Are you feeling emotionally numb, but your body is in tremendous pain?
When someone asks you how you are feeling, do you shrug your shoulders, not really having a clue about what you are feeling?
It is very likely that because you are not feeling and acknowledging your emotions, they are screaming through your body as pain.
Fear, sorrow and anger simply need proper channels of recognition, and sometimes—expression. If your healing journey is anything like mine, I learned to suppress my feelings in order to protect myself from the intensity of what I was experiencing. I found my true emotions too overwhelming, and in my need to be in control, I did my best not to notice them, until they boiled out of me uncontrollably .
I’ve met people that didn’t think it was spiritually proper to feel angry, jealous or sad, and because those feelings were actually occurring, they suppressed them as a way to live a better spiritual life. What happens in this case is that because the person is not being completely truthful with themselves, the underlying feelings that long to be acknowledged become powerful motivators for unconscious and conscious self-sabotage. This plays out as—I’m doing all the right things, but nothing is working.
I’ve also met people having intense feelings like a deep under-current, but weren’t willing to acknowledge them. This can be a reaction to parents or loved ones that expressed their intense emotions without regard for the people around them—such as a parent lashing out at their child without considering the harm and damage they are doing. However, ignoring the feelings is like swimming in the ocean and ignoring that there is an under-tow. Eventually, the under-tow is going to pull you down.
Unfortunately, so many of us have had such negative experiences with emotions that we become afraid of them and attempt to conduct our lives around them. And yet, there is nothing spiritually or physically healthy about suppressing emotions.
Pent up, unexpressed feelings eventually break out—in bursts of anger, lengthy bouts of depression, and long-term physical illness.
As we discussed in the last article, emotions tell stories about our wounds and our beliefs. They are part of who we are. When we find healthy ways to honor them, we can release years of pent up angst and hurt, along with belief systems that may be limiting our capacity to heal.
There are all kinds of emotional release techniques available today, designed to support you in honoring your emotions, along with the beliefs and stories of our past that accompany them.
This does not mean, you will suddenly start lashing out at everyone around you. That is what happens when you are not honoring your emotions. When you acknowledge your feelings properly, you can then find appropriate ways to release without hurting people around you and without becoming overwhelmed.
You may have discovered that the more you pray for and intend healing, the more emotionally uncomfortable you feel or the more numb you become. These are clues that your illness has a strong footing in emotional trauma.
If you are feeling numb, or you know you are suppressing intense feeling, I suggest you do some research to find a healer or therapist that can support you in doing some emotional release work.
While you are looking for the right healer or therapist, I’d like to suggest you become acquainted with a Creation Meditation that is all about honoring all feelings; allowing difficult feelings to transform naturally in the embrace of your compassion. It is one of the most soothing meditations I’ve ever experienced for calming intense emotions.,75.0.html
Let me encourage you, to honor your emotional numbness and become acquainted with the emotions running beneath it. Very likely, your emotions are a major key in your healing journey.
Nice approach. Thank you for your insight.
Allen Cullip says
Thanks for the info, I only read a couple blogs on a daily basis but I will be bookmarking yours and dropping in often. Also, I like the layout you have on this site, it makes it easy to get to what I am looking for and doesnt distract me to the point that I have to leave,. Did you style your comments like this or is this how your theme was setup originally?
Anonymous says
Looking forward to your thoughts and comments Allen. Your web-site looks really interesting too!
BearfootHealing says
Thank you Rev. Misa! As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Spiritual Healer, I use emotional release as a big part of my work with clients. It really is very powerful and so necessary when you want to fully heal.
It is quite amazing to many people that our emotional state impacts our physical state, and when you look at what is at the core of these conditions, you invariably find trauma that has been taken on in the emotional body.
Thank you again for the reminder Rev. Misa!
MisaH says
Indeed! A dear friend of mine says, "The hardest work we may do for our healing is our emotional healing. The most important work we do is our emotional healing." So many of us have been cut off from our feelings for so long that we lose site of the interconnectedness between our emotions and our physical well-being. And as you know—it's usually a lot scarier to think about doing emotional release work than it is to actually do it! So cheers to all the courageous people bravely being present with their emotions!