This morning, as I was meditating, I had one of those special moments of awakening. As I was in the moment, I remembered that the last time I had a profound experience of awakening, I tried to cling to it, thinking, “I want life to be like this forever.” The moment I attached to the experience, it stopped.
I have found the same to be true in regard to healing. I remember times when I would suddenly feel completely well. I would attempt to attach to it as though I could squeeze that feeling into my body forever. Then minutes later, I would be uncomfortable again and wondering why nothing ever worked.
In reality, something was working. I could feel my wellness. It would have been appropriate to acknowledge how I was feeling and give thanks for it. Where I created an impediment was when I tried to grab on to it and make my body and mind submit to wellness, rather than allow it to simply be.
Energetically this is similar to cupping water in your hand and then squeezing your hand. Of course, the water immediately runs out of your hand. However, if you keep your hand cupped, the water lingers. When you are in a true state of acceptance, the water stays in your hand.
Attempting to make healing happen or hanging on to those moments of wellness doesn’t work. It must be allowed to simply become you. You surrender to the wellness and invite it in openly to have its way with you.
Getting overly excited doesn’t work very well either. Some years ago, I was healing a cut finger—eyes closed, singing to the cut to seal it. At one point I opened my eyes and saw that my sound healing was working. I got very excited and thought, “Oh, this is easy!” From that moment on nothing happened.
I asked my elder and teacher what had happened, and she explained that the moment I got excited, I was basically expressing my disbelief and doubt. She told me that you don’t get excited when you know it is going to work; you just do it. Healing is a matter-of-fact reality when you know, without doubt, that it will happen.
Dr. Artistotle describes the phenomena of excitement and ego quite well in this article: . As he suggests, sometimes even positive thinking isn’t the kind of positive thinking that helps you become well. He suggests letting go of the “emotional roller-coaster” of being extremely excited or extremely depressed will help accelerate healing.
If you find yourself attempting by matter of will to grab on to healing, impressing it into your being forever; or getting excited and over-confident at the first signs of actual wellness, like me, you are probably going to discover these approaches don’t work, and your healing process actually slows down or can even come to a complete halt.
Finding peace with the ups and downs of your healing as a journey, allows you to find the gift in each experience. The more you see and feel the gifts, the more frequently you experience those precious, “feel good” moments.
The imperfections in nature, help us relax, which is vital to healing, as I discuss in my book, The Root of All Healing. This same imperfection leaves inside of each one of us.
The realization of our imperfections is an opportunity to accept ourselves, and in that deep acceptance, mind, body, spirit and emotions relax fully. We are once again, reunited in Divine consciousness, and the pain simply disappears. I discuss this in greater depth in my book, Sacred Feminine Awakening, Wisdom from Mary Magdalene on Healing the Self. Yes, this is a channeled book, and if you are not into channeling I understand. That said, there are some insights in it that can provide some great tools for healing.
It is far better to open your heart and body to being well. Then graciously notice when you are feeling better with gratitude. You can feel pleased and grateful, enjoying the moment of your wellness, without trying to grab hold of it or becoming overly excited by it. When you can simply allow wellness to be fully accepted in the moment—letting it settle into your bones—you will discover moments of wellness occurring more and more frequently, until that is your natural state.
Thanks Misa. This is what I seem to be experiencing. I am healing my type II diabetes. I get excited when I have a real low blood sugar reading. The next day it will be back up even higher than before. I'll work on being more relaxed about the whole process and accepting whatever is in store. It is difficult to work intensively on something and still be relaxed and accepting. I did purchase your book and find it very helpful.
Conny, ah yes. I know that place, because as I shared in the article, I've done it! It is challenging to stay intensely focused while also remaining relaxed and accepting. It is like the perfect balancing point of the polarities, isn't it? The great masters throughout time have given us koan's (statements that are oxymorons to or every day thinking) to consider when we desire to find that place of transcendence within us. Our healing journeys show us over and over that healing is a gateway to awakening. You have clearly understood where the true work and true opportunity lives! Let me know how this insights changes your experience of healing.
It's an excellent thought that we ourselves, often many cause impediments to the positive flow of Life, by being too focussed or energised. I think that's something I can relate to – and explains, in part, why my own success seems erratic and inconsistent. I should observe myself more, but I guess that when I am in a state of graceful acceptance, healing simply occurs. Thanks for the article and the profound, yet simple messages you are sharing with all of us.
Peace always,
Sumithra, it is good to know that these reflections gave you some new perspective. Focus can certainly make a difference, but when we become attached to the outcome rather than allow it, we do indeed restrict the cells ability to respond to our intentions. Too much tension or attachment implies that we are more in fear than in trust. Please let me know what differences you discover in your journey as you embody what you so beautifully describe as "a state of graceful acceptance."
It is my belief, that the true nature of Man (and I speak generically) is spiritual in essence. As Spirit is without imperfection, why is there imperfection in the vehicle it occupies? That in essence it what the healing process is all about. Spirit will seek to perfect the vehicle if we allow the flow of energy. Other benefits may also come from that flow. At the same time we must allow that flow to pass on into the world in our words and thoughts, possibly deeds as well. This is perhaps what you are trying to say in your article above. Having said all the above, I must try to live the philosophy to the best of my ability. In that, perhaps I am like the teacher who said , "Do as I say, not as I do". Thank you Misa
A wise man once said to me, "Sometimes you will know something and then you will speak about it; other times you will speak about it and then you will come to understand what it really means." In his opinion, both ways of deepening our understanding is valid. It does seem that so much, if not all, of the healing journey is about realizing there is nothing to be fixed when we are healing. Rather, it is an invitation to open to a greater consciousness of Spirit through a process, we call healing. I'm not sure I even think of healing as flow, at this juncture in my life, as I think of it as presence in which our essential truth is known. The key, it seems to me is in becoming aware of how we are being with our truth. All that said, even enlightened masters can be challenged by their physical bodies, so indeed, as you have suggested, perhaps we humans still have much to understand.
I loved this article. I consider all beings as healers. That is why I believe we are here on earth. I have for many years worked at developing this aspect of my Being. Your article helps me realize why I have not perceived success in this as I think i have been 'grabbing' the idea . Thanks again.
Peace and love
Denise, I'm so glad the article could bring some clarity. I was fortunate to have a teacher early on that pointed out to me how I was grabbing instead of knowing the truth of healing. It's great to be able to pass that insight along. Let me know how it goes as you shift the focus. I will be most curious to hear!