One of the Best Way to Bring Back Your Energy
I received this question from one of my readers, and it’s something many of us struggle with when we are healing emotionally or from chronic illness.
When your energy is low, your motivation is low—even for the things you know you need to do to build up and maintain your well-being.
Because getting to the root cause of your drained state takes energy, it’s easier to just turn to a quick pick-me-up—like sugar or coffee. Of course, then you pay for that later when you crash even further. Pushing through ultimately pushes you into bed.
Now, pushing through has it’s place when you are in an emergency, but overall, it’s an unhealthy way to live. It comes from the conditioning that it is better to achieve than to rest. This is a very masculine model for living, and for sensitive and empathic people, it’s a sure-fire way to end up in a state of emotional or physical collapse.
I know this cycle. I’ve done it so many times in my life, until I understood what was really going on. If the body and mind are always on alert, you never really rest. And rest is required to rejuvenate mind, body, emotions and spirit.
What you need to know if you are a sensitive or empathic person
If you are a sensitive or empathic person, you are picking up energy from all kinds of people and situations: reactions to past traumas, concerns for the welfare of yourself and the people you love, global events, and even the planet itself.
Those awarenesses don’t get time to process if your mind and body are constantly in motion. They process naturally, when you give yourself permission to get still—really still.
If you are going to get your energy back, you need to be in balance. If your body or emotions have been on hyper-drive, then you have a significant need for quiet and rest.
In my book, The Root of All Healing, I share something I learned that saved my life. Simply put, “If you want to accelerate your healing, you have to slow down.” The same is true with your energy. The antidote is less.
When you have quieted down inside it is possible to receive insights about what is causing the energy drain, and become aware of the changes you need to make physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually to stop draining energy. You may find you need to change a belief, habit or behavior that is causing you to lose energy.
Once you stop the draining, you will naturally begin feeling more energized. Then, if you open to your self-love and compassion, you will feel an impulse to express your life with exuberance and passion. Allow yourself to feel inspired to make the changes you know you need to make in order to take care of yourself with greater passion and regard than you have ever cared for yourself before.
Reset Your Energy Quickly and Effectively
The best and fastest way to restore your energy is through stillness, and it is one of the primary qualities of the Sacred Feminine. There are other Sacred Feminine qualities that take you into the serene and comforting stillness you need.
For example, consider getting out in nature for as much time as possible. Mother Earth naturally relaxes and energizes you at the same time. Creative expression and meditation can produce those same seemingly opposed qualities of being tranquil and energized. This is a heightened state of consciousness that many of us are craving when we say we want to feel more energy.
What we may not realize or remember is that this heightened awareness and zeal for life can also be experienced with an underlying sense of calm and peace that is ultimately far more healthy for us than pure adrenaline rush.
I see this take place naturally when I’d doing a Holding session for someone. The deeper we are able to enter into the stillness, the greater the emergence into their zeal and energy for life.
Holding sessions are all about consciously entering into the silence and stillness, with the awareness that when the quiet and rest is deep enough, you will be reborn restored. It’s a lovely way to become energized again—no stimulants required. 😉
So before you pick up another cup of coffee or grab something sweet to try to boost your energy, consider doing exactly the opposite. Grab a couple of moments of silence. Be still and be present to how you are feeling. Hold that feeling in your compassion until you feel your life force surging again.
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