I cannot tell you how inspired I have been by the stories of challenge and success that you all have shared with me! Ever since I posted Judi’s story, you have overwhelmed me with your responses, here on the blog and through email. I am touched, and honored by your courage, heart, and sharing.
Because of this, I have made an important decision to continue sharing stories of self-healing success and hope.
First, in response to your requests for continued sharing of self-healing stories, here is the next real success. This one is an audio of a phone interview I did with a dear friend of mine, Krystalya Marie. She eliminated a breast tumor in a way and time you’ll find amazing!
If this story touches you, I look forward to your own thoughts and comments. I love reading and responding to your posts. To leave a post, do either of the following:
Here at the site, I’ll continue to share even more stories to inspire you in your own success with self-healing.
Bookmarked your blog. Thank you for sharing. Definitely worth the time away from my workload.
I just needed to say that I found your blog via Goolge and I am glad I did. Keep up the good work and I will make sure to bookmark you for when I have more free time away from the books. Thanks again!
I'm pleased! It's nice to see someone very proud about what they do. Thank you.
What a facinating blog. I've bookmarked it and added your feed to my RSS Reader
Beverly, those of us who are sensitives and empaths are faced with tremendous challenges in finding balance. My former partner used to say to me, "I'm a tank. Not much of anything affects me. But you, Misa, are a high performance sports car. You need regular maintenance and a lot of time in the shop."
Boy, did he see me! There I was trying to live out my life like a tank that could handle anything at anytime, and I was more like a car that needed daily maintenance and smooth road ahead. How many of us do this? In my experience, sensitives, empaths, and psychics need to discover and use spiritual/emotional and physical maintenance schedules because we are affected by so much.
In doing readings for sensitives, I have learned that each person has their own unique process that can be uncovered through the sensitive's own personal insights along with clear observations from those you trust. Your suggestions for the tele-class are perfect. You can be sure we will be incorporating self-discovery exercises for the today's sensitives.
Hello again Misa,
About self healing experiences…. I truly belief that after listening with eyes closed to your Deep Peace CDs 1,2,3 a self healing occurs each time as the shift in the inner nervous system (for me and those I share them with) is usually noticeable.
As a side note, I get what some may call chills, but they are more than that. An inner energy – tingling – sensation happens to my body with certain tones on the CDS. The sensation lasts as long as the tones or sequence of tones are heard. Usually the sensation is full body. I sometimes have to shake my hands or stamp my feet as the sensations cause an automatic wanting to release the "energy". I am not sure what the sensation is, so perhaps you could explain it to me. I do however, find it to be pleasant and I naturally smile.
Sometimes I actually audibly express that I am experiencing the sensations.
I listen to the "songs" without the overlay of the guided meditation.
When I and my associate at work listen to them, she gets a sensation in her cheeks/head and may feel light headed on the #3 Cd. She enjoys and benefits listening as well.
It sounds to me as though your Kundalini is responding to the medicine sounds in the Deep Peace CDs. I encourage you to find a good rate of listening that allows you to continue to expand and open, while also monitoring how rapidly you want to expand at any given time. Even putting days between the times you listen to each CD may be good for you. It is possible to over-do energy medicine, so listening to your intuition is wise.
It has been my experience that the sound medicine lingers strongly in the body and energy system for five days. So you can take some time between listenings to let the energy settle into you and integrate.
Between sessions, you might note if your dreams and emotions are changing as a result of the sound medicine. Also, sometimes you receive new, significant insights hours or days after listening, as the sounds awaken you to your soul's deepest desires.
Go gently and enjoy the awakening!
Hi Misa, I awoke early Sunday morning unable to breathe well and ended up in Urgent Care with the doctor telling me that I had an inflammation in my chest and that my Sleep Apnea was life threatening. Since then, I have been using the inhaler that she prescribed and taken the few tablets of Prednisone
that she prescribed. She, also unfortunately said that there is no medication available for sleep apnea, the only recourse is oxygen. Help on this issue would be appreciated.
One of things I have learned over the years is that our own inner wisdom has powerful answers for us. Repeatedly, I've seen dreams give insights to causes and answers to problems that were not obvious.
Many mystics have talked about transcendent states in which you become an observer, watching you play out your life. In the watching, you also become one who understands your life and choices from a more expansive perspective.
It is through the act of observation, you get significant clues about what you need for own healing to occur. And, as an aside, the healer's opportunity is to be able to observe him or herself with the same depth of awareness in which you see what others' need.
The very first step that we address in the class is how to become an astute observer of your own life in order to understand the true cause of your condition and the best healing response for you. If the class speaks to you, you'll get some clues about deepening your observational abilities. At the very least, I suggest inviting your dreams to assist you in your healing process. Also, since breathing is the core issue, breath-work might hold some clues for you.
Healing Hugs,
One of things I have learned over the years is that our own inner wisdom has powerful answers for us. Repeatedly, I've seen dreams and visions give insights to causes and answers to problems that were not obvious.
Many mystics have talked about transcendent states in which you become an observer, watching you play out your life. In the watching, you also become one who understands your life and choices from a more expansive perspective.
It is through the act of observation, you get significant clues about what you need for own healing to occur. And, as an aside, the healer's opportunity is to be able to observe him or herself with the same depth of awareness in which you see what others' need.
The very first step that we address in the class is how to become an astute observer of your own life in order to understand the true cause of your condition and the best healing response for you. If the class speaks to you, you'll get some clues about deepening your observational abilities. At the very least, I suggest inviting your dreams to assist you in your healing process. Also, since breathing is the core issue, breath-work that takes you into visionary states might hold some clues for you.
Healing Hugs,
Hello Misa … I am so excited at the prospect of a tele-class on self healing … thank you … thank you … I believe the two most important things I need in such a teleclass are (1) the ability to self-heal from emotional shock and grief … to restore the body to its natural state of balance and equilibrium and thus perfect health … when all around us on our beautiful planet Earth we are witnessing ever intensifying polarized energies…positive and negative …especially for those of us who are sensitive how do we release all energies of worry, fear, sadness etc. that are not in our highest good to carry in a physical bodily way … (2) in our world we physically ingest much which is not in true harmony with our bodies … through our food, water, the air we breathe … and also now possibly through a mandatory vaccination program … in what ways can we self-heal and cleanse our bodies of all that does not serve us in the highest way ?
Thank you Misa for the gift of your love, wisdom and knowledge…with deepest gratitude, Beverly…
Personal PROOF any of this works. I have tried many things & financially drained to afford anything else because none of it has PROVEN to work in anyway, well a very little with EFT but nothing more…Alternatives seem about as worthLESS as the MDs. Maybe my path is not to heal. I want to very much, I believe very much, nothing but this idea of possibility keeps me striving but I am proven to be a fool every time..How can I really heal myself…I do not believe testimonies.SEEING IS exactly what I want to SEE, to have myself. Wheres the BEFORE footage beyond testimonies and then the present time of differences in appearances etc..? Wheres the documentary of ones journey? The REAL proof, I guess one needs to have this experience to really KNOW its real. I have in very little measures w/EFT but it stops there, I keep working at it but maybe I am one that will get results way done the road or never…This alone healing path is frustrating and does not feel very positive, maybe my self hate runs too deep.
You are at one of the most pivotal points in the healing journey. You need to see actual results because that is what the journey is all about. Small success aren't working for you. You realize that running from doctor to healer isn't getting results. Neither are techniques. You now know the healing is ultimately about you, and yet doing it on your own is frustrating and still not giving you results.
Then you get right to it, with all the clarity of an experienced self-healer—perhaps it is self-hate getting in the way. Bravo! You are right there. When we abandon self-loathing and embrace self-compassion, the real healing begins. Self-hate, resentment, ridicule, criticism—all of it—can't live comfortably in the same space as self-compassion.
The challenge is that most of us have not learned how to be and feel self-compassion. And as your senses are telling you, support from others would be helpful in learning how to hold yourself in compassionate love. Some years ago I was given an ancient practice of self-compassion to share with others. I call it the Creation Meditation, because it helps us re-create our lives. Perhaps this will give you some ideas about how to begin. Then let us know how your journey progresses. I honor you for being in such truth and so persistent in your journey. http://newdreamfoundation.com/forums/index.php/bo…
I love hearing inspiring stories of people finding a way to healing themselves. I was diagnosed with MS about 5 years ago, and am blessed with a minimal symptomology, but as time goes on I find that it becomes more difficult to move forward thru the issues. When I found myself in the middle of a divorce 2 years ago, I was called to go back to school, to follow a healer's path. I am now a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki practitioner, and energy worker. I am able to bring a sense of healing to some of my clients who are more open to the process, but I am plagued by more personal health problems than before, now. It is to the point where my hands are often in pain, limiting the clients I am allowed to see at the spa I am employed at, and concerns me as I also try to build my own practice within a holistic dr's office. Because of the unique presentation of MS, and that I am not 100% positive that there isn't another illness presenting (Lyme?), I have yet to find a message of self healing that addresses those issues directly. Not to mention the difficulty we, as healers, often have in caring for ourselves without feeling selfish.
I look forward to an opportunity to be involved in your teleseminar! THANKS!
breathe joy!
I love healers who are self-honest about their own journey. Indeed, those of us who are healers often discover that the persons needing our healing energy the most are us! It took me years to finally commit to singing healing songs to myself every day, though I sang them for other people whenever I was asked to do so. As you point out, that compelling need to take care of others can over-ride our inner wisdom, which knows we need to care for ourselves first. Then we truly have enough strength to help others with greater effectiveness. For those of us who are healers, this may be the most significant focal point of our underlying spiritual journey—to find balance in service to ourselves and others.
MS, in my own experience with it, took me right to the heart of this spiritual balance. My ego was invested in being of service to others over being of service to myself. When I finally used my sound medicine on me, daily, to address the MS, the underlying ego attachment became evident. When I lovingly acknowledged my ego, by body responded to that love—and you know how this story ends. The MS symptoms are gone.
The symptoms of MS are so like other conditions that it can be difficult to diagnose accurately. Ah, but here is the good news. The beliefs behind any of those conditions that allow those physical symptoms to emerge—live inside us. The real journey is in our self-honesty and our willingness to love ourselves more completely.
One of the great joys in my life occurred when I offered the first version of this tele-class a while back. The participants were all skilled healers and I watched with pride and awe as each one of them used the exercises to dive into greater self-awareness. Each one rose to the surface with a pearl of awareness in their hands that catapulted them into greater healing and spiritual awakening. It seems to me, this is the journey of a true healer, and that is the journey I see you have embraced with your very breath.