Access Your Intuitive Wisdom for Self Healing
Do you ever feel like other people seem to have an intuitive wisdom about what they need to do for their self-healing, but you don’t? It can be a pretty common experience, but the greater truth is that everyone has access to their self-healing wisdom.
Many of us have simply had little education about how to access and use our intuition for healing.
We have gotten so used to the concept of taking prescribed medications or having surgery done, where we perceive the healing is happening to us, that it can be a stretch to understand we are playing a role in our healing progress.
Whether we choose to be actively engaged in our self healing or not, our beliefs and feelings are part of the process. If the mind is busy or feelings are overwhelming, we have a difficult time actually hearing or recognizing our own inner intuitive wisdom.
If you want to access your self healing wisdom, at some point you’ll discover that you need to quiet your mind. Clear intentions have a difficult time getting through mind clutter. It is difficult to create a state of allowance, where you literally allow your body to heal, if your fear is running high.
Self-healing, intuitive wisdom comes through when the mind is quiet and the heart is open. Allowance and intention are the two energies that need to be clear and in balance for healing to happen. And in both cases, inner stillness is required.
How a 13 year-old found his intuitive wisdom…
My thirteen-year-old nephew caught on to this the first time he did energy healing on his own body. He was in the hospital, and expected to be there for a week, as the doctors treated his blood. His white blood cells were attacking red blood cells with markers in them. The markers were basically telling the white blood cells that these were invaders and needed to be eliminated. Ultimately he didn’t have enough healthy red blood cells in his system so he was growing weaker and more toxic by the day.
I sat down on the edge of his bed and asked him if he understood what his cells were doing. He explained it to me, so I asked him if he was willing to come up with a way to visualize a different scenario for his cells.
Being a thirteen-year-old, he created a kind of mental computer game that he could engage in with his cells. I watched and felt him become very still inside, as he got ready to play the game in his mind. In the stillness, his mind went into laser-sharp focus.
I held space for his best healing through my sounds as he visualized. Minutes later we stopped together and I left him to rest for a while. The next day the doctors expressed their delight with his rapid progress. They held him one day for observation and sent him home—five days early.
He got there so naturally
What struck me was his ability to quiet his mind and focus. This is not easy for everyone to do, particularly when you are afraid. The mind has a way of racing, imagining all the worst possibilities. The mind racing in fear is counter to healing. When the mind becomes quiet, there is peace. In peace, you see all of the potential outcomes with clarity, particularly your healing and how to achieve it.
This state of peace also allows you to become the space in which healing can occur. With inner peace, prescription drugs, surgery, herbal or homeopathic remedies, natural treatments and energy healing can serve you better.
Quiet your mind to connect with your intuitive wisdom
Quieting your mind is one of the best ways to facilitate your healing. Even if you are not a meditator, notice how a walk in the park, having a quiet cup of tea on your porch, engaging in a craft that you love, or focusing on something you enjoy can all help to quiet your mind and allay your fears.
In a serene and quiet mind, insights about your healing can come through. Insights might surprise you, as they seem to come out of nowhere. A little, but persistent thought might continue to be on the edge of your thoughts—more noticeable because your mind is still.
I like to help people quiet their minds with this simple breathing exercise and guided meditation that was given to me by Spirit when I was in chronic pain, and couldn’t even get to my healing sounds.
Your self-healing insights find their way to you through the stillness of your mind, as you create space to notice your intuitive wisdom.
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