could work directly with a healer near you to help you heal your inner child. If that would be difficult, I can offer you this. If you go to my Sacred Feminine site and opt-in to receive the gifts, one of the gifts is a recording of The Holding guided meditation. The meditation is created to take you into a space where you can safely hold in compassion the feelings inside you that are aching. The emotions you have as an adult are similar to the emotions you experienced as a child. Therefore, by holding your emotions now, you also hold the pain of the inner child. If you want get even more specific, imagine as you hold the emotions that you are also holding yourself as a child. Here is the site: http://sacredfeminineawakening.com. I do work with people one-on-one in healing the inner child in my private sessions as well. Information about my private sessions can be found at https://misahopkins.com/shop. You are already doing great work in your self-awareness. The next step, as you are already aware needs attention, is to find your tender compassion for the little one within who has suffered so much.
I feel your pain my friend..i have the issues with my son..i pray 4 healing 4 ALL OF US !!!!
This is very interesting to me. I was diagnosed back in 2012. I have only taken
supplements and medications that my doctor has prescribed for me. I will see my
nero doctor tomorrow to see if there are any more scars on my brain and spinal
cord. Which is always a stressful time. Your article seems very interesting to
me because when I backtrack my history I come from a very difficult background.
My background stems from being a child witnessing someone dying, being abused
mentally and physically for the first 18 years of my life. Now suffering from
the effects of the first 18 years of my life having multiple sclerosis A-fib
carpal tunnel, other body issues, Posttraumatic stress syndrome, and the list
goes on. I have tried to pinpoint when my issues started. I Was an unwanted
child my mother did not want me and was going through a divorce with my father
whom I’ve never met before. My mothers second husband ways physically and
emotionally abusive. I witnessed his death. I had two younger brothers that I
had to take care of because my mother was an alcoholic and did not have any food
in the house, so I would have to go to the neighbors houses and beg for food. I
believe I was about five years old at the time. My mother wants was driving
drunk with my two brothers and myself and drove down a muddy dirt road and
stalled the car and a mud puddle. We were stuck in the mud and my mother was
passed out in the front seat and I thought that she was dead. I knew I had to go
and get help and I was a few miles away from where my grandparents lived. My
brothers were each one year old and three years old and I had to leave them to
go and get help they cried when I left but I knew I had no choice but to go and
get help. My brothers could’ve easily of drought in the mud puddles that were
around the car, and I bagged my three-year-old brother to watch out for my
one-year-old brother while I went to get help. I walked 2 miles on a highway to
get to my grandparents house, I remember a man and a truck pulled up beside me
and ask if I needed a ride. I told him my grandmother told me never to get in a
car with a stranger and I did not know him and for him to leave me alone. I
continued to walk until I got to my grandparents house and told them what had
happened and then we went to pick up my brothers and mother. My mother was
obviously incapable of taking care of us so my grandparents and my aunt fault
over who would get custody. My grandmother wanted me but my grandfather did not
want me. My aunt wanted me and could’ve given me a much better life than my
grandparents could have. My grandfather was both physically and mentally
abusive. I survived 18 years of abuse both physically and mentally light which
has of course made me an extremely strong person with very thick walls. I give
as much as I can give but with multiple sclerosis it’s very hard because I run
out of spoons just to get through day-to-day life. I currently work in the
retail industry and it is high-pressure sales. I’m now having problems with my
knee’s and my doctor told me to find a desk job. But I have never worked at desk
job and I could not live on the income of the desk job. Is
this what you mean by pinpointing when my multiple sclerosis developed?
Tonny, yes it seems there was a great deal of abuse in your younger years. When we have been abused, it is fairly common for us to self-abuse as we grow older, even if that abuse is taking place subconsciously. True healing occurs when we heal not only the physical challenges, but also the emotional wounds behind the physical conditions. In essence, we heal the abuse itself. That can be done many ways—with therapy, emotional release work, meditation, inner child work, massage, energy work, spiritual retreats and counseling, and most of all by opening to deeper compassion first for you and then for others. The key is to begin somewhere in addressing the child in you that was neglected, abandoned and being physically and mentally abused. If you lovingly begin addressing the emotional needs that did not get met when she was a child, you will be in the process of healing emotionally. Holding you in my heart!
My mother has had MS for 8 years. She’s very angry, depressed and drinks every night to null the pain. Its no wonder that her condition isn’t improving. Its painful to watch someone miss out on living a productive life, who isn’t connected to her grandchildren, children or partner. I found you by accident and am happy to read your perspective on MS. I think in my mother’s case its a mixture of fear and ego. When she’s involved in her own hobbies (and honouring her ego), its the only time we see the positivity come through. On the shadow side, she is jealous, rude and hurtful. Its proving hard to support her when she’s not pleasant to be around. I’m trying my best anyhow!
Natalie, it is so difficult when we are in pain, and especially when we don’t even know how to address the emotional root of our suffering. No doubt, your mother doesn’t have the skills she needs to cope. It is difficult to support someone that is rude to you. You might consider holding her in compassion, and as importantly holding yourself in compassion when she is rude to you. I have a guided meditation in compassion called The Holding that you can get at http://sacredfeminineawakening.com. At the very least it might help soften the edges of the discomfort you feel when you are around her. It’s a blessing that you are trying your best!
I have been having symptoms of ms for a month and been very confused, trying to ignore it, of course my body simply gets numb every few days and won’t let me. I woke in the dead of night and suddenly thought ‘ms’, not sure what it even was. I’m pretty sure I finally understand. I read Edgar Cayce’s reasons for ms and that it is karmic, glandular and due to losing kindness (or hard -heartedness as Louise Hay says). I made a decision a few months ago to withdraw kindness from my life because I always get kicked in face for my kindness. I am usually overly giving and I just had enough of feeling used. For years I did caring psychic readings but gave it up because I couldn’t stand it, and I knew something was wrong with me but didn’t know what. How unlike me to not enjoy helping others. Now I am thinking that the ms symptoms are a message and a blessing, showing me how disconnected I am becoming and that I can’t sacrifice kindness, that could be bad karma. I see this condition as the best way spirit could get my attention and say change yourself. I have overcome a worse disease before though a heartfelt change of attitude, now I realise I have to be less stubborn and a whole lot kinder than I have been of late, I need to be compassion or I think I will get sicker. It might be a hard balance but I know there will be a way to honour myself and not be a doormat, but also remain kind to others. Baby steps. Thanks for this very helpful article.
Linda, I truly respect the depth and honesty with which you are exploring this. Although I trace MS to a slightly different perspective of the root than Cayce or Hayes, both of which I honor, certainly any time we disconnect from love, we can become harsh and unkind. Hard-heartedness is a form of protection isn’t it? So it is fair to ask, “What are we protecting?” A tender heart? A heart that wants to be seen and recognized—even honored? As you suggest, there must be a way to honour yourself so that you will be treated with honour, and be able to remain kind. I hear some wisdom in your thoughts and I’m so grateful that you are sharing from your experience as one that has done this before. You give hope to us all!
I think the “Mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility. Fear.” is what a person can adopt as a cloak to protect what you describe, because it becomes so utterly hurtful to see so many . . . facets of human beings. So the body can go into shock and scurry for the nearest weapon 🙂 I think it is heightened if you were born with a connection to your intuitive “facet.” It’s funny what an already active nervous system can already do. Or shakti. Tomato Tomato? 😉
Can I have some of those recordings? I just found this page after searching for the manifestation of MS.
I was like you, started to feel strange symptoms than flip out of shock to what the other woman described.
I knew it wasn’t a disease but a manifestation of something emotional. If you listen to all of your own “facets” you will find the answers.
Funny, huh?
Hi Cindy, I’ll ask my assistant to send you the link to the first CD in the series. I too believe, that some of us just came in being very sensitive—physically and spiritually (intuitively). They do often go together. A friend of mine once compared himself to a Sherman tank and me to a Ferrari. His observation was that when I went, I really went, but I was in and out of the shop a lot. My sensitive engine needed a lot of tuning. 🙂
It’s wonderful to hear that you knew to listen to all of your “facets.” Our root illnesses can be buried deeply, so listening to all the nuances of ourselves is the great gift we give ourselves – for healing and for life! Thank you for sharing your experience.
My symptoms have started only five months ago but I haven’t been formerly diagnosed. However, my emotional setup is similar to yours, even though I am not everybody’s dogs body, but certainly will do anything when it comes to family members and close friends – and. I mean anything!! But I also can see Louse Hay’s interpretation fitting my picture, as I am tough and stubborn when it comes to myself and my body and my life, and of course it all has to be perfect! No wonder I am in trouble, despite having lived a healthy alternative lifestyle for thirty years and work with energy psychology. The phrase “Healer heal thyself” comes to mind. I came across your blog by pure chance, and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words and insights!
Wishing us all a fab journey :-))
Beatrix, isn’t t true that as good as we can be with many of our lifestyle choices, some of us are simply required to go deeper into our emotions and psyche in order to fully heal. It is my belief that many of us are re-establishing ancient and effective approaches to healing, and strengthening human DNA to survive the toxins we have created on this planet. As we reshape our DNA, so we also “reshape” our minds and hearts—as we remember the pure and beautiful essence of life’s potential. 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for what you have written. I too didn’t understand Louise Hay’s explanation regarding the metaphysical causes of MS, but I felt that what you wrote actually shed light on her perspective. I feel that many women are raised to be the savior and “all things to all people”, not to mention shouldering the responsibility of others lives. I certainly was. Your insights as to how these are the ego’s ploys to make me feel special, is truly eye opening for me. Thank you 🙂
I’m so glad to hear this article provided some helpful insights. Here’s to being special without all the trappings of the ego!
Thank you for your insight, I myself am a healer and currently working with one of my clients who was recently diagnosed with MS…I usually LOVE working with Louise Hay, thoguh I have to agree, I found her “Probable cause” for MS to be a bit off…I have another book written by Dr. Christine Page – Frontiers of Health, and she speaks to what you have mentioned…perhaps another book for you to have a gander at…she’s a doctor who recognized the metaphysics over time, and has written a book connecting the two…it’s a GREAT one 🙂 Much love!!
Thanks so much for your insights. It is exciting to me that more voices are speaking out about the metaphysics behind healing, including medical doctors. This is the age of personal empowerment and that includes our healing. Yay, for each of us that chooses to take full responsibility for our own healing, even in the face of conditions like MS!
Hi there,
I came accross your writing by accident. A collague of mine has a sister with MS and I wanted to tell her about the metaphysical causes of the disease.
While reading I realized I was on the perfect way to develop MS myself as I am an overcaring person who always want to be the best at work and I am keen on helping my family and friends, sometimes even strangers.
So I am very grateful for your writing as it drew my attention to this problem of mine.
Thank you.
Thanks for posting this. 🙂 Labeled with MS 4 years ago, and having gone through the myriad of emotional / mental confrontations and inner wound healing, doing energy healing for over six years now along with tons of other things to heal, it is indeed the hidden emotional wounds that have to be healed first if we are to create mental balance as well and thus heal on all levels. I left my one love, dancing as a teenager so that I was not seeking to be special, only to realize my own vanity in wanting to heal everyone and the world. wow
Peace and blessings to you. 🙂
Very powerful insight! You went nice and deep into the belief behind the disease. You have great courage to have looked so deeply inward.
Oh, I understand the hard-heartedness due to fear. I am, by nature like you – overly giving. But I developed an iron will to avoid men as I was terrified of having my life dumped on it's head again. There was a time when I became completely exhausted. I walked into HR, told them i couldn't be there, my hands were shaking… I went to my Mom's & slept for 3 weeks. I was very healthy then, so that is how my body screamed at me. I thought I might fall down simply trying to walk. I didn't learn, though, and now I have Lupas & MCTD. I am married to a cruel man, and haven't been able to find a job in 3 years. My biggest difficulty is keeping my spirits up because he does everything to knock them down, Needless to say, I can't leave without a job & health insurance. But I will get throygh & am seeking all the alternative medical help I can find. Thanks 4 listening.
As you may know, it is my observation that our emotions sit at the root of much of our physical pain. Once the emotions are healed, it is easier to attract the loving support we want—whether that is from new people in our life or even from the people we already live with. May I suggest that you take a look at this meditation to see if it might help you find greater peace in your heart, and hence, greater peace and health in your life: http://www.newdreamfoundation.com/forums/index.ph…. In my experience, compassion is the beginning of all healing—whoever we are with and wherever we live.