Live Intuitively with Your Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities
"We all have at least some psychic abilities as part of our spiritual gifts. For centuries, people have felt they were safer by being disconnected from their intuition. Now, we find we must connect in order to both survive and thrive."
Misa Hopkins
Bestselling author
The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything
Sacred Feminine Awakening Series
Tap into your own psychic powers and intuition—your sacred relationship with the Divine!
Your psychic powers and intuition are the primary ways in which Spirit communicates with you. However, it can be difficult knowing when you are receiving Divine guidance—and how to interpret it.
How would your life change if you recognized and understood how you are receiving Divine guidance through your psychic gifts and intuition?
Celebrated psychic, healer and bestselling author Misa Hopkins helps you identify, understand and learn how to use your intuitive wisdom in her "Psychic Powers and Abilities, Live Intuitively" audio course.
You'll discover how to use your intuition and spiritual gifts to make better decisions, have better health, live life more fully and get what you want faster!
Are you wondering, “Do I have psychic abilities? How do I get them?”
You already have them! Everyone has some degree of psychic abilities as part of their spiritual gifts, but most of us don’t know what they are or how to use them.
While you are born with psychic powers, accessing them is not something that just happens. It is a skill that is learned and developed.
Many of us were taught (or found it safer) to disconnect from our intuition. Some of us never really understood our psychic gifts. Some of us were just never taught how to use them. Some of us had traumatic experiences that caused us to stop using our psychic abilities. Some of us just haven't used them in so long, we don't remember how.
As a result our intuitive insights can come intermittently or not at all. More importantly, we may not trust our psychic powers and intuitive insights.
Your family members may have recognized their own psychic powers, but were afraid of them or didn't know how to use them. Intuition either wasn't talked about or its use was discouraged. Or you may have even come from a background where intuitive knowledge was even used to hurt other people.
So, you may not have learned how to access or develop your psychic abilities. You may have actually learned not to trust these special gifts that you came in with. And now, when you need them the most, you may find your psychic powers difficult to access, identify or use.
Are psychic abilities the same as intuition?
Some people would say they are the same thing—however Misa sees them as being slightly different.
As she sees it, you access your intuitive wisdom and insights through your innate psychic abilities—which are part of your unique spiritual gifts.
Do you wonder what types of psychic powers you might have?
Here is a list of psychic powers and psychic abilities. All of these gifts refer to abilities in the less seen and understood inner worlds. These do not refer to your more natural, outer senses. (That said, some people have very sensitive outer senses as well, and they can play a significant role in understanding your life’s work and healing abilities.)
See if any of these might fit you:
- Seeing auras
- Channeling
- Clairsentience – feeling clearly
- Clairaudience – hearing clearly
- Claircognizance – knowing clearly
- Psychometry – able to gather information through touch
- Precognition – knowing something is about to happen
- Clairvoyance – seeing clearly, can include everything from precognition (seeing future events before they happen to visualizing well)
- Empathy – deep understanding of human emotions, the earth, animals, planetary movement, movement of energy in defined spaces, etc.
- Dreaming - beyond symbolic dreaming, some dream reality into existence or receive information for others or heal others through the dreamtime
- Medium – communicate with spirits
- Miming and Mimicking – in the spiritual sense, you can understand someone so well that you could mimic or imitate their life... form of deep empathy
- Feng Shui – understanding patterns of energy and their effects
- Geomancy – connection to the earth’s lei (energy) lines
- Hypnosis – the ability to help people go in to deep trance states
- Automatic Writing – hearing words from spirits or feeling impulses of energy you write down
- Lucid Dreaming – observing the dream and even understanding it as you dream
- Oracle – able to predict the future (and some psychics or oracles know the past)
- Past-life Regression – able to help others remember past life events
- Pet psychics and Communication – understand animals and can convey their needs
- Plant and Stone Communication – understand and communicate with plants and stones
- Energy Healing – using thought, sound, hands, feeling, crystals, geometry, unique patterns of energy and more
- Gazing – seeing through the use of water, fire, etc., or using an object such as a crystal ball
- Telekinesis – moving objects with your thoughts
- Telepathy – communicating with others with your mind
- Shape Shifting – transform into an animal
- Skin Walking - entering another being’s reality
... and many more! The types of gifts and the variations on them are as unique as each individual. Definitions of psychic abilities and psychic powers can vary, possibly because some gifts overlap and cannot be so easily identified as having just one attribute.
How could using your psychic abilities make your life better?
- Do you feel a need to be able to make better decisions?
- Have you been trying to connect with your intuition but are not quite sure about the difference between intuition and ordinary thought?
- Do you receive great intuitive guidance for others, but can't seem to find it for yourself?
- Are you feeling stuck when it comes to your healing, finding right relationship, getting on your right career path, making investments, or knowing where to live?
- Do you get great insights from time to time, but can't seem to sustain them consistently?
- Are you growing more and more frustrated as you make decisions with logic alone?
- Do you long for a deeper connection to the sacred nature of your psychic powers and intuition, but can't quite seem to sustain the connection?
Accessing your spiritual and psychic gifts, and having confidence in them, allows you to make decisions that make your life more easy, prosperous, healthy and enjoyable—and get what you want faster.
If you’ve had a reading or counseling with Misa...
and she explained that your inner child spirit is suffering, or if you just know that the wounds of your childhood are keeping you stuck, this is the perfect opportunity to do the deep, spiritual healing work that frees your energy to live your true destiny and purpose.
This program is NOT for you if you aren't able to dedicate regular time to tending to your inner healing and awakening.
It IS for you if you are finally ready to understand and embrace your spiritual abilities right now.
Your Psychic Powers are Where You, the Sacred Feminine, and the Divine Intersect
You and the Divine, in whatever way you know the Divine, communicate through your psychic abilities. If you want to connect to your Divine guidance on a regular basis, it begins with opening to your psychic powers.
If you are interested in understanding the Sacred Feminine energy within you, your psychic powers and psychic abilities connect you directly to the feminine aspect of the Divine.
If you have been wondering about how you could experience a deeper relationship with the Sacred Feminine, then accessing and utilizing your psychic abilities and psychic powers is the perfect place to start.
In fact, the original name for this course was "Discovering Your Intuitive Ability - Doorway to the Divine Feminine," but Misa felt it was important to acknowledge the significance of our psychic gifts as the conduits for intuitive wisdom.
Being cut off from your intuition means that you are cut off from a very significant aspect of your own divine expression. If you are looking for greater guidance and clarity in your life, you need to have a strong relationship with your intuition.
Resisting your psychic abilities can be harmful!
Misa cautions against resisting your psychic gifts for two reasons:
- Through the many psychic readings that Misa has done for clients, she has seen that the unused energy of your psychic powers can actually backlog in your body to create emotional and physical pain. Conversely, you may find that by engaging your spiritual gifts, you experience greater health. Everyone has at least one healing ability, so opening to your psychic psychic abilities enables you to give yourself self-healing energy.
- Your psychic powers are part of your sacred contract with the Divine. You came into the world to be of service with these particular spiritual gifts. To deny them is to deny a very important part of you, your spirituality and your purpose here on Earth. There are exceptions to this but, for the most part, learning how to be with these energies will serve you better than locking them away.
Misa divines her clients' spiritual gifts as the core of the Healing Readings, Life Path Readings and Soul Journey Readings she does for clients all over the world. She describes the gifts that accompany you into this world as the special talents and abilities that you packed into your supernatural suit cases before you came to Earth. What you packed provides a strong indication about what you came here to do and how you came here to do it.
Discovering your psychic powers and psychic abilities empowers you to live the fulfilling life your soul most desires to experience.
How do you develop psychic powers?
Each person has their own unique set of psychic abilities and ways of accessing their intuitive guidance, with no two people being exactly the same.
You may be primarily empathic. You may be clairsentient, claircognizant, clairvoyant and/or clairaudient. You have the most interesting facets within your primary psychic powers. You have unique ways and times of accessing your intuitive insights. And you can discover and use those gifts starting right now!
Here’s the catch. Most of us went through life without our psychic abilities being identified, let alone developed. Most of us didn’t have anyone in our family skilled in this area. And so you might have found yourself being told not to use your spiritual gifts.
You might have gifts that are so natural to you, you might not even be aware that they are special or unique because it wouldn’t have been a topic of discussion growing up.
There are some ways in which you can begin identifying and developing your psychic abilities:
- Get a psychic reading from someone that knows how to identify your spiritual gifts and psychic powers. Often times, a skilled psychic can see in you what you may not so easily be able to see in yourself.
- Become an astute observer of your reality. Notice how you receive and respond to life around you. You can get some significant clues just by noticing the subtleties of your inner senses. Then invite your intuition to guide you in using your gifts properly. For many of us, this is the primary way we end up developing our most precious psychic abilities.
- Study or receive related counseling with someone that can help you identify and cultivate your spiritual gifts and psychic powers. This individual should be able to help you become a more keen observer of you in the subtle realms, guide you and teach you about the best ways to use your gifts in service to yourself and to others.
Now There's an Online Course to Help You Develop Your Psychic Gifts!
Giving psychic readings to people around the world to help people understand their spiritual gifts and psychic powers, Misa realized that most people don’t know how to identify them or develop them.
This inspired Misa to teach her Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities: Live Intuitively audio course to help people realize their potential by understanding their spiritual and psychic abilities. While Misa doesn't often teach this course as live classes, she's made the class recordings available to you to help you recognize your psychic abilities and grow your psychic powers at your own pace. (The recordings are also less expensive than the live classes.)
As an educator, the questions that Misa asks in the classes are designed to help you see yourself in ways in which you have never seen yourself before. Misa promises at least one “aha” moment (most people have many) where you suddenly recognize the significance of your psychic powers.
You will hear real-life case studies where individuals discover how to engage their psychic abilities deeply and safely. The questions that Misa asks during the audio course will apply to you as well, so that you can also discover how to use your psychic powers in satisfying and meaningful ways.
Introducing: "Psychic Powers and Abilities: Live Intuitively" Audio Course
During the course you will discover how to:
- Recognize your intuitive gifts, even those hidden deeply
- Develop and trust your intuition and psychic powers for important decisions regarding home, career, relationships and more
- Recognize the difference between emotional feelings and intuitive impulses
- Understand the difference and relationship between intuition and empathy
- Use intuition for healing yourself and others
- Use and trust your intuition for practical matters such as personal safety
- Access intuition to help manifest everything you want in life
- Develop intuitive relationships with animals, trees, crystals, etc. to access a world of "hidden" wisdom
- Know how and when to share intuitive insights with others
What you will receive:
- 12 downloadable audio recordings, one per week for of each of the 12 class sessions with Misa (18 hours total)
- An accompanying e-workbook for your personal use
- Fun exercises for learning how to test and use your intuition in daily life
- Free audio class on “Being a Highly Sensitive Person” (because you probably are)
- A systematic, yet intuitive approach to developing your intuition and psychic powers
- Practical ways for integrating intuitive wisdom into your world
- Questions to help you explore the true nature of your psychic abilities and intuitive insight
You will receive these 12 psychic development lessons (one class download per week):
- Intuition as Fact That Has Not Yet Been Proven
- Recognizing Your Intuitive Gifts
- Intuition and Creativity
- Intuition and Empathy
- Intuition and Quieting the Mind
- Using Intuitive Aids
- Intuition for Manifestation
- Intuition for Decision Making
- Intuition for Self-Healing
- Intuition in Relationship with Plants and Animals
- Intuition with the Spirit World: Working with Guides
- Using Intuitive Wisdom to Help Others
You will complete the Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities: Live Intuitively audio course with greater confidence in and comfort with your ability to make the right decisions in your life!
Note: Because your psychic abilities are a gateway to the Divine and, in particular, the Sacred Feminine, this course was originally titled "Discovering Your Intuitive Wisdom - Doorway to the Sacred Feminine".
Misa's Educational Approach
Have you ever gone to a lecture and realized afterward that you had a couple of great insights, but days later the information was already slipping away? That's because you haven't applied it in your life yet. Socrates, very wisely understood this, so rather than lecture, he asked his students thought provoking questions. He solicited their own wisdom from them.
Voila! They were immediately applying what they were learning and they were getting their own best answers. That is what you will be doing.
After each class, you will be encouraged to develop yourself further by engaging in assignments that take you deeper into your spiritual awareness and natural psychic powers. This ensures that you will be experiencing your gifts, rather than merely hearing about them.
As a trained educator, Misa teaches this course using both of these experiential and Socratic teaching methodologies. These proven educational methodologies are designed for you to learn the most through involvement. As a result, you actually discover and develop your own unique psychic abilities.
You will also benefit as Misa shares many stories and insights from her own life as a psychic, as well as those of her clients (anonymously, of course).
These recorded tele-classes give your case studies as they capture the group discussions and questions that also take you into your own self-discovery.
During Misa's tele-class recordings, you will be asked to prepare for the next class by using the included downloadable workbook. The workbook asks you to consider questions intended to stimulate your thoughts and beliefs about how to live using your psychic abilities as guidance. Misa will share her own thoughts and experiences, yet the emphasis on each class is for you to discover your own intuitive wisdom and psychic powers.
What Others Have Experienced with Misa in This Powerful Class
Better Understanding of Empathy and Intuition in Healing
As a healer, I appreciated our discussions in the class about the constructive role of empathy as a form of intuitive guidance, and a natural response to life. I was reminded that emotions do not define who we are, and that by being in empathy with others in compassion, we are able to transform difficult emotions without ever really taking them on. My healing practice is enhanced, because I now know I don't need to have concern about taking on another's pain. I can focus on compassion and let that do the work for me.

Judy Cole
Reiki Practitioner
Deeper Realization About the Truth of Who I Am
My "aha!" moment in the class was in deeply realizing that we are all part of a great collective consciousness and that intuition is how we connect with each other and understand our authentic selves. I left the class with a deeper realization about who I am and how I fit in the world.
New Awareness of Nature's Relationship with Me
Because of the peace I get from it, I walk in nature all the time. My camera, my closest friend, accompanies me as I follow my own mantra, the foundation of my photography and courses. "If anything catches your eye, stop and take a picture of it; then again from different angles." I had thought I was thus attuned to what is available, when viewing things from different perspectives. Then I did Misa's course and had a whole new opening when she pointed out that nature is also communicating with us at other subtle levels. Thank you so much for that.

Sheila Bakely Finkelstein
Misa Helped Me Get In Touch With My Unique Intuitive Abilities
What I loved about Misa's course was our exploration of the different ways intuition manifests. I learned that I am highly intuitive and empathic through a reading with Misa—something that hadn't really registered previously. Now her course has helped me understand what that means and how to apply it. One of the greatest gifts in learning to use my intuition and psychic abilities has been learning to trust guidance from Spirit and my Higher Self instead of agonizing over every decision in my "monkey mind".

Jeff Burger, Denver
Denver, CO
About Misa Hopkins
Misa's Money-Back Promise

I very much look forward to helping you further develop your psychic powers and psychic abilities. Here is my simple promise of satisfaction to you: You may receive a full refund for any reason if you cancel within 30 days of your purchase.

Maybe you are thinking "I’ll wait until later…" to explore my psychic abilities?
It's always easy to put something off for "later"—even if its something important. All too often, we're too busy trying the hard way to get what we want that we don't stop to learn how to do it the easier way!
Every day that we spend without learning to better use our psychic powers is another day we don't live life to the fullest.
Using psychic abilities has helped Misa, her students and her colleagues:
- Save their lives
- Heal chronic or “incurable” conditions
- Align their careers with their true life’s work
- Generate greater prosperity through greater alignment with purpose
- Find their life partners
- Enjoy greater ease in making important decisions
- Experience less confusion, less worry, less stress and less doubt
- Have more fun doing what they come there to do
- Manifest what they want more quickly
Of course, you can wait to identify and develop your psychic powers at any time. And... why not enjoy greater ease, love, health and prosperity right now?
Develop Your Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities Today!
You are a rare and precious soul—here to do something very special. Discovering what made you special from the day you were born is a powerful insight into the Divine inception of your soul and you as the awesome human being you are.
If you are ready to understand what makes you unique, and then use those unique talents to serve your loved ones, humanity and the planet, you are ready for Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities: Live Intuitively.

Discover and develop your spiritual gifts to experience greater inner direction and satisfaction in your life through…
- 18-hours of instruction, insights, questions, activities and case studies
- Workbook with resources, questions and activities accompanying each lesson
- Free audio class on “Being a Highly Sensitive Person”
- Guided meditations
This audio course is delivered one lesson per week over 12 weeks to allow you time to fully integrate each lesson before moving to the next.
You must be satisfied that you are receiving valuable guidance in developing your psychic gift or request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
Students achieved amazing breakthroughs in the live class valued at $549, however...
To help as many people as she can, Misa is making the recorded audios and workbook available to you for a limited time at a significantly reduced price:
If you have have any questions before purchasing, we're always here to help.