Misa has woken me up many times, providing just the “A-ha!” piece I needed to move my business to the next level.
Kim Wight – Psychic Reading – Short
I’ve had several types of readings done for me in the past, but I can’t remember walking away with as much valuable insight as you provided me with.
Kim-Wight- Psychic Reading
After our time together, I feel like I’m looking at a 3D puzzle and all the pieces have shifted just enough for everything to fit (finally)! You spoke in very grounded and practical terms that made complete sense and I also felt emotionally and spiritually uplifted. While listening to you, I am aware of the View Full →
Kaleah – Native – Short
Misa has walked the Native American path and is very knowledgeable in the customs and traditions. She brings with her a powerful medicine.
Kaleah – Native
Misa has walked the Native American path and is very knowledgeable in the customs and traditions. She brings with her a powerful medicine of her experience and her songs as well as a very strong intuitive side that guides her to do just what is needed at just the right time.