I think we can all agree that life as we know it has turned upside down in 2020. Add to that that even without a pandemic, most women feel their life shift significantly in their forties and fifties as our shifting hormones put everything to be examined under a microscope – our changing bodies, our relationships, our careers, our impact in the world – and many of us are living a double whammy!
Year before the pandemic hit, my life turned upside-down in my forties.
Even though I had spent over 20 years studying nearly every wellness modality under the sun.
It all started with a sense of discontent with my comfortable, yet all too predictable, life in suburban Massachusetts. Questions like, “Is this all there is? Have I done enough? Lived Enough? Contributed enough?” kept rising to the surface. The answers often fell short of my dreams.
It was followed by a series of health scares. Within a period of six months, I was tested for thyroid, lung, breast and adrenal cancers and was told that I would need open heart surgery within 2 years.
Then my changing hormones began to express themselves in very uncomfortable ways – hot flashes, night sweats, hair loss, weight gain, plummeting libido and mood fluctuations that my family to run for cover.
I was miserable and in need of help. All of my friends and clients were also going through the same mid-life transition, but resources were surprisingly hard to find.
I searched for years, with varying degrees of success, and I decided to go to the experts. I spent months interviewing over 40 world-renowned experts in the fields of hormonal balancing, relationships, sex, health, success, parenting, money, spirituality, beauty, healing and personal transformation.
What I discovered is that with the right resources and support, our changing hormones are the gateway to claiming our wisdom and power as women, to feeling vibrant, sexy, confident, successful and happy, to renegotiating our relationships so they fulfill us, to finding our true purpose and legacy and to creating lives that are even better than anything we have imagined!
Where it gets even better is that as we fully honor ourselves, we redirect our creative energy to not only create brighter lives for ourselves, but to also inspire change in the world around us. We begin to make our biggest contribution yet, live our purpose and leave our legacy.
Here is how to do it:
Step 1: Shed What No Longer Suits You

Heal your old hurts, wounds and traumas. Grieve whatever losses, missed opportunities or regrets need to be grieved. Then let them all go so you can make room for the new.
It may be an unsatisfying job or career path, an unfulfilling romantic relationship or unsupportive friendships, a way of eating or exercising that no longer work for your body or being fed up with never having enough money for what you want to do.
Whatever doesn’t suit you becomes glaringly obvious in your 40s and 50s. You start to feel a deep inner discontent that can no longer be ignored.
Or the Universe makes sure you get the message that something needs to change via a scary illness or a partner having an affair or being laid off from a job or a business going under.
This internal discontent and the corresponding need for change usually bring up a lot of fear. You may find yourself especially sensitive, emotional or reactive. I believe it’s not “just the hormones”. It’s your soul calling you to shed what no longer serves you so you can move forward into a brighter future without excess baggage.
Step 2: Claim Your Power

You claim your power when you honor who you are. What do you truly want? What makes you happy? Who do you love being around? What kind of activities do you enjoy?
And unapologetically creating a life that reflects your authentic self.
To do this, you need to ask yourself some important questions:
- How do you want to contribute to society?
- How can you be more fulfilled by your romantic relationship/partnership?
- Which friendships truly support you?
- What do you enjoy doing? And what do you no longer enjoy doing?
- What does your soul crave?
- What does your body need?
- What kind of environment do you want to spend your time in?
Step 3: Step into a Brighter Future

Once you get to know what makes your heart sing, it’s time to take 100% responsibility for making your dreams come true. It’s time to take action.
It’s completely normal to have doubts or to be scared. You will probably have to do mindset work, healing your inner child work, visualizing, setting your intentions, praying… whatever helps you take action.
Research your dream location. Take a class that will help you further your skills. Teach your partner how to treat you so you feel like a beloved goddess. Say ‘no’ when you don’t want to do something.
Take the first step. And then another. And another. Keep taking steps and create your brighter future.
Note: You can join the free online Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit from September 21st to October 3rd by registering here. You will get unlimited access to over 40 world-renowned expert interviews, including Misa Hopkins – New York Times best-selling authors, transformational teachers, doctors, coaches and healers – to help you balance your hormones and transform every area of your life.
About Natalie Matushenko, PCC, CPCC: A certified leadership coach with twenty years of experience and author in the Amazon #1 best-seller Ignite Conscious Leadership. An expert in helping you find your purpose, create abundance and turn your passions into a lifestyle. An Ivy League University and top business school graduate. A mother of 3 girls and wife to her soul mate of 27 years. An adventurer and a seeker. She created her extraordinary life after 40 and believes that anybody can do it!

About Natalie Matushenko, PCC, CPCC: A certified leadership coach with twenty years of experience and author in the Amazon #1 best-seller Ignite Conscious Leadership. An expert in helping you find your purpose, create abundance and turn your passions into a lifestyle. An Ivy League University and top business school graduate. A mother of 3 girls and wife to her soul mate of 27 years. An adventurer and a seeker. She created her extraordinary life after 40 and believes that anybody can do it!
Hi Misa!
I just read your “Guide to Beating the Odds’! Fantastic! Your writing, examples and wisdom- all so congruent to soulful ways of mindfulness! I made a list of possible regrets which I believe is a great continuation in my forgiveness work, so a Huge Thanks for that! The last line sums it (and Life) up Beautifully: BE LOVE. Loving unconditionally (Compassionately) is what I believe our journey in this life is all about! Thank you for that wonderful Read- I have it downloaded on my desktop so I can revisit it often!!
With So Much Gratitude,
Donna, I’m so glad my own insights align so perfectly with your own! I love healing regrets and hope that you find great freedom as you continue that part of your loving practice. 🙂