The physical causes of back and neck pain vary widely from a herniated disc, osteoarthritis, spinal deformity from childhood, or an injury—with these being just some of the major causes. For more information about physical causes visit:
I know I’ve benefited from chiropractic care over the years when pain was due to spinal misalignment. There are a variety of approaches to chiropractic care from energy stimulation to actual adjustment, so you might find it helpful to interview a potential chiropractor to be sure their approach appeals to you. Here are some insights about basic chiropractic practice:
While many chiropractors adjust the spine in order to positively affect your nerves, there are chiropractors that work more directly with the energy of your nervous system to positively affect your body—the spine, internal organs and emotions. I like how this particular chiropractor explains what is called Network Chiropractics:
There are some incidences when chiropractic adjustment may not be appropriate. You might find it helpful to become familiar with those instances. This article will give you some insights.
With acute or chronic back pain, it is a good idea to find a doctor you trust to help you identify the physical cause of the pain and treat it properly. Whenever possible, of course, prevention is the place to begin.
Keeping your back and neck physically flexible
I am now quite grateful for the yoga and dance classes I have taken over the years. I have some basic stretches I do regularly that keep my neck and spine supple. Plus, I pay attention to what I choose to lift and how I lift it. Finding a good sleeping posture and good posture throughout the day also seems to help me maintain spinal health. Many people, including myself, find massages and hot baths or hot tubs to be wonderfully therapeutic for over-taxed muscles. Of course, you should talk about the best choices inspinal health care for you with your preferred doctor or health practitioner.
The metaphysical meaning behind back and neck pain
Here is what I heard in meditation about the metaphysical meaning behind back and neck pain:
Back and neck issues occur when we are out of alignment with our values. We have not allowed ourselves to have the support and structures we need in order to live a life that is clear and on course with our higher perspectives.
The spine is the conduit between our passion for life on earth and our blissful nature as spiritual beings. When we cut ourselves off from either our enjoyment of physical life or opportunities to open to enlightened awareness, our spines suffer.
When you have a spinal injury, consider noticing which vertebrae have been harmed and discover what organs are connected to that part of your spine. Then discover what emotional issues need resolution in order for those organs to function in a healthy manner.
If you are born with a curvature of the spine or other spinal condition, you may have come into this world with a strong karmic need to create a clear and direct life that is fully in alignment with what you most value.
If you have been doing a lot of spiritual growth work and you find your energy is congested in your spine, notice where it is congested and begin working with the organs that correlate with those vertebrate and/or begin lovingly working with the correlating chakra(s).
If you don’t know what you value most, consider writing your own eulogy. Ask yourself how would you like another person to describe your life after you have died? This will show you what is most valuable to you.
If your spine needs constant attention, you might discover that you experience your life from one of two extremes: either 1) overly rigid in your expectations about how life is supposed to happen or 2) too flexible, constantly surrendering your needs for the needs of others.
The spine requires a balance of these energies in order to be healthy.
I do have an MP3 for back and neck pain that will support you in healing the underlying emotional concerns.
As you heal your spine, remember that life is meant to be enjoyed and you deserve to give yourself the kinds of support systems that allow you to experience greater enjoyment, while living in alignment with your deepest values.
My back pain is on my lower right side and feels to be muscular. Does the same metaphysical meaning apply to muscle pain?
Hi David, it’s a good question. Of course, pulled or strained muscles can occur from not paying attention. If the muscular pain does not heal quickly or seems to be persistent or recurring, then you probably want to investigate the metaphysical roots that could apply, and in that case, I would personally be looking at how aligned my life is with my values. 🙂
What are your thoughts on birth marks and past life traumas? I had a birthmark on my lower spine and have since been told I need to have a potentially cancerous mole removed (which happens to be right next to the birth mark). Am I reading too much into this or could I have past life karma hanging on?
What does this area normally signify for blockages please?
Any advice would be much appreciated. x
Kate, what a great question. I really haven’t tapped into the energy of birth marks and past life trauma. I suspect that with your spiritual gifts, it is something you could discover. You might want to use the the Holding Guided Meditation to release any energy (this life or previous lives) connected with the mole. If you don’t already have it, it’s free at In my experience, and I haven’t meditated with this, lower back has to do with standing up for yourself by making sure your most fundamental needs to feel safe and provided for are taken care of. Lower backs can also be uncomfortable if your kundalini is wanting to rise, and the energy is blocked by your second chakra (difficulty digesting life). Releasing the block (wherever and however you feel it) and opening to greater love will offer good support to your healing. 🙂
While working on shamanic exercises, I began experiencing debilitating pain in
C2-C6 (all of these vertebrae are crushing nerves – foraminal stenosis.
Would looking at it from a 5th Chakra viewpoint make more sense than looking at each vertebrae, when they’re in sequence like that?
Brian, so sorry to hear you are experiencing pain. That’s personally how I would do it. It sounds you like encountered a core fear. Perhaps this is something you are afraid to forgive or love? If it would be helpful, check out my Holding meditation at It is free and would give you a way to be present to what is trying to clear. As you Hold, it will take you into layers of awareness. I expect it will naturally open you to and through the core energy wanting to be loved within the chakra, as well as the core concern held by each vertebrae. Holding you, Brian.
Could you share your insights on hip pain and groin pain?
That sounds like a sciatic nerve issue… which I’m currently struggling with. (sorry if you knew that already and you were looking for a deeper answer).. x
What about pelvic pain? Is there a metaphysical meaning for that?
Good question Joe. Pelvic pain is root chakra so you want to look at your relationship to sexuality, being on earth, and providing for yourself. Of course, specific organs or conditions will offer you even more metaphysical perspective. Thanks for asking and know that I’m holding you. Misa