Amari Gold – Cancer and Mold
I am finding my experience with your work to be so deep, expansive, profound. It literally takes my breath away. It is as if you are in the room with me, inside my body even. I have been Listening to the CD twice a day, morning and night. During the sessions my inner being has taken to singing along with you, not necessarily the same sounds or key or melody that you are singing, but that which wishes to express through me. It is so powerful. Deep life long emotions awaken with each session and my organs cry and release the pain they have been carrying for so long. Each time a different one, deeper and deeper. From the first time i listened i could feel healing happening.
I am so loving singing with you!! It is one of my most interesting life experiences thus far. It’s difficult to explain … somehow the dissonance of my sounds colliding with your sounds open the gates of Heaven 🙂
Amari Gold
