One of the questions I am most frequently asked when I’m doing a reading for someone is, “How do I better access my intuitive guidance?”
It’s a really good question, and the answer depends upon your unique set of spiritual gifts (also known as psychic powers). And yes, everyone has them.
This month we are going to explore your intuitive gifts—why they are important and how to take good care of them. 😉
Everyone has at least one special gift for receiving information directly from the Divine, and it comes through your yin or Sacred Feminine energy.
How Does Intuition Help You?
Intuition can help you in:
- Choosing healing solutions
- Finding your partner
- Deciding where to live or where to go
- Knowing what steps to take to fulfill your purpose
- Making your best decisions
- Creating great relationships
- Awakening in consciousness
Every aspect of your life can benefit from having a profound connection to your internal guidance—the true center for your personal relationship with the Divine.
For example, I’ve met numerous people who are deeply clairsentient, also called empathic, meaning they are able to sense other people’s or animal’s emotions, and some are able to sense other people’s physical conditions. Some are even able to empathize with the planet or even the cosmos.
While clairsentience is the means through which you experience empathy, it is also a modality for receiving personal guidance, through physical sensations or emotional feelings. However, exactly how those emotional or physical impressions occur vary from person to person.
One person’s “yes” might be a feeling of expansion in their gut, while for another it’s tingling all over. For yet another it is more like a feeling of buzziness, while still another person feels their hands pulsing.
Someone else might experience a “yes” through their emotional body, feeling a light heartedness, openness, expansion, or happiness.
And so far, we are just talking about clairsentience. A person can also receive guidance through clairaudience, clairvoyance, dreams, and more.
Your intuition is at the seat of your receptive energy, and it works in its own wonderful and unique ways.
In addition to some of the gifts I named above, here are just a few of the spiritual gifts (ie. psychic powers and psychic abilities) I look for when I’m doing a reading, that relate directly to your ability to communicate with the Divine: :
- Claircognizance – knowing
- Precognition – seeing into the future
- Retrocogniton – seeing into the past
- Clairalience – the ability to smell in the spiritual realms
- Automatic writing – the ability to receive and record messages
You can see a more comprehensive list here. While you are there, check out my Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities: Live Intuitively audio course. It’s the program of the month. 🙂
I created it to help you:
- identify your spiritual gifts
- understand the unique ways your gifts work, and
- develop your gifts for a deeper relationship with the Divine and greater guidance in your life.
You are as intuitive as you designed yourself to be for the sacred work you are here to experience and complete.
As you identify and develop your psychic and spiritual gifts, it is important to remember that every gift is unique to you.
You can’t really compare yourself to anyone else, because your gifts are structured specifically to support you in fulfilling your sacred contract.
The more you know and utilize your abilities consciously, you make your own life easier, and you bless the world through the Divine power expressed through your sacred gifts.
Please help me to be intuitive I need it for every areas of my life
Hi Rinky. Choosing to live more intuitively is a great goal. 🙂 Check out more of my articles on intuition by typing “intuition” in the search field next to this article. Our intuitive gifts are basically psychic gifts, so the program I have that could help you is my Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities audio course: The other way I help people access their psychic abilities is through a Reading where I talk to you about your spiritual and intuitive gifts, and those are also available here on this website. Just setting the intention gets the ball rolling, so congratulations!