What Epigenetics Is Teaching Us About Self Healing
One of my readers asked about whether or not we can really affect inherited conditions, and I’m pleased to share my self healing perspective about this and introduce you to what current epigentics is teaching us.
We tend to think of DNA as being permanent, but the science of epigenetics is showing us that we have the power to affect, even our DNA.
Since, I’m not a scientist, I’m not going to attempt to share with you actual research. However, Dr. Mercola does a much better job of this and I recommend you read his article about our ability to affect our proteins, genes, RNA and DNA. He offers insights from two researchers in the field of epigenetics and here are two excerpts from his article that inspired me when I read them and I hope they inspire you to read all of his well-written article:
Here is an excerpt from his article that includes this research-base observation from Konstantin Eriksen:
So, information flows in both directions, from DNA to proteins and from proteins to DNA, contradicting the “central dogma.” Genes can be activated and de-activated by signals from the environment. The consciousness of the cell is inside the cell’s membrane. Each and every cell in our bodies has a type of consciousness. Genes change their expression depending on what is happening outside our cells and even outside our bodies.”
And then he describes the conclusions Bruce Lipton, PhD., cellular biologist and the author of The Biology of Belief, and Spontaneous Evolution.
According to Dr. Lipton, the true secret to life does not lie within your DNA, but rather within the mechanisms of your cell membrane.
Each cell membrane has receptors that pick up various environmental signals, and this mechanism controls the “reading” of the genes inside your cells. Your cells can choose to read or not read the genetic blueprint depending on the signals being received from the environment. So having a “cancer program” in your DNA does not automatically mean you’re destined to get cancer. Far from it. This genetic information does not ever have to be expressed…
What this all means is that you are not controlled by your genetic makeup. Instead, your genetic readout (which genes are turned “on” and which are turned “off”) is primarily determined by your thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions!
Your consciousness can communicated directly with your cells, genes, RNA and DNA! You are the creator of you experience, including your body!
My Own Experience with Sound Healing and Shifting DNA
Years ago, I recorded two sound healing CDs to address some the specific viruses that were wreaking havoc for so many people. When I asked to receive a more permanent energy healing response to the variety of viruses through my sound healing, I was taken on a journey directly into the DNA.
As you know, when the body encounters a virus or bacteria, our natural response is to rest and sleep because that is the best it knows to do. And indeed, the body does heal as it rests. That said, the body’s natural healing response is limited in regard to viruses. According to my friend and colleague, Valerie Olmstead, NMD, the body doesn’t have a natural and effective way to defend itself from viruses.
So there I was in the middle of the sounds, realizing I was singing to the DNA.
I watched as the sounds that flowed through me were directing the DNA to respond in a new way so that viruses were addressed the moment they entered the body and escorted out of the body. The sounds are so effective that, as long as I’m listening to my cold and flu CDs and MP3s I don’t get colds or flus.
Now, I was in a deep trance-like state, or what some would call a shamanic state. In my experience, this is where the most profound shifts occur. If you are serious about changing your DNA, I suggest you find a healer or learn a healing methodology that helps you access deep cellular transformation.
I highly recommend that you surrender to Divine will, while holding an intention of the health you wish to create. In other words, I haven’t found it to be a good idea to attempt to figure out the specifics of how things should work to attain the health I am seeking. When it comes to energy healing, Divine wisdom does a much better job with the details, addressing gaps in my own knowledge that I don’t even know exist.
Inherited Conditions, Self Healing, Epigenetics and Karma
If you believe in karma, then you have probably already considered that inherited conditions might be related to a karmic choice. If you believe in karma, then you probably know karma can change, which means that related conditions can heal along with the shift in your karma.
If you don’t believe in karma, you still get to decide if you want or don’t want to change your inherited condition. If you do, you probably have some deep emotional and energetic work ahead of you.
Epigenetics shows us that we are the influencers of our reality – including the very cells and molecules of our bodies. So consider that if you have an inherited condition that you believe is a result of your karma, you may need to address and heal the karmic roots in order to effectively use self healing approaches to shift your DNA structure.
DNA and Evolution
Isn’t it exciting to be aware that we are the creators of our reality, in totality! Our consciousness is evolving, not only individually, but also planetarily.
There is a great deal about our potential evolution that is still a mystery to us, but as Stephen Hawking suggests in this article, he acknowledges that there are illnesses controlled by single genes, that can be controlled. Further, he suggests, “humans have entered a new stage of evolution in regard to our DNA:”
What we can trust is that everything in creation is changing all the time, whether that evolution is slow or fast by our standards. Even DNA is in a process of evolution. If you want your DNA to provide you with better health, in my own experience, clarity of intention can contribute to personal evolution.
Great article. We can take control of our lives and destiny. We can change our genetic patterns if we pay attention to our environment and health matters. Thank you Misa for your guidance.
You would certainly know. You’ve helped so many of us change our genetic patterns. 🙂
It’s an interesting article. However, I wish you would consider changing the font color because the light gray on the white background makes it very difficult and tiring to read.
Thanks for the feedback Joumana. We’re on it!