Misa, I want to tell you how powerful your reading was for me. I have received bits of guidance throughout my life, like breadcrumbs along the trail. Sitting with you, hearing your words, experiencing your vision and perspective has brought my life purpose into clear focus in a way that has enabled me to actually View Full →
D’Anne Davis – Short
Misa is a master alchemist—guiding gently and powerfully while she assists and holds people greatly so that they may turn their base metals and darkness into light and gold…
D’Anne Davis
Misa is fearless. Coupled with that is her searing love that never falters. She is a master alchemist—guiding gently and powerfully while she assists and holds people greatly so that they may turn their base metals and darkness into light and gold. Her boundaries are impeccable—masterfully ensuring that there is no dependence or other strange View Full →
Shirley – Sound Healing Course – Short
My lab results have been increasingly favorable each time I am tested…
Shirley – Sound Healing Course
I go quarterly for lab work on my kidney functioning. My lab results have been increasingly favorable each time I am tested to the extent that my GFR this month is only one point outside the range. Sound healing has to be one of the contributing modalities, and I am most grateful to you for View Full →