Want to know more? Discover the full story on Private Counseling Sessions with Misa here:
Divine Feminine Consciousness for Healing and Awakening
Private Counseling Sessions with Misa can make all the difference in making your breakthroughs in creating your own healing and awakening miracles. Sessions take place over the phone or Skype from wherever you are in the world. Misa only works with clients who are committed to the process and a package of sessions that can be scheduled weekly, monthly or whatever interval works for you. Private Counseling is available only by application.
Want to know more? Discover the full story on Private Counseling Sessions with Misa here:
Amber Ortiz –
When I came to Misa for help, my health was so bad. I was facing an enormous decision about how to move forward and struggling emotionally while going through it. At the same, time I was also dealing with some of my family coming at me about what they thought I should do for treatment. She is a gift. She held loving space for me when I needed, showed me a different way to look at things, so that I could find some peace and healing. She has an amazing gift for sound healing. I cannot fully express in words the love and gratitude I have for Misa. With her help, I found a way to let my defenses down with my family and find love for them when we weren’t on the same page about how to handle my situation and I also found a way to let go and allow healing to happen when I was getting news that I didn’t want to hear. I’m at a point where I am handling things much better now on my own and it’s because of my work with Misa that I am able to do this. Misa is intuitive, kind, loving and non judgmental. She is a true healer.
Misa Hopkins –
Amber, thank you for sharing your experience. Your dedication to healing at every level has been absolutely inspiring. I must say, I was sad to say goodbye to our counseling time together, but so very happy for your and the powerful healing you created for yourself. What a powerful walk you are taking upon this earth!
Shawna –
Misa’s holding meditation is profound. Doing it every day for about a year laid down a strong foundation of love in my heart, and inspired me to do private healing sessions with her. In our 6 sessions, Misa was a keen and compassionate listener. She gently navigated me through grief that at times felt overwhelming, and helped me clear a path for Divine guidance. She helped me understand that everything can be medicine. She taught me about listening with soft eyes and soft ears. Her video course, Doorway to the Divine, was a wonderful companion to our work together. It provides a coherent and doable structure for approaching the healing process, which I find invaluable. I am deeply grateful for my opportunity to work with Misa!
Misa Hopkins –
Shawna, it was such a privilege to get to Hold space for the deep healing work you are doing. Your perceptions, love and gifts for the world are just beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to support you in your most sacred journey!
Marisa O’Connell –
I will definitely be back for some sessions. But for now here is my review:
When I signed up for a package of sessions with Misa I didn’t know what to expect really. I just felt called to get some clarity on my life. I had previously has sessions with Misa about specific issues and these were mostly spiritual or physical issues. So I was greatly surprised that our sessions from the package helped me figure out my business concept. We created plans and action steps and Misa gave me such amazing practical advice. I feel so inspired to move forward in life in a business that I absolutely love and that is so specific to who I am. She gave me that “push” in the right direction and I can feel my soul singing when making decisions that are in line with this new business. Thank you so much Misa for your wisdom, intuitive insights, your clarity, loving attention and kindness.
Hanna –
I had followed Misa for years but never worked with her personally. The grief from the loss of my mother had brought me to a very unsure, bitter place where I no longer trusted life or my purpose in it. I found myself needing assistance to reconnect with life and get back to being myself, and was finally called to work with Misa. In our work together, Misa held a space for me that allowed me to play around with reality again… to dream, to wonder, to question, and to surrender. Although my deep work has only just begun, Misa helped me re-align with a physical and spiritual world I’m glad to be apart of, and I know I’ve got her in my corner as my path continues to unfold and evolve. Thank you Misa!
Misa Hopkins –
Hanna, it was truly my honor to hold space for you in your return to meaning and purpose in life. I have no doubt, your mother would be smiling with love and pride in your commitment to your beautifully unfolding life. 🙂
Anka –
I have no hesitation to recommend a session with Misa. She was able to hear even what I did not voice and make very constructive and unintrusive questions based on that. While answering those questions and listening to Misa’s gentle guidance, I was able to see the next steps I need to take. I felt very comfortable and safe all the time. If you need to find your life direction fast, Misa is the place to go.
Misa Hopkins –
I’m so glad you got the clarity you needed for your next steps. You have such a wonderful legacy to leave for us all. 🙂
Joanna –
Misa has such a gentle and compassionate way of laser focussing on what’s really going on and helping to see a way through it. She is a beautiful gift to this world and I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to be in her presence.
Misa Hopkins –
Joanna, you are most kind. I do like to help in getting right to it in a gentle and loving way so that my clients can experience life getting easier and more enjoyable. I’m so glad my intention is experienced too. Blessings on your beautiful journey!
M.A. –
Working with Misa has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. With her I’ve created a long-lasting relationship that surely goes across time and space. It has never been an easy relationship due to the intensity of the truth that has been shared. But because it is based in love it has endured. This truth and love are for the self. We’ve moved from the space of words into the realness and trust of deep silence, where magic unfolds. I’ve resisted and delayed writing my experience in a testimonial because it feels that it does not make justice to what it actually was/is – because it is that transcendent and at the same time that palpable and real, and effective, and doable. In an (unfair) nutshell this is a tiny piece of what I’ve discovered in working with Misa:
– Doubts and fears: of profound secular unworthiness widespread in family lineages.
– Need to let go of: mistrust in the force of God flowing through me.
– I am awesome: because I truly care, I deeply love .. and my loving presence is enough.
Misa Hopkins –
M.A. the best part of this relationship has been in watching you awaken to and embrace your spiritual gifts. Yes, there have been intense moments, but as you have said so perfectly truth and love carry us and silence brings forth the magic. Indeed, your essential self is so radiant and it touches those around you in the most exquisite ways. I’m deeply blessed to know you and support you in your discoveries of your true self and the choices that reflect your Divine nature.
Katrijn –
Since I took counceling with Misa everything seems to turn out for the best. What I absolutely adore about Misa is her eagerness and wonder for life and her genuine interest in people. She helped me a lot in recognizing my intuition but, also pointed out the parts I should not give too much attention.
Misa Hopkins –
Katrijn, thank you. It was so wonderful to see the pictures of your grand adventure and the powerful directions in career and health that your wise and beautiful intuition is taking you! What an honor to support you in your journey! 🙂
Kristian Strang –
Working with Misa is a wonderful investment in your growth and expansion. I highly recommend! Misa is wise, compassionate and truly supportive in navigating the healing journey. I Love working with her and consider her an important part of my team!
Misa Hopkins –
Kristian, I love holding space for you. You are so authentic, dynamic and loving in your journey. The world is lucky to have you here and I look forward to hearing about where your sacred journey takes you.
Andrea R. – Florida –
I worked with Misa one-on-one for several months, and also participated in the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul. I have been actively doing some form of inner work for decades, but Misa’s gentle, nurturing approach to the work offered something extraordinarily special. I feel like I grew leaps and bounds and touched upon something deeper in me than ever before while under Misa’s guidance. Misa’s approach made the experience feel like there was no ‘problem’ in me that need fixing. Instead, there were only discoveries of all my unique gifts and strengths and how to use those to my advantage. I always felt heard, supported, and encouraged. Misa is incredibly wise. I could tell by how she listened, what she chose to say when she talked, and how that energetically affected my body positively. Her perspectives really helped me make some significant shifts in my view of myself, which has positively affected my health. Misa made me feel truly seen and held in her love, compassion, and appreciation. It is a rare person who is able to hold another in that kind of true love. I would highly recommend working with her. I am forever grateful I did.
Misa Hopkins –
Andrea, it was such an honor to Hold space for you. Your years of dedication to inner work and wisdom really shine in you. Indeed, something magical happens when we let go of seeing ourselves as problems and focus on the discoveries that want to be made. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of lovingly supporting you as you plunged into the depths of wonderful and mysterious sacred you!
Karen B –
The Holding is one of the most important tools for transformation I’ve experienced. Already it has opened the door to profound and life-changing insights. And this is after only two and a half months! I only wish I’d started working with Misa two analysts, three counselors, thousands of dollars and several decades ago!
Celine –
My resistances against Self melted away in the safe and loving space Misa held for me. Misa’s knowing comes from a deep, deep place. I’ve never felt as understood or heard as profoundly as in my sessions with Misa. Her gentle yet powerful guidance allowed me to finally start truly forgiving my self and others and move into spacious love and peace.
Greg Zyner –
My Holding Sessions with Misa were like talking with my best friend. I felt complete support, stability and deep love. In holding I experienced new perspective and insight about my true abilities, my inner wisdom and my personal relationship with the Divine. As a result, I am more emotionally in balance, my life seems to have a flow to it and I am beginning to feel the deep inner strength and confidence in making the best choice in every moment.
Kristen Helal –
The private mentoring that you and I did has had a profound impact on my healing journey and I am forever grateful. I am so inspired by the way you have empowered thousands of people on the planet to heal their bodies naturally by getting to the root cause. One of the biggest gifts of our sessions for me was learning to embrace the Feminine more fully in the Holding Meditation. This has enabled me to also step more deeply into my purpose on the planet, working the highly sensitive souls who want to heal from chronic illness.
Snow Thorner, Ashland, OR –
Misa has woken me up many times, providing just the “A-ha!” piece I needed to move my business to the next level. With everything she offers, Misa incorporates her vantage point that your work is your spiritual practice. All of this plus, her solid business background and powerful intuition, add up to the most enjoyable and productive coaching I have received.
Kelly Cole, Sedona, AZ –
To receive counseling from Misa is to know what it is like to be held and honored in your unique journey. Misa listens with her heart as well as her mind, so she is able to really understand without judgment the choices I make. Because she sees every choice and lesson as valuable, I feel recognized for who I am and what I have to offer in a significant relationship and in my career.
Trina While –
In my counseling sessions with Misa, she often left me with a question to consider. Those questions really got me to think about what was most important for me when it comes to my personal relationships. I’m grateful for her ability to know just the right questions to ask to help me grow. Misa brings issues to light with clear perception that is precise and moving with infinite love and compassion.
Silas Richardson, Counselor –
I have had some health challenges that have been around most of my life and I needed some answers. Misa asked one simple question and I realized there was an emotional root behind one of those conditions. It has given me a whole new way to approach this old problem. Now I know there is a cure!
Counseling from Misa consistently provides me with revelations about myself. She has an ability to see who I am at a deeper level than most people ever look, especially when it comes to my spiritual gifts and talents. As a result I am encouraged to live into my full potential and use my gifts in the work I am here to do.
Sandi GeBorde, Vancouver, WA –
When I did counseling with Misa, what I most appreciated was her ability to think about my spiritual beliefs and how they influenced the decisions I make in all aspects of my life. As a Mom, I liked that she could understand what an important role my kids play in my own spiritual development.
D. Davis, Sound Healer, OR –
Misa is fearless. Coupled with that is her searing love that never falters. She is a master alchemist—guiding gently and powerfully while she assists and holds people greatly so that they may turn their base metals and darkness into light and gold. Her boundaries are impeccable—masterfully ensuring that there is no dependence or other strange or unhealthy dynamics in the process of spiritual growth.
I have the pleasure and honor of having three true Shaman healers in my life and she is doubtlessly one of them. The real thing. You may not realize this at first with her humble, sweet and unassuming ways, however you will come to see petal by petal as she blossoms slowly before your eyes as the true, deep, committed and powerful healer that she is. Any one would be lucky to have her in their life and will assuredly come to deeply value her service and insight.