Misa's Healing Miracles
Using metaphysical healing, energy healing, spiritual healing, self healing—whatever you call it—I have healed myself from both physical and emotional conditions with Divine guidance…
…and is my mission to help others heal themselves from chronic and life-threatening conditions.
Like most sensitives or empathic people, I'm susceptible to physical toxins in the environment and am deeply affected by emotions—mine and people around me.
Learning how to navigate the waters of sensitivity and helping others do the same has become my life-long journey of healing and awakening.
Here are some highlights in that journey.

"You are the miracle you've been waiting for..."
—Misa Hopkins

Misa Hopkins, bestselling author,
The Root of All Healing and Sacred Feminine Awakening
How Misa discovered the emotional root behind her life-threatening hormonal imbalance—bringing self-healing wisdom to medical intervention...
How Misa's sound healing helped her mother leave the death bed...
How, using metaphysical healing techniques, Misa helped her client grow a new heart valve...
Create Your Own Healing Miracles

Misa has also used energy healing alone to heal herself many other times, including a collapsed Fallopian tube, a tumor in her breast, a cut usually requiring stitches, and cancer.
Now she shares her experience and guidance with you in this important special report...
Beating the Odds
Discover 10 Beliefs That Can Short-Circuit Your Healing
This deep special report reveals the actions, feelings, and even thoughts that may be standing between you and health. Download load it now—free!