In being held by Misa, I have experienced the emergence of life-altering insights and wisdom, as well as all-consuming self-love for the first time…
Errity Jones – Holding
Misa’s presence is so deeply profound! In being held by Misa, I have experienced the emergence of life-altering insights and wisdom, as well as all-consuming self-love for the first time. As a result of being Held over time, I have grown more attuned to my own intuition and developed an intimate connection with the Sacred View Full →
Karen B – Holding – Short
I only wish I’d started working with Misa two analysts, three counselors, thousands of dollars, and several decades ago…
Karen B – Holding
The Holding is one of the most important tools for transformation I’ve experienced. Already it has opened the door to profound and life-changing insights. And this is after only two and a half months! I only wish I’d started working with Misa two analysts, three counselors, thousands of dollars and several decades ago!
Ariann – Holding – Short
The Holding Meditation is the most powerful technique I have encountered in 35 years of healing and transformative work. Misa’s ability to hold anyone in this space is truly breathtaking…