Partially excerpted from “The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything”
Many of us in our healing process look everywhere but inside for our answers. We search for doctors and healers who can make us better. We hope with all hope someone will provide us with the miracle cure. This approach can actually promote a great sense of hopelessness about our ability to have any effect on our own healing. We have to wait until the right cure comes along, wringing our hands until that moment. Hopelessness can deplete our energy, cause us to spend time and thought worrying rather than healing, and give rise to blaming others for the ineffectiveness we are feeling.
If you perceive your healing is dependent upon someone else, you have probably limited your ability to heal and recover quickly. Even if you are receiving the best treatment possible, you can accelerate your own healing by maintaining a positive perspective, engaging your creativity, relaxing your mind and body to maximize your body’s natural healing potential, engaging your own energetic healing abilities, and observing subtle changes you can make to support your healing process. I have seen people leave hospitals early, simply because they used one or more of these steps.
Watch your assumptions because making assumptions can limit your healing. A friend of mine had a serious knee injury when he was younger and was told he would never walk again. He not only walks freely today, he continues his development as a martial artist. If he had assumed the doctor was right, he would likely be in a wheel chair today. You probably know someone who was told something similar to this and beat the odds. It makes me uncomfortable when someone I know is told by a professional they only have a certain amount of time to live or they won’t ever be able to do something again. Even when they are based on convincing statistics, statements like this are assumptions that can hinder someone’s Divine will and creativity. And if we believe statements like these, we are choosing to accept those limits. Then we create the limited drama that has been suggested instead of embracing our creative life force to manifest the life we desire.
What has become apparent to me after singing healing songs to many people is that most illnesses have developed over several years. Sometimes those illnesses have been fed for a long time by fears of resentment, anger, self-loathing and despair. In many cases the likelihood of instant healing is minimal because the emotions need to be attended to in order for lasting healing to occur. Even if we did heal the physical illness in one session, the likelihood of that illness recurring or another illness taking its place is very high because the underlying emotional stressors and core beliefs that accompany the illness have not been healed.
Krystalya Marié, author of the One Minute Energy Tune-Up, Power Symbols for Balanced Energy says this about getting to core beliefs: “I cannot stress enough how important it is to get to the core belief and remove it before doing the belief transformation process with your new belief. If any of the old belief is still around, you will continue to repeat old patterns indefinitely until you finally identify the deepest non-supportive belief around the issue.”
Healing that seems to be instant is usually happening because the person being healed has been addressing the issues, particularly the most core issue, behind the illness for some time. The willingness to face the doubts and fears behind the illness, understand their purpose for existing, and embrace new and more positive beliefs, culminates in a sense of immense freedom and receptivity that opens a doorway for powerful, and seemingly instantaneous, healing to occur.
Healing can happen very quickly when you are in a completely receptive and trusting state of mind and heart. I believe that is why my mother responded to my healing song so quickly and left her death-bed after I sang the medicine song to her. Following our heart-to-heart talk, she seemed to be at great peace with herself and was able to receive the sound medicine. I know my heart was wide open and I imagine the same was true for her. That was probably all that was needed for her to open to healing. Though the actual moment of healing occurred in minutes, I also know it took my mother and I at least two years of personal work to be ready for that single moment of compassion and ultimate healing.
Another requirement of healing, often needing adequate preparation, is receptivity—the kind of receptive state I described with my mother. Her entire being—heart, mind, body and soul—were ready and open for healing love. She didn’t get there in an instant. That totally receptive state of grace took her months of preparation. When I am singing to someone who has opened fully, I can feel energetically when they have completely received what they needed. It feels like the tumbler of a lock turning and dropping into place. The person is unlocked and a new door in their life is opening. After years of observation about this, the degree of receptivity on the part of my client seems to make the difference between no effect for an unreceptive person to full effect for a receptive person.
Rather than looking for miracles, opening to guidance creates a much greater opportunity for the Divine to work through you. When you ask for guidance, you are more likely to receive information about the changes you need to make or the steps you need to take to progress your healing. If it is time for a leap, the acceleration in belief and faith required will be equally apparent to you if you are willing to receive guidance. It is much easier to miss the opportunity when you are looking for a grand miracle, but instead you are actually being given a step progressing you toward that miracle moment of healing.
When you think about a miracle, consider thinking about it like the birth of a child. There is a gestation period that requires your full attention and commitment in order to ensure that child will be born healthily. The same is true with healing miracles. When you attend fully to your healing at every level, each day, the miracle is unfolding daily in your life, until one beautiful moment when your desired ultimate health is born within you. By remaining aware of the miraculous nature of the journey, you will see how your miracles are being born every day.
Ultimately, on the spiritual level, who can heal us, but ourselves? I often think that Medical Science is running around in circles, busily promoting the drug companies ( and being rewarded for their devotion). Natural processes, herbal therapies, and energy techniques may be the only hope for a healthy mankind. Miracle occur when the being is attuned to the Infinite.
George, I truly agree that miracles happen when we are attuned to the Infinite, as you so beautifully describe it. I have been blessed with some significant help from allopathic medicine and conventional drugs. The help of a competent endocrinologist and his prescriptions helped me turn around a condition that was causing my internal organs to atrophy. His help along with some deep emotional work in therapy and in alternative interventions allowed me to heal at deeper levels so that I could resume a normal and fulfilling life. I have also saved my own life and healed many times with energy work alone. I personally believe that there is much in allopathic medicine and alternative approaches that can help us create our miracles. Different disciplines have their strengths and their weaknesses. Hopefully, humanity is evolving in consciousness, and as we evolve our treatments—from whatever discipline they are derived—will reflect our awakened awareness.