Judy’s Story – Getting Past the Helplessness
The following is a story written by a friend of mine who shared this with me when she heard I was writing a book about self-healing. Her experience is powerful testimony to the importance of self-involvement in one’s healing process.
Case study by Judy, comments by Misa Hopkins.
Narrated by Misa Hopkins
Prefer to read? You may also download the story in Adobe Reader (.pdf) format here.
I have had the privilege of helping scores of people discover their self healing power, so I have more case studies to share. If I receive enough comments on this story, I will know you find such stories helpful and will share more of them.
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Thanks for sharing this inspiring video.
I believe: "I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
You have a powerful ally!
Best to you in your journey!
Yes, I agree. Christ gives great strength and inspiration to become our fullest potential.
Wonderful materials Misa your truly gifted, keep up the good work!
Thanks. I'm so delighted and honored to be able to share these inspiring stories!
The following comment was inadvertently posted on another blog of mine, but clearly he is speaking to Judy and her story. Here is what he said:
Thank you very much for sharing this, it is a great inspiration for me as a Taketina teacher. When starting my Taketina education I was working as a Drum Facilitator, a wonderful way of empowering people and to release joy in any kind of group. I started Taketina first as rhythm education with a hope that it would also stimulate my spiritual sides. It did that and so much more than expected. I have had great transformations just by allowing this wonderful dance of chaos/de-synchronization and self-organization to happen.
Warm regards fro Mikael Khei in Norway
Thank you so much for that heart felt story and account of your journey back from pain. Please continue to post and disseminate your victories and triumphs. The world needs you and your remarkable sharing.
Thank YOU Charles. I agree. We do need each other's stories. Interestingly, after we have healed, we often don't want to talk about the challenging times and choices any more. Yet, for those still on the path of healing, those stories are like life lines. More to come.
I had goosebumps throughout Judi's story – I could feel that inner longing and understand a little of the importance the "decision to be well" plays in all our lives – and which was so key in both your story and in Judi's.
I am on my own path to wellness and feel very blessed to have you, your Sound Medicine, and these stories to help support this life transformational process
You've made such a good point about the longing. It is a deep desire that we know must be fulfilled and when we follow it in regard to our healing, it gives us the courage to take the steps we need to, even when the odds seem overwhelming.
Happy to know you sister-spirit and to be a supporter of your courageous journey!
Misa, Thank you for sharing this story and I hope that you continue to share more in the future. It is wonderful to hear these stories for me because it gives me hope and the faith that we really can heal ourselves, and others. It also proves that we really do have the ability to create our lives the way we want them to be and not just accept what happens to us. Thank you for everything that you do for us, I greatly appreciate any and all guidance and lessons you send to help me along my path.
I really appreciate your thoughts. It is so easy to think we just have to find a way to accept the way things are, and acceptance is part of the healing journey, but not all of it. So glad to know that what I've learned can be passed along to others. My elder used to tell our medicine circle that when you learn something you pass it along to another, whether it is big or small, so that all of us have an opportunity to grow.
Amazing, Misa! The story, the message behind it. We are our own best healers — it's just a matter of figuring out how to tap into that infinite supply of healing magic that we all have within us! That is not always easy. I am still in the process of figuring out my own path to healing. Thanks so much for all the beautiful work that you do! It's so important for me to have support along the way of people like you. And you always offer some nuggets of wisdom that really appeal to me. Thanks again.
Indeed, the challenge is discovering your unique spark and that is part of what makes the journey difficult at times. That is why we need each other. Sometimes we get little clues from other people's stories. I have watched this happen in talking circles, and hope this on-line talking circle offers the same kind of insights and hope. Thank you for being a part of my journey too!
Dear Misa,
I had a dreadful day today; at least, that was my take on the events that took place. I felt helpless to manage my job, and it made me feel lost and depressed. This surprised me somewhat, because I have been doing very well in therapy, learning to heal past emotional traumas, and applying the work to my entire life. So, when I started today to slip back into an old pattern, I was confused and sad, thinking that nothing would ever work to pull me up out of this…..
Then you sent this email. I watched your clip and then Judi's. It all made so much sense, and it jarred my memory: Only I can decide to heal myself. I will make this decision again today. Thank you, thank you, to both you and Judi!
It takes such bravery to say, "I'm not feeling so 'all together' today." Thank you for being so honest with yourself and then with us too. When we are really getting down to our core truths, it can be a bit of an up and down ride. We all need a little reminder now and then about how truly powerful we are, and I'm so glad Judy's and my stories could be that reminder today. Powerful work—you are doing!
Misa, this story really spoke to me. I’ve never had SEVERE pain, but I did go through a long while where my left hip was giving me increasing pain, making it more and more difficult for me to effectively do my job. However, I focused on my health and somewhere down the line, without me even really noticing, the hip pain reduced to almost nothing. It’s important that people get this message that healing has to start within or all the help from without won’t mean a thing. Thanks for offering this blog! Look forward to more stories.
Some of us didn't choose paths of chronic pain. Thank goodness we choose different paths of learning. Otherwise we might all be in wheel chairs with no one to push them ;). And as you point out, most of us experience some kind of physical challenge in our lives, at least from time to time. And the same healing principles apply. You found the source of your healing inside of you. And of course, that is where it really lives. Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you. Yes, please continue on this path. You are a joy Misa. Your Deep Peace recordings are beneficial to me and others I let hear them. I noticed I was smiling the whole time watching this video from you – you have a radiance! Bless you and be well
Ahhhh. You have the Deep Peace CDs. One of the great blessings in staying with my healing, through the roughest times, was coming out the other side with my sound healing—and then GETTING to share it with so many precious people. If I'm radiating, it is because my heart is wide open while I'm thinking of you and the circle of beautiful people I have been blessed to share my stories and songs with—and all the new friends yet to come. Thank you for your blessing and for sharing in the joy.