Our work resulted not only in release of pain, but techniques that I can use to calm the pain at any time…
Donna Mack – Sound Healing
You performed an amazing healing song relating to my 12-year problem with burning, scraping, popping nerves initiated by turning my neck. Our work resulted not only in release of pain, but techniques that I can use to calm the pain at any time.
Genevieve – Sound Healing Course – Short
I sat back on my chair and experimented with the sound healing. After a good night of sleep, [my lower back pain] was gone…
Genevieve – Sound Healing Course
I regularly suffer from lower back pain when I feel overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. It usually takes me days to get back to normal, and visits to a healing practitioner. It happened again two weeks ago, I felt it coming one night after working for hours at my computer. I sat View Full →
Amari Gold – Psychic Reading – Short
Experiencing your vision and perspective has brought my life purpose into clear focus in a way that has enabled me to actually begin on a path that I recognize as truly mine.