Everyday Miracles
Women of Power and Spirit—Inspirational Interviews
Healing and Awakening in the Sacred Feminine
In the middle of the self-healing journey, sometimes you feel alone. Sometimes you want to give up hope. When those moments arise, I invite you to come here.
This interview series introduces you to women who have faced overwhelming challenges. By opening to their spiritual natures, they overcame the odds—chronic health conditions, rough relationships, profound grief, regrets, abuse, and more—to create lives of health and joy. They discovered the healing gifts of compassion, creativity, quiet moments, and their intuition—qualities of the Sacred Feminine—and necessary for lasting healing. You will find their stories to be authentic and life-inspiring. And you will hear many of them say, "if I can do it, you can too!" (Guys, you haven't been forgotten. I'll be finding and sharing your stories next!)

Featured Guest—Ariann Thomas, J.D.
A powerful vision showed Ariann Thomas how to heal generational patterns of abuse and pain. Since then she became dedicated to helping individuals heal through Ancestral Lineage Clearing. She has written two books on the subject, including her most recent book, Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations. By releasing the past beliefs held by our ancestor’s culture, our family’s stories, and our own life’s traumas, we can live a life filled with all we desire. The most significant impact to this work is that our healing also affects future generation and their health and happiness. Listen to my interview with her about the science and energy medicine of healing our genetic heritage. Then, grab a copy of her book here.
Featured Guest—Amy Konkoly, M.S.
Amy Konkoly, M.S. left the processed food industry and studied with some of today's leaders in holistic health. She is now a Holistic Food and Lifestyle Coach who is passionate about integrating healthy habits that lead to a vibrant and purpose-filled life. Amy found her calling 10 years ago in discovering the the secrets to healing her own mental health diagnosis‹naturally. In this interview you'll hear her unique views about living in soulful harmony with food and life. Listen to the end, because Amy offers a very generous gift to you. Learn more about Amy and her work at A Taste for Wellness.
Recent Guest—Rae Hatherton
Rae has spent much of her life turning disasters into opportunity or growing lotus flowers in the swamp. Divorce, bankruptcy, and illness might have stopped her but her motivation has always been to inspire others with her resilience and share her learning along the way. A healer, naturopath, and teacher, she is the author of Amazon best-selling book "Alive! An Energy Plan For Life" and founder of Tibetan Acupressure Compassionate Touch, a bodywork modality incorporating presence, touch and the power of energy medicine appropriate for both the professional and the caregiver. She travels and teaches all over the world. You can reach Rae at tibetanenergymedicine.com.
Recent Guest—Lisa Wimberger
Hit by lightning at age 15, and haunted by decades of a seizure disorder that caused Lisa to flatline on multiple occasions, she has turned her trauma into the fuel of her healing modality called Neurosculpting®. She is the Founder of the Neurosculpting® Institute and runs a private practice teaching meditation to clients who suffer from stress disorders and law enforcement agencies. She is the author of New Beliefs, New Brain and Neurosculpting® audio programs. Learn more about Lisa and her work at neurosculptinginstitute.com.
Recent Guest—Tashene Wolfe
When Tashene Wolfe was four years old her grandfather died and she was able to see his spirit. When she told her family she could see him, she was told that she was lying. As a result she closed off her intuition and her natural abilities as a medium. She led a "normal" life until 1971 when she was diagnosed with cancer and told she had 3 months to live. A near-death experience and a second cancer diagnosis in 1980 led her to the spiritual work she does now, inspiring hope to others. She is an ordained minister, the author of multiple books, and teaches 12 Levels of Integrated Consciousness Enlightenment. She is here to inspire us all with hope through her beautiful story. Learn more about Tashene and her work at wholenessplace.com.
Recent Guest—Chris Davis
Chris Davis is the author of five uplifting and inspirational books for dog and cat lovers. Her award-winning titles for those who’ve lost an animal companion bring comfort to readers all over the world. Her newest book, Breathing Fire, was written after a miraculous event brought her face-to-face with unexpressed rage from abuse she endured as a child. Chris knew her years of speaking with grieving animal lovers had prepared her for this new leg of her journey, for both genres address loss, grieving and navigating the road from sorrow to joy. In both cases, the path to healing comes through sharing stories. Learn more about Chris and her work at lightheartedpress.com.
Recent Guest—Maria Mar
Maria Mar is an author and shaman who has faced betrayal, addictions, fire, disease and homelessness. She found herself with nothing after decades of hard work and has found that the Place of Zero—that painful place we fear and avoid—is the Sacred Womb of the Goddess Mystery, were you can be reborn into your highest potential and deepest purpose. "Crisis is the oven where your dreams are cooked into your Sacred Life", Maria Mar declares, "if you allow the transformation." You can learn more about Maria and her work at mariamar.com.
Recent Guest—Karen Monteverdi
Karen Monteverdi is the Owner and Program Director of Green Mountain Enrichment and Empowerment Center. She shares with her defining moment when she was told she didn’t have to live in pain anymore. She also shares how she found true forgiveness that ended a cycle of abuse, helped her heal, and opened her to a life of thriving. At Green Mountain, she now helps healers, coaches and spiritual leaders in establishing their businesses. Her #1 best-selling book, “Living Consciously in an Ego Driven Society” offers a new way, a short-cut, for individuals, communities and groups to heal our mind-body relationships.Learn more about Karen and her work at highestlighthouse.com.
Recent Guest—Shannon Rios
After Shannon’s failed relationships she realized that she was the common denominator, and that the core issue was a need for self-love. She made a commitment to not blame her partners and instead focus on what she needed to feel self-love. Shannon now partners with individuals, organizations and families to assist them in living into their highest potential. She has produced two highly acclaimed guided meditation CDs, holds a Masters in Psychology and a Licensure in Marriage and Family Therapy. As a life coach and therapist, her work exists for one reason—to assist all of us to live in our full amazing beautiful potential every moment. Learn more about Shannon and her work at http://inlovewithme.com.
Recent Guest—Annemiek Douw
Annemiek Douw, MSc's personal experience with long-term illness combined with her own work as a healer have led her to understand how the soul is an internal compass that continuously guides us. She has helped thousands of clients heal at many levels, teaching them how to read this compass for themselves. She shares her wisdom with us as a management coach, light-worker, medium, energetic therapist, trainer and author. In 2011, she shared her unprecedented work in the Dutch language book "De ziel in het licht van haar hogere auralagen", which is now available in English under the title "21 Layers of the Soul: Healing the Karmic Ties with Friends, Lovers, Family and Enemies". Learn about Annemiek and her work at http://21layersofthesoul.com
Recent Guest—Shazna Jai
Shazna Jai’s story is nothing short of amazing. She was ordained as a Melchizedek Priestess in 1996—a path whose teachings are from Christ’s lifetime and which Shazna describes simply as "walking your talk". Her journey of faith was amplified many times over when, after falling off a 50-foot cliff, she healed 22 broken bones in 4 weeks “by the power and grace of God” and learned the Universal Truths. She now lives a life of service to others as a Oneness Facilitator (Deeksha) and by providing inspiration and Crystaline Clearings to thousands of people around the world. Learn more about Shazna and her work at http://shaznajai.com.
Recent Guest—Erica Tucci
Erica Tucci had a full life as a corporate manager of a Fortune 500 company, a healing arts business owner and an author of three books. It all came to ascreeching halt in June 2011 when she had a stroke that left her completely paralyzed on her right side. During Erica's recovery, she gained much wisdom about what¹s really important in life, and she re-entered the world with a new mission: to use her story as an inspiration for others facing life challenges. That story is in Erica's new book, "Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences". Erica helps women find their "yin radiance" through their authentic voice and their own healing to live life brilliantly. Learn more about Erica at http://www.ericatucci.com.
Recent Guest—Kimberly Burnham
At 28 years old, Kimberly was diagnosed with keratoconus and nystagmus. Basically it meant that her career as a photographer was being challenged by a potentially, blinding condition of the eyes. At the age of 54, she began a journey to find solutions for her vision and migraine headaches. Now she shares complementary and alternative ways to improve quality of life for those with a diagnosis of vision and nervous system disorders. Learn more about her story and the stories of thought-leaders such as Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield, Janet Bray Atwood, and Robert Allen in the book, "Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now." Listen to Misa's interview with her.
Recent Guest—Lynn Serafinn, MAED, CPCC
Lynn grew up in a turbulent household riddled with mental illness, alcoholism and emotional abuse. In spite of being a high "achiever" both academically and in her professional world of classical music, she was continually tormented by cycles of depression and break-downs throughout her 20s. Later, she entered a marriage where she was a battered wife, oppressed by religious fanaticism, for 22 years. Finally, she experienced an abrupt "wake up call" in her late 40s, when she started her life over again from the ground up, a story she tells in her bestselling book The Garden of the Soul: Lessons from Four Flowers that Unearth the Self. Now, as an award-winning author and coach she helps her clients become best-selling authors and heal the planet through conscious marketing. Discover more at Spirit Authors and The 7 Graces of Marketing.
Recent Guest—Jewels Marshon
Jewels Marshon grew up in an unconventional and challenging environment. Her personal and professional challenges have helped her develop compassion and an understanding about the nature of transformation. Jewels is a gifted intuitive, healer and speaker, able to help others experience their deeper gifts and the truth of who they really are. As the founder of High Impact Business Coaching, she assists entrepreneurs and CEO's in finding the shortest distance between themselves and their potential. Learn more about Jewels at: High Impact Business Coaching
Recent Guest—Reverend Ariann Thomas
Ariann was told she had a lump in her breast, and though not cancerous, it needed to be surgically removed. In doing some research, she discovered that while this is standard procedure in the U. S., it is not standard procedure in other countries. Choosing to dissolve the lump using energy medicine, she encountered some resistance from the medical establishment. Ariann shares a powerful story about her resolve, results, and how she worked with the doctors. Learn more about Ariann's current work clearing family patterns with Ancestral Lineage Clearing.
Recent Guest—Brenda MacIntyre
Medicine Song Woman, also known as Brenda MacIntyre. was - and still is - thought of as the weird one in her family. She lost both her parents as a teen, became a single mother at the age of 20 and spent half her life painfully shy with zero self-esteem and no sense of belonging. But one thing she always knew was that she was here for a purpose - and that her voice was the key. And through her journey back to herself, she has become a successful healer, business coach, spiritual mentor and award-winning singer who helps healers and coaches who are struggling with putting themselves out there, to find their voice, fulfill their purpose and enjoy the freedom and prosperity they deserve. To discover more about Brenda and her work, visit Sing Yourself Alive.
Recent Guest—Lea Chapin
Lea Chapin was sexually abused as a child and overcame the challenges of her abuse by forgiving the perpetrator. The power of forgiveness and the study of metaphysics eventually led her to connections with the Ascended Masters and the Celestial Realm. Through those connections,she helps people who suffer, and who continue to suffer in silence, to heal their wounds and empower themselves. Today, she lives her life with great joy and enthusiasm to be of assistance to others. Learn more about Lea's sacred work empowering people at her website Celestial Connections.
Recent Guest—Deborah Dachinger
Deborah Dachinger has faced some significant challenges that have ultimately led her to a life of passion where dreams come true. She has struggled with career and finances since she left college and her troubled mind could not allow her to conceive she could be successful at what she loved to do. She said she held herself back because she felt unworthy. She was in pain over feeling that she could not achieve what she was put here to do. She is now the host of the award winning Dare to Dream radio show and the book Dare to Dream: This Life Counts. Learn more about Deborah at Deborah Dachinger
Recent Guest—Sue London
Sue London, motivational speaker, author of Soar Above It All, and host of the Get Inspired radio program is known for helping people create the life they desire. In her earlier adult life, Sue experienced a series of challenges, including Crohns Disease, abuse, life or death pregnancy, a near death experience and being told that she had 30 minutes to live. After all that, she learned her husband of 16 years had a girlfriend. Sue got a divorce, become empowered, and took control of her own life. That is when the healing began. Sue’s disease went away, and not only did she survive, but she went on to thrive and create an entirely new life. She now hosts the award-winning Ask Sue London radio program. Discover more about Sue at Ask Sue London.
Recent Guest—Elizabeth Cuckson
Elizabeth Cuckson is an intuitive and medium who is skilled at helping you heal your heart from the inside out. After losing her baby girl, she discovered the depth of her compassion and love for herself, her family, and the woman who was caring for her daughter when she died. Elizabeth's story will bring you to tears as you experience with her the healing power of her own heart, as she found the strength to forgive and the openness to hear her daughter's messages from the other side. Discover more about Elizabeth and her inspiring radio program From the Heart at Elizabeth Cuckson.
Recent Guest—Gloria Messenger
Gloria Messenger, a spiritual artist, author and angel messenger. Her story includes the challenges of growing up in a family of 6 children and how that impacted a longing to be noticed. Gloria’s life challenges as an adult have included the end of a 20 year marriage and a 24/7 on-call career in real estate that was draining her energy. Amidst these challenges, Gloria discovered her joy, remained committed to understanding what life was truly all about. Following a near-death experience, during a gratitude meditation she was visited by the Angels of Light, where her sense of separation and fear were instantly changed. Her new book, A Mirroring Discovery with Angel Visitation provides us with insights about her powerful relationship with angels. Discover more about Gloria Messenger at The Angel Messenger.
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