Have you ever had that gnawing feeling that if you could just get things right, and avoid doing things wrong, everything would be better?
The fear of getting things right, or even more accurately, a fear of NOT getting things right, can spin you right into a sense of hopelessness and despair as you desperately seek to make your life “right.”
The fear behind this fear is: “If I don’t get things right then it must mean I am unworthy, incapable or not good enough.”
What I want you to know is that the original source of these feelings did not come from you and they are not related to whether you got anything right.
The feelings are rooted in Source itself. Before you decide I’m crazy, here’s what I experienced in a very powerful meditation.
In order to experience itself, the Divine separated itself into light, colors, sound, quarks and more.
The Divine accepted one quality of itself in one emanation, but not in another, in order to explore its own nature.
This act of separating had an element of what we as humans might describe as rejection.
When you get down to the human level, where we experience emotions, we interpret these separations (rejections) as though we are personally unworthy or not good enough.
What is helpful to understand is that feeling is in the field, and not necessarily the result of someone doing something wrong, or something being wrong with you.
One of the biggest roadblocks in healing and spiritual awakening I’ve been seeing in my work with clients is this belief:
“If I could just get it right, I would be aligned with the Divine (reconnected) and everything would work!”
Getting it right is what our parents, teachers, and spiritual leaders have been teaching us for centuries.
This is what many of us were taught to believe: “If you do it right, you get rewarded. If you do it wrong you get punished.” That’s how it is on earth, so the assumption was, “That’s how it must be with God.”
However, given these beliefs, when life isn’t working for you, what does it mean?
It means someone got it wrong—either you or someone else!
Now, certainly there are times when someone really does become so self-absorbed that they act without regard for themselves or others. They miss the mark, and we might call that getting it wrong. We recognize those kind of errors need mending, and healing love is required.
But not all of the time.
The need that arises naturally as the Divine separates itself in order to explore itself is this…
A profound desire for reconnection.
Fundamentally, when you feel unworthy or not good enough, it is a sign that you desire to feel your ultimate connection to the Divine once again.
When you try to do something right in order to experience the connection, you are adding an unnecessary step that ads to your frustration and even feelings hopelessness. You don’t have to do something right in order to connect!
How do you make the connection?
Your spiritual gifts are automatic connection points to Divine love and consciousness.
If you have empathy for animals, you have a connection point to Divine love. If you get glimpses into the future, you have a connection point. If you have dreams with messages, you are connecting.
When you connect, you feel alive! It feels normal and natural. You feel loved and know your worth. You have a sense of purpose and you can feel your innate power to create.
Many of us have been taught our natural, spiritual gifts are:
- not real
- wrong
- evil
- unsafe
- unproven
- unscientific
- imaginary
When we don’t use our gifts, the energy of them backs up in our bodies until we experience pain emotionally or physically.
My friend, Ariann Thomas, used to get random, unexplainable migraine headaches, until she realized they happened every time a volcano exploded somewhere on the planet. As soon as she opened up her energy to support Mother Earth’s volcanic eruptions, her migraines went away.
As Ariann has said, “You packed your bags with those gifts before you came to earth, and they are meant to be used.”
Through these gifts, you make your deepest connection to the Divine, like one of my clients, who comes alive when she is doing art. She goes into the zone and her clairsentience and kinesthetic senses comes alive. Problems fall away, pain leaves, and she is immersed in creative expression and grace. In those moments, she is connected.
Everyone has spiritual gifts and they are your doorways to your Divine connection.
So, what are your spiritual gifts? How do you most easily connect to the Divine?
If you already know, feel free to share your gifts in the comment section below.
If you’d like to see a list of psychic gifts to get some ideas, I’ve listed a number of the more popular ones on my Psychic Powers and Psychic Abilities: Live Intuitively audio course web page.
The checklist is totally free, so take a look, and see which of those gifts might belong to you.
Then decide how you would like to experience life beyond right and wrong by getting to know your gifts, and accessing your own natural and deep connection to the Divine.
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