Why surrender is an important part of your self healing
When I first discovered the concept of surrender in regard to healing, I thought it meant giving up, as in admitting defeat or that it meant not putting any more effort into my healing. However, I soon understood surrender within the context of healing was more akin to giving up the fight and the need to figure out what my healing journey should look like. I discovered that struggling to become well was no way to become well at all.
I read advertisements now about the fight against AIDS or cancer, or other debilitating conditions and can’t identify with the concept of fighting against an illness. Fighting is an energy that inherently implies conquering or working against something rather than with it. I have experienced far more healing by working with a condition than I ever did when I was choosing to conquer it.
Surrender allows you to get insights and help you need.
Surrender in healing is about letting go of the need to conquer or figure out how to fix yourself. Surrender rests in divine wisdom as the guiding light to your wellness. Surrender is an act of opening to the lessons the illness or injury can bring into your life. It is about creating space for unexpected insights about the best course for your ultimate wellness and happiness. Surrender is the art of letting go of the struggle to become well and sinking into wellness itself.
Most of all it is a surrender to absolute love for you and for anyone connected to your illness, past, present, or future.
Illnesses occur for reasons. Perhaps you have exposed ourselves to too many toxins, either through our environment, your water, habits, or food and drink.
Maybe you have deep emotional pain that is manifesting as pain in your body.
You might be empathic, and picking up the sorrow and anger of people around you or you might even be connecting to the lack of balance on the planet and manifesting that lack of balance in your own body.
Pathogens may be having their way with your body, or you may be stressed beyond your body’s abilities to cope.
There are so many potential causes, and frequently more than one cause, that you can wear yourself out trying to figure it all out and heal at the same time.
This is where surrender can be helpful. If you need to know the root cause, you can ask for guidance and surrender the machinations of your mind to a stillness and peace that will provide you with the insights you need.
If you need to establish a clear course of action, by opening to divine awareness, you can allow yourself to be led to the perfect healer or therapy.
You can welcome insight to come to you in meditation, through your dreams, and your own intuitive perceptions.
Consider communicating with your illness or injury.
You can even speak directly to the illness or injury. Ask it to reveal its lessons to you and what it needs in order to return your body to balance. Not all illness or injuries are bad.
Sometimes, illness is actually a gift you are giving yourself to help you slow down, relinquish your stressful life, release limiting beliefs, open to receiving greater love, quiet your mind, and settle down your emotional reactions to life.
If you are willing to surrender the fight and receive the gift, the healing often follows naturally, with effort, but without struggle.
True surrender in your healing comes from a humble heart.
Surrender happens the moment you realize that the healing you need is bigger than what your ego will create for you. In order to heal, Divine guidance is required. As you follow that guidance, you are led to the perfect resources and interventions for you.
If you are not sure about how to surrender, my Breakthrough Healing video course offers a variety of ways in which you can surrender control and surrender to Divine love. Your surrender opens the door to greater trust and Divine wisdom.
If you know you have been Divinely led to a healer or treatment, you can rest in the support you are receiving. You can surrender in trust to the approaches you have been guided to utilize.
By surrendering in trust you are living in faith with the Divine. The more you trust, the more revelations will come to you about how to heal.
As you surrender, love for the totality of who you are—including your challenges and your perfection—is revealed to you, and it is all part of your journey of loving awareness.
Isn’t the totality of you worthy of knowing it is fully loved? Surrender in healing is not at all about admitting defeat. In the journey of healing surrender allows you to be completely loved in the arms of the Divine.
Thank you Mia, for re-minding me that I need to re-surrender and repeat this lesson…..this is very synchronicistic for me….you just showed me where I have slipped into old patterns and needed this re-mind to surrender FULLY to creator and be humble. This article just opened my eyes to how my ego has slipped back in charge and I went from Co creating to taking charge…no wonder I have a little mess! Fortunately though I just received your lovely article and can put myself back in place..lol….Thank you so very much ♡
Treeva, I’m so glad it spoke to your heart. Every now and then I see my little child self with my hands on my hips telling the Creator how things need to be. It makes me laugh. It is so natural for us to do that. Isn’t it wonderful to know we can always come back to the sweet release of surrender?
I will try it. I mean, I will try to surrender.
William, after you do, I hope you will return and let us know what you discover in the process. Holding you in love as you surrender!
Loved that article! And yes I experienced the power of surrender, when I did not know what to do anymore, I surrendered it completely to the divine and next days things started unfolding in alignment with what was best for my life. Sometimes is painful, but when you look back you realize was for the best.
I love the way you explain it, I will copy and paste in my note book so I have it forever, is an awesome reminder and also how to find the root of an illness, fantastic! THANK YOU
Esperanza, I’m so glad to know that surrender has worked so powerfully in your life. It is a humbling step to take, and one that can make such a difference. To the beauty that comes out of surrender!
Thank you for your inspiring words which mean so much to me. How can we fight an illness if we do not understand it or cannot summon the strength? We are setting ourselves up to fail or fear failure which is so negative. Surrendering the illness seems such a natural thing, as though deep down I knew this but needed some affirmation. I feel that I can now truly begin a healing journey.
Patricia, I'm so glad the insights here could confirm what your intuition is already telling you. Sometimes that little voice in the back of our minds can be so subtle, that it is helpful to know others have heard and followed the same little voice with success. Thank you for sharing with us.
This is one of the most important secrets to healing that millions do not know even it is written in many holy books-you gain your life by losing it. Beautiful article, clear and simple but very profound. Thank you.
Ilias, we agree. Surrender is a key to healing that many of us have not yet discovered, but when we do true healing begins to unfold. I appreciate your lovely words.