I know this question really well. I have asked myself this same question many times. It is difficult to see anything good when we are experiencing the worst. And in all honesty, I’m not sure we need to see anything good.
Does that seem rash in light of all we teach and recommend about positive thinking? Here’s the deal. Sometimes we don’t see the positive benefits of a difficult situation until after the fact, so attempting to see the benefit when you are in the middle of the challenge may be futile.
Also, this is an effort of logical evaluation, when in my experience, healing at its most painful times, requires that your mind be focused on the wellness you are creating and a heart filled with compassion. In other words, attempting to figure out the benefit is not as important as bringing your full attention to being present to what is happening physically and emotionally, and maintaining a loving intention of healing.
You don’t have to see anything good about it in order to relieve your suffering. What you need is attention and compassion.
Pain is a way in which your body is screaming at you to pay attention to you. So honor the pain. Stop, become still, and be present to what is happening in your body. Quiet your mind, and focus your attention on all the compassion you can muster.
Breathe very gently into the area of your body that is demanding your attention. Give yourself permission to hold it in love the same way you would hold a wounded child or animal.
Don’t try to fix it or get rid of it, because that often only aggravates the problem. Why? Because the emotional and spiritual reason the problem exists can’t be healed if you are judging it as bad and trying to make it go away.
The problem heals in the presence of your love. After you have held it in love for as long as your pain needs and wants it, the reason for the emotional/spiritual pain dissolves. Now the physical symptoms are free to dissolve as well.
So my recommendation is to not worry about finding something good about it. Use your self-healing energy instead to be lovingly attentive to what is happening inside you. If there is some lesson that benefits you as a result of carrying that pain, it will become evident during the time you are loving the pain or afterwards.
ian says
I found this works for me also. It gets rid of every pain including the other day blocked sinuses. I naturally go to do it, my awareness surrounds the pain so all that is left in the moment is that pain, which no longer can be called pain at that moment as there is no thought about it, just a presence of energy and then it vanishes. Can I do this for others in this way? Thanks for the article just what I was looking for
Ian x
Misa Hopkins says
Glad to hear this works for you too! I also know that place where there is only presence, and no thought about what has been experienced as pain. Over the years, I have incorporated this same way holding into my sound healing when I am offering support to others. There too, I enter into this same “zone” and have experienced, with my client, the release of the constricted energy. Isn’t it wonderful to discover love as the great healer? 🙂
ian says
I found this works for me also. It gets rid of every pain including the other day blocked sinuses. I naturally go to do it, my awareness surrounds the pain so all that is left in the moment is that pain, which no longer can be called pain at that moment as there is no thought about it, just a presence of energy and then it vanishes. Can I do this for others in this way? Thanks for the article just what I was looking for
Janet says
Thank you Misa. Your comments are so true, I use this method myself when I have pain of any kind, physical or emotional, and the relief that occurs is amazing.
MisaH says
Janet, I'm so glad you took a moment to share with folks that it works to keep compassionately focused on what is really happening in your body and emotions!