Psychic Readings for Health and Happiness

Transform Your Challenges Into Your Greatest Strengths By Discovering and Knowing How to Use Your Unique Spiritual Gifts
Healing Readings • Life Path Readings • Soul Journey Readings
Internationally recognized clairvoyant, self-healing authority and bestselling author Misa Hopkins
Why It’s Important to Recognize Your Spiritual Gifts
What You’ll Discover About You…
Misa’s readings are not intended to replace your personal connection to the Divine. They are intended to enhance it and support you in recognizing the ways in which you most:
- naturally receive Divine guidance
- easily express your Divine gifts
- effectively experience your deepest relationship with the Divine
- nurture your sensitivity and empathic responses to life
- successfully move beyond perceived limits into your full potential

What Other People Have Discovered...
Misa has helped hundreds of people around the world unlock their potential as she divines how their unique spiritual gifts can be used to help them experience greater fulfillment, health, wealth, love, happiness and deeper Sacred Union:
- Misa helped a woman unlock the mystery of her migraine headaches, and end them, by showing her the connection between her headaches and Earth changes.
- Misa helped a client discover and unlock an ancient family curse that had been inhibiting the family members’ abilities to fulfill their destinies.
- A client who was struggling in his primary relationship discovered he needed to release himself from an old family belief in order to live in alignment with his gifts and true purpose.
- A client with a rare empathic gift that caused her to remain isolated learned how to positively and safely use her empathy to help people she met.
- Misa assisted a man, whose true life work here on Earth takes place in the dreamtime rather than during waking hours, in finding peace and meaning in his life.
- A teenage girl who was struggling to find her place in the world, finally found some peace when she understood why being on Earth had been so difficult for her.
- A man discovered that his primary work is spiritual in nature, freeing him to take a new look at his concept of what career means.
- A woman learned that the source of mysterious symptoms she was experiencing was a rare virus that Misa identified for her.

Why Misa's Readings Are So Powerful...
Misa dedicated several years to studying with a Native medicine woman, in order to better understand how to properly use her own gifts. She has also been blessed by spiritual masters from different paths that have visited her in the dreamtime to help her develop beyond the blocks that were limiting the expression and power of her own healing abilities. Misa combines this wisdom with her clairvoyance to share rare insights into your wellbeing.

How Misa's Readings Work
You can benefit from a personal reading with Misa anywhere in the world.
- After you request a reading with Misa, we ask you to e-mail your three most important questions related to the type of reading you have chosen.
- After we've received your questions, we'll direct you to Misa's online scheduler where you can find an available date and time that works for you. You can schedule up to 60 days out.
- Prior to your call, Misa meditates with your spirit for about 20-30 minutes. She inquires about your unique spiritual gifts, then explores your submitted questions about how best to apply those gifts in your life. (You need not be physically present or even actively participate in the meditation. All you need to do is remain open to Misa’s energy.)
- You and Misa will connect by phone, Skype or Zoom at your scheduled time so that she can share what her special meditation for you revealed. Misa is also a gifted spiritual counselor, and you'll have time to discuss Spirit's guidance and receive Misa's counsel on ways to act on it. Most calls are about 50 minutes, giving you time to discuss how to best apply your gifts in your life.
- You’ll receive a downloadable MP3 recording of your conversation, plus follow-up information Misa may have recommended during your conversation.

Healing Readings with Misa
Life Path Readings with Misa
Soul Journey Readings with Misa
Here's What People Are Saying About Misa's Readings...
About Misa
Misa Hopkins is a gifted clairvoyant, beloved spiritual teacher, bestselling author, and talented sound healer who has dedicated her life to the wellbeing and healing of others. She helps many people all over the world through physical, emotional and spiritual difficulties via clairvoyant readings, personalized Sound Healing sessions, Sound Healing CDs, and counseling. She is the Guardian of a Sacred Feminine Native path, where women and men are taught to shed the limited body to become the limitless self.
Misa's bestselling books include The Root of All Healing: Seven Steps to Healing Anything and Sacred Feminine Awakening: The Emergence of Compassion, and thousands of people follow her blogs. She has appeared on NBC, ABC, Fox and other TV programs and is also a regular guest on radio.

Ready to discover your greatest strengths?
When it comes to getting to the emotional roots behind your illness and or blocks to success—and understanding your spiritual gifts to overcome those challenges...
You won't find a more comprehensive, compassionate reading than what you will get from Misa.
If you are ready to turn challenges into your greatest strengths...
... take a moment to get still. Feel into the moment. If a Reading with Misa is right for you, it will provide you with profound insights about—and practical steps for—living a happier, healthier life.
Questions before purchasing? We’re here to help! Please contact us here.