Misa Has a Limited Number of Private Counseling Sessions Available for Breakthroughs in Your Healing and in Your Life!
Do you believe in self-healing and being the creator of your reality, but just aren't making the progress you want?
Have you tried a lot of methods and approaches, but nothing quite does it?
Do you want to fulfill your purpose and enjoy a great relationship but something keeps blocking you?
From the desk of Jeff Burger
The Husband 🙂
Something Significant Misa Taught Me About Why We Get Stuck
Misa taught me that when no method, approach, technique or program is really working for you, it means that some part of you is sabotaging your good efforts.
Because you have some fundamental, hidden need, that is actually getting met through the illness and the stuckness. That's right. Some need is getting met, but unfortunately—painfully!
Here is a common example of how this works. Let's say you've been working hard at the office and haven't had time off in ages. You know you should take time off, but you'll just come back from vacation to a greater pile of work, so you don't give yourself a vacation. Finally, you are so worn down, you get sick—really sick. Now you have to take time off to get the rest your body has needed all along. You suffer in order to finally get an underlying need met.
Although you are getting rest, you end up losing truly productive time (often at the worst time), plus you aren't exactly getting to "enjoy" your time off! Then, there is the trip to the doctor and the medications or herbs or homeopathic remedies—so not only are you uncomfortable, but it's costing you—in time, money and joy.
Believe me, I've been there. When I just can't seem to get any traction, I know it's time for some new perspective.
As I have learned, in order to make your breakthrough in emotional and physical healing, there are a variety of fundamental needs that must be met, and we'll talk about about the biggest ones, but first...
You Shouldn't Have to Suffer to Get Underlying and Subconscious Needs Met
Many years ago, Misa was standing in front of her bathroom mirror with tears streaming down her face because she realized she was no longer in control of her body. She had been suffering for 10 years, and no doctor had been able to diagnose what was wrong. She didn’t know about alternative healing and she didn’t know that her healing was actually completely up to her.
When she finally surrendered to her spiritual guidance, committing to follow whatever she was shown to do, Misa was guided to the specialist that was finally able to help her. As it turns out, she was producing as much testosterone as a male in puberty and her female organs were atrophying.
The endocrinologist prescribed hormone therapy, and along with some deep emotional and spiritual work on Misa’s part (to make sure it did not recur), she healed from her hormone imbalance.
What Misa didn’t know then was that this was the beginning of several discoveries that would ultimately teach her about how we can unlock our self-healing abilities and fulfill our destinies.
Here’s what happened next…
Misa realized she had a healing gift (and has since discovered we all have healing gifts) when her mother was laying on her death bed. Misa spontaneously sang a healing song, previously unknown to her, that healed her mother.
By the time she was told she had a collapsed fallopian tube and needed surgery, Misa understood that if she chose to, she could heal it herself, and under a doctor’s watchful eye…she did just that.
Then Misa discovered she had MS. Although MS is supposed to be an “incurable” disease, Misa wasn’t willing to accept that diagnosis. Using what she had learned about emotional/spiritual healing and using her sound healing, she healed herself again.
As Misa was dealing with each of these illness, she was frustrated because she wasn't physically and emotionally able to really make the contribution to this world that she came here to make. It was difficult to fulfill her purpose and fully enjoy relationships. With each illness and set-back she had to address the fact that she was feeling stuck!
It was during her regular meditations that she discovered what was happening. A part of her subconscious mind was getting fundamental and hidden needs met through her illnesses and emotional upsets.
Using her skills as an educator, Misa identified each subconscious need and developed strategies for meeting them in healthy, new ways. As she did, her spiritual healing gifts, and the methods and approaches to healing she preferred to use were all more effective.
Now, she starts her healing processes by identifying and meeting the needs, putting an end to the inner-sabotage.
And you can too!
Once you identify those hidden needs and meet them in healthier ways, the healing methods you have been using will start working for you…and of course…that means emotional and physical healing.
As you feel stronger and happier, it is much easier to enjoy meaningful relationships and fulfill your sacred purpose.
Misa's Unique Skills Help You Identify and Fulfill Your Subconscious Needs, So That Any Self-Sabotage Can Finally End
I've had several different types of counselors, coaches and spiritual guides over the years—but, in my experience, Misa is quite unique.
Misa is a rare combination of spiritual adept and healer who gets to things that most people don't. She's not interested in using her psychic gifts to tell people about their relationships or if they should buy a new car. Misa is only interested in helping you get down to the roots of what's been stopping you from having the life and health that is your birthright—and how to break through to who you came here to be.
Misa doesn't tell you what to do. Instead, she guides you to your own truths on spiritual, physical and emotional levels. She guides you to how to bring your spiritual gifts and worldly talents together in one cohesive, happy, healthy expression of your fulfilled life. Using your spiritual gifts, you uncover your hidden needs and discover your ability to fulfill them.
All of Misa's counseling starts with a reading. (If you've already had one, you're good to go! If not, your first session will be a reading.) And all of Misa's readings—Healing Readings, Life Path Readings and Soul Journeys—have the same thing at their core. Your spiritual gifts. The distinction between these reading types is simply a matter of how you want to focus those gifts to affect change in your life.
Many traditional psychotherapists, life coaches and healing practitioners simply don't connect things into the spiritual realm. With Misa, everything is connected into the spiritual realm. She supports you in finding your truth about what you are here to do and be, and how to facilitate your own breakthroughs to your ultimate health and happiness.
As a result, you acquire skills for healing physical and emotional setbacks that you can use throughout your life.
Misa ends each of your private sessions with a powerful tool—a one-on-one meditation with her that can make the difference in anchoring the changes from your good work permanently into your subconscious so they stick. Misa even holds you in her prayers between sessions.
Now you might be wondering whether someone as connected to Spirit as Misa is also grounded enough to offer practical real-world advice. You probably already know the answer if you've read her bestselling book, "The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything." What you probably don't know is that prior to following her true calling, Misa was a special education teacher, then a job development consultant, and finally a business communications consultant to Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and non–profit organizations. Needless to say, the results of your sessions will be very grounded.
It's the rare spiritual counselor who helps you identify your Divine gifts and apply them to the physical world of health, life path, business and the like. Misa's extensive experience as a healer, spiritual guide, business consultant, teacher and more blend with her intuitive connection to Spirit for a very holistic counseling experience that has truly facilitated positive transformations in many people's lives.
That's why I get regular counseling with Misa. I'm constantly in awe of how Misa knows how to say exactly what I need to hear in any given moment. (You may have already experienced this in whatever time you've already had with Misa.) Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because Misa is committed to coming from a place of deep spiritual connection 24/7.
Isn't it amazing how just the right insight at the right moment can turn a life-long problem around?
Then once the revelation is made, there is the daily work of turning that new perspective into action in my life. Have you noticed how easy it is to get caught up in the day-to-day stuff and lose site of the big plans for change? Heck, sometimes I don't even know how to translate Spirit's guidance into action at all.
One of the benefits of committing to any type of counseling is accountability. It's really easy to put important inner work off until tomorrow if no one else is watching or cares. Any good counselor will bring you a certain amount of accountability. Misa certainly does that—mixed with incredible compassion and wisdom. She gently helps me keep myself true to my commitments—and I'm constantly amazed at the positive changes Misa's guidance has helped me achieve.
Misa doesn't even like the word "counselor" as we think of it in Western terms. She thinks more of it in a Native context, where elders have their counsel of trusted people in their circle to help them through issues, difficult times, decisions, illnesses and more. Steeped in Native tradition, Misa is incredibly adept at holding space for you to be yourself, hear Spirit's guidance, and grow—all with a compassionate, non-judgmental touch.
What Misa's Experience Brings to You
In addition to her work as a clairvoyant, healer, author, speaker and teacher, Misa is also the Spiritual Director and co-founder of the non-profit Sacred Feminine Awakening project. Activities include monthly Full Moon Women's Water Ceremonies and Women's Retreats and Quests—both of which are ultimate counseling environments.
For years, Misa has facilitated the monthly Full Moon ceremonies, both in person and globally via tele-calls, creating sacred space that draws people together in a rich environment of deep sharing and personal growth. Over the years, her Women's Retreats have extended this sacred ceremony into a weekend intensive where Misa has facilitated numerous breakthroughs on the part of attendees.
Quests are multi-day ceremonies offered in nature, where you are alone with Spirit for three days. Misa was (and continues to be) guided by Spirit to facilitate these sacred ceremonies and was trained by Native American elders and ancestors.
I've had the privilege of being in service at Quests for ten years. More importantly, several years ago I had the honor of doing my personal Vision Quest with Misa as my intercessor. We're talking three days alone on the mountain without food and with little water. And that's after preparing spiritually with Misa for the better part of a year.
Quest is an incredibly rich experience—and it would not be possible without Misa's awesome guidance and facilitation. People—including myself—literally put their lives in Misa's hands at this yearly event steeped in spiritual tradition.
Now, I'm not saying that you have to come to Full Moon Circles or do a Quest alone on the mountain—although we would welcome you with open arms. I'm just saying that Misa's counseling credentials don't come from a diploma on the wall (even though she does have a degree).
Years ago, she closed her successful business consultancy practice, packed up housekeeping, let Spirit guide her walkabout for 10 years while meditating multiple hours each day, apprenticed extensively with Native shamans and Hindu masters, firewalked... and completed a ritual burial. That's not even talking about her personal healing journey, overcoming things like the onset of MS with her own energy.
Simply put, Misa is the wisest, most spiritually connected person I've ever met—and she has my complete trust and confidence. (Why do you think I'm here?!) And she brings this same level of experience, wisdom, guidance and sacred space to your private sessions.
Here's How Misa Has Made a Difference in People's Lives... And How She Can Make a Difference in Yours
Whether people receive guidance from classes, readings or counseling, they experience powerful realizations about who they are, what they are here to do, and how to create a channel through which their unique creative energy can flow for health and happiness.
Misa lovingly and compassionately helps you discover the subconscious needs being met through your illness or stuckness. Then, she helps you create a plan of action that reinforces new ways of meeting those needs healthily and happily.
Here is what other have experienced and what you could experience for yourself:
- resolution of life-long physical and/or emotional problems
- clarity about how to apply your spiritual and worldly talents in every day life
- what you need to do and realize in order to meet your soulmate
- what you need to do and realize in order to have a more satisfying relationship with your beloved
- breakthroughs in beliefs and perceptions that allow healing to occur
- what you need to do in order to enjoy your service in the world
- how to fulfill your spiritual destiny along with your physical and monetary desires
- resolution of childhood wounds
- better relationships with your loved ones and family
- understanding how your mystical experiences apply to your physical life
- understanding of dream messages and how they can guide your decisions
- deeper trust in your own intuitive wisdom
- connection to your spirit guides and spiritual guidance
- how to attract what you need for greater fulfillment
- how to be with your empathic and sensitive nature so that you can truly be of service
- become the person you have been day-dreaming about
- fall in love with your unique gifts and expression in the world
- remember that you are indeed Divine
Here's What People Who Have Put Their Trust in Misa Are Saying
Inspired to move forward in life in a business that I absolutely love
When I signed up for a package of sessions with Misa I didn’t know what to expect really. I just felt called to get some clarity on my life. I had previously has sessions with Misa about specific issues and these were mostly spiritual or physical issues. So I was greatly surprised that our sessions from the package helped me figure out my business concept. We created plans and action steps and Misa gave me such amazing practical advice. I feel so inspired to move forward in life in a business that I absolutely love and that is so specific to who I am. She gave me that “push” in the right direction and I can feel my soul singing when making decisions that are in line with this new business.
Thank you so much Misa for your wisdom, intuitive insights, your clarity, loving attention and kindness. I will definitely be back.
Marisa O'Connell
One of the best gifts I've ever given myself
Working with Misa has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. With her I’ve created a long-lasting relationship that surely goes across time and space. It has never been an easy relationship due to the intensity of the truth that has been shared. But because it is based in love it has endured. This truth and love are for the self. We’ve moved from the space of words into the realness and trust of deep silence, where magic unfolds. I’ve resisted and delayed writing my experience in a testimonial because it feels that it does not make justice to what it actually was/is – because it is that transcendent and at the same time that palpable and real, and effective, and doable. In an (unfair) nutshell this is a tiny piece of what I’ve discovered in working with Misa:
– Doubts and fears: of profound secular unworthiness widespread in family lineages.
– Need to let go of: mistrust in the force of God flowing through me.
– I am awesome: because I truly care, I deeply love .. and my loving presence is enough.
Saw my life direction and next steps
I have no hesitation to recommend a session with Misa. She was able to hear even what I did not voice and make very constructive and unintrusive questions based on that. While answering those questions and listening to Misa's gentle guidance, I was able to see the next steps I need to take. I felt very comfortable and safe all the time. If you need to find your life direction fast, Misa is the place to go.
Recognizing my intuition
Since I took counseling with Misa everything seems to turn out for the best. What I absolutely adore about Misa is her eagerness and wonder for life and her genuine interest in people. She helped me a lot in recognizing my intuition but, also pointed out the parts I should not give too much attention.
The "A-ha!" piece I needed
Misa has woken me up many times, providing just the "A-ha!" piece I needed to move my business to the next level. With everything she offers, Misa incorporates her vantage point that your work is your spiritual practice. All of this plus, her solid business background and powerful intuition, add up to the most enjoyable and productive coaching I have received.

Snow Thorner
Ashland, OR
A profound impact on my healing journey
The private mentoring that you and I did has had a profound impact on my healing journey and I am forever grateful. I am so inspired by the way you have empowered thousands of people on the planet to heal their bodies naturally by getting to the root cause. One of the biggest gifts of our sessions for me was learning to embrace the Feminine more fully in the Holding Meditation. This has enabled me to also step more deeply into my purpose on the planet, working the highly sensitive souls who want to heal from chronic illness.
Kristen Helal
Use my gifts in the work I am here to do
I have had some health challenges that have been around most of my life and I needed some answers. Misa asked one simple question and I realized there was an emotional root behind one of those conditions. It has given me a whole new way to approach this old problem. Now I know there is a cure!
Counseling from Misa consistently provides me with revelations about myself. She has an ability to see who I am at a deeper level than most people ever look, especially when it comes to my spiritual gifts and talents. As a result I am encouraged to live into my full potential and use my gifts in the work I am here to do.

Silas Richardson
Counselor, Pinedale, WY
An important part of my getting better from CFIDS
Misa's teaching and sound healing have been an important part of my getting better from CFIDS. Their focus on receptivity was especially helpful, because receptivity is key in my healing.
Sunday Oliver
Misa is the real thing
Misa is fearless. Coupled with that is her searing love that never falters. She is a master alchemist—guiding gently and powerfully while she assists and holds people greatly so that they may turn their base metals and darkness into light and gold. Her boundaries are impeccable—masterfully ensuring that there is no dependence or other strange or unhealthy dynamics in the process of spiritual growth.
I have the pleasure and honor of having three true Shaman healers in my life and she is doubtlessly one of them. The real thing. You may not realize this at first with her humble, sweet and unassuming ways, however you will come to see petal by petal as she blossoms slowly before your eyes as the true, deep, committed and powerful healer that she is. Any one would be lucky to have her in their life and will assuredly come to deeply value her service and insight.
D. Davis
Sound Healer, OR
I feel recognized for who I am
To receive counseling from Misa is to know what it is like to be held and honored in your unique journey. Misa listens with her heart as well as her mind, so she is able to really understand without judgment the choices I make. Because she sees every choice and lesson as valuable, I feel recognized for who I am and what I have to offer in a significant relationship and in my career.

Kelly Cole
Music Teacher, Sedona, AZ
Influenced the decisions I make in all aspects of my life
When I did counseling with Misa, what I most appreciated was her ability to think about my spiritual beliefs and how they influenced the decisions I make in all aspects of my life. As a Mom, I liked that she could understand what an important role my kids play in my own spiritual development.
Sandi GeBorde
Mom, Vancouver, WA
The right questions to ask to help me grow
In my counseling sessions with Misa, she often left me with a question to consider. Those questions really got me to think about what was most important for me when it comes to my personal relationships. I'm grateful for her ability to know just the right questions to ask to help me grow. Misa brings issues to light with clear perception that is precise and moving with infinite love and compassion.
Trina White
Thank you for guiding me back to my center
For the first time, I felt a spiritual connection to myself and everyone and everything around me. It was also the first time in my life others saw in me what I see in myself. It allowed me to embrace my potential along with my ability to "feel" the world again. Thank you for guiding me back to my center and grounding me once again to everything I once found sacred, family, friends (community) and nature.
Denis Kot
Unlock the mystery of self healing
Misa Hopkins is a beautiful soul doing outstanding work in the world. She reminds us of our innate power to heal ourselves from the inside out. Her warmth, sincerity and authenticity shine through with ease in all that she does. She is a bright light and true blessing to everyone and everything she touches, and she will undoubtedly inspire you to embrace your Divine potential and unlock the mystery of self healing.

Cari Murphy
Soul Success Coach, Media Host, Author
I gained a new sense of power and purpose
My association with Misa spans many years. Her dedication to walking her path and following Spirit is impeccable. I gained a new sense of power and purpose.
Kailua-Kona, HI
Move forward in the service of others with forgiveness and compassion
I had, coming to this point, lost almost everything that had ever mattered to me. It had been stripped away, almost methodically, and in a very short period of time. I had no answers, and quite honestly vacillated between bewilderment and self-pity.
What I learned from our meeting is that in a sense, it was time for this to have happened. As I am old enough to become, in Native American cultures, an Elder—Misa graciously guided me through the fact that, yes, this pattern is often the case in this time of life. More importantly, that it is a time to accept everything, the triumphs and the failures, as important lessons. Lessons worth sharing, in service to others.
We discussed my gifts. They are overwhelmingly spiritual in nature. I had always known at my core that they were, but had always let contemporary social values lead the way. In discussing my glimpses of my gifts, Misa helped me realize that these are, and have always been the things that have given me, in fleeting moments, my greatest joy—and a loss, in the process, of all considerations of space and time. And that it has been in these moments where I have been totally transformed…
I have come to understand that my first, best destiny is in spiritual service to others. To let go of attachments of expected outcomes with myself and with others, to forgive myself for any shortcomings in the past, and to move forward in the service of others with forgiveness and compassion.

Jim Walker
Chicago, IL
Words are not enough
I have taken many classes/workshops in the past 15 years or so and some were from very amazing and famous teachers. I have never before, however, experienced such dramatic shifts in women as when I worked with this group of women that Misa facilitated for a few months, talking on the phone. A small group of people CAN create miraculous, incredible shifts I have never experienced before in such a short time! I felt so honored to be a part of this life transforming experience. Misa Hopkins is to be highly commended for the Sacred Space she creates with her combined wisdom, love and passion to help make a difference in the world with every choice we each make! Words are not enough.

Morgine Jurdan
Communications With Love
You have changed my life
You have changed my life and opened my inspiration flood gates. The images and ideas are flooding and inundating every nook and cranny like light just spilling into every dark corner. I am so overwhelmed with abundance. I will add you and keep you in my prayers always. From the depths of my soul, thank you.
Elaine Valdez
Touched the core source of ALL the problems I’ve been working on
I am a seasoned healer and a transformational expert, so I thought Misa Hopkins’ program would be a refresher course. Was I in for a surprise! Misa’s questions, like her insights in the book, became Psychic Keys that opened new perceptions about my healing process. I had a breakthrough vision of how two aspects of my life, seemingly separate, were connected, and I was able to touch the core source of ALL the problems I’ve been working on!

Maria Mar
The Dream Alchemist, energy healer,
author of A Woman’s Ride from Hardship to Success
Living a much healthier and happier life
I had no idea I was going to discover the cause of one of the biggest health challenges I have. Misa encourages you to look at your healing as a spiritual opportunity, so as a result my own intuitive wisdom kicked in, providing me with immense guidance about what I need to do to nurture and ensure my health. I was amazed at how much my beliefs and my physical health were interlocked. With some new tools to help me, I am living a much healthier and happier life.

Amari Gold
Thank you for facilitating this breakthrough
I suddenly became aware of a relationship pattern that I had created with my partner that was encouraging illness and preventing complete healing from taking place in both of us. With this new insight, I feel we can now create a new way to support each other that will lead to good health and wellness. Thank you, Misa for facilitating this breakthrough.
Uncovered one of the major hindrances to my health
I uncovered one of the major hindrances to my health, and was able to make some significant changes in attitude and perspective. This has me moving forward in much more healthy and enjoyable ways of life… I have fewer migraine headaches, less back pain, and sleep better! I am so much more upbeat, happy, trusting of myself and my process, and enjoying ordinary life now!
I highly recommend working with Misa
I've had the pleasure of knowing Misa for years. Being a self-healer myself, I can confirm that her methods are effective. Whether you are helping others on their healing path or need the strength to heal yourself, Misa's profound wisdom and healing insights will positively change your life and outlook toward self healing forever. If you need to take control of your healing process, I highly recommend working with Misa.
Krystalya Marie'
best-selling co-author with Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra
Wake-up book series
With Misa's Compassionate Counseling, You Can Expect...
to be lovingly guided to discover the subconscious needs being met through your illness or stuckness. Then, you'll create a plan of action that reinforces new ways of meeting those needs healthily and happily. You'll leave with a set of tools for emotional and physical breakthroughs that you can use for the rest of your life.
Here Are Just Some of Many Primary Needs Misa's Counseling Clients Have Identified and Met In New and Healthier Ways
- Being heard
- Being seen
- Being understood
- Feeling worthy
- Feeling respected
- Trust in yourself and the Divine
- Being accepted
- And many more
Of course, you might say, "Well, all of those needs are important to me." And that is probably true. But not every need is being fulfilled through illness and stuckness. With Misa's help you can uncover what needs of yours must be met in order to make your breakthrough.
Your Private Sessions with Misa
Your private sessions with Misa are custom tailored specifically for you, whether you want to work on health, life path and/or spiritual connection. The session time is completely yours and you can even use your time with Misa in a combination of Private Counseling and Private Holding as desired.
Consistency over time is a key ingredient in order for any form of counseling to be effective. Misa has found that breakthrough results typically require six to 12 sessions. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings provide the frequency needed to review and address the important things that come up in the flow of daily life. Committing to at least six sessions signals to both you and Misa that you are very serious about implementing significant changes in your life.
- Private sessions anywhere, on your schedule. As with your reading, you can have private sessions with Misa by Skype or Zoom from anywhere in the world. Together, we will set a time that accommodates both of your schedules.
- Free initial consultation. To get started, take advantage of a free initial 30-minute private SHE Rising Strategy Session with Misa to discuss your goals and answer your questions—no commitment required.
- Regular sessions. Each of your weekly or bi-weekly sessions is 50 minutes in length.
- Incorporate Private Holding. You have the option for your time in any session to be or include Private Holding.
- Partners welcome. Your spouse or partner is welcome to be on your session calls to fully support you. (Support only, not for joint counseling or couples counseling.)
- Private in-session meditations. Sessions can incorporate a private meditation with Misa.
- Questions to be with. You leave each session with one or more thought-provoking questions for you to explore between sessions.
- Downloadable session recordings. Each of your sessions with Misa is recorded and promptly made available to you as a downloadable recording so that you can review it and/or repeat the meditations whenever you like.
- Email support. Misa will also reply to one email per week between sessions so that you can continue to progress and work through issues.
- Prayer support. You will be in Misa's powerful daily prayers during each each of your sessions.
- Money-back guarantee. Misa offers a complete money-back guarantee if you cancel before your second session.
Your Investment in You
Single private sessions with Misa are $350 per hour. However, effective personal transformation most often occurs within a series of sessions. So we offer private packages when you make a commitment to 12 sessions over your choice of 3 or 6 months.
- Option 1: 6 months @ 2 sessions per month @ $600/month or $3400 paid in advance*
- Option 2: 3 months @ 4 sessions per month @ $1200/month or $3400 paid in advance*
 * When you pay in advance, you receive an additional bonus session from Misa
Misa will work with you to find the right session schedule and payment plan.
Misa's Money-Back Promise

I am so excited to be able to continue our journey together—and I look forward to talking with you in your free 30-minute private SHE Rising Strategy Session. If, before your second full session you are dissatisfied and wish to cancel, you will receive a full hassle-free refund.
What To Do Now
The best thing to do right now is to get still and and quiet for a moment and ask your inner guidance for the Truth. Will private sessions with Misa make a significant, positive difference in your life? And are you ready to embrace that breakthrough? What does your intuition say?
How much has it already cost you to:
- have difficulty fulfilling your purpose?
- wonder if you are on the right path for you?
- have missed your goals?
- have a frustrating livlihood?
- put stress on your family?
- live in poor health?
- loose time at work?
- miss out on fun opportunities?
What is the value of:
- knowing you are on the right path
- fulfilling your purpose?
- achieving peace of mind?
- living your birthright?
- falling in love with yourself all over again?
- receiving and trusting in guidance from the Divine?
- connecting more deeply with Spirit?
- reclaiming total health?
For me, the answer to this last question about value is "priceless".
Misa often shares that we experience fear and doubt at the very moment of making a commitment like this because we actually know deep inside that we are about to make significant change. Sometimes that transformation comes easily. Sometimes it's more difficult. If you are experiencing trepidation, I urge you to just be sure to ask yourself where that trepidation is really coming from.
On the flip side, sessions with Misa are not right for you if you are not ready to commit to listening to Spirit and affecting breakthroughs in your life and/or health.
Misa is only working with a small number of clients who are completely dedicated to making breakthroughs in their health and/or life. If you think this is for you, the process begins with an online application. Then we'll let you know if Misa thinks working together would benefit you. If it would, we'll schedule you for a free 30-minute private Sacred Healing Strategy Session with Misa ($150 value) to discuss your goals and questions.
Misa's schedule is extremely full, so consider acting quickly while while she still has appointments available!
As always, please feel free to contact me directly if I can be of service.
To your health and happiness,
Jeff Burger
The Husband 🙂
Apply now for your complimentary 30-minute Sacred Healing Strategy Session with Misa to discuss what you need for your transformational experience!