Steve & Trudy Bhaerman
How's Your Laugh Life? How the Right Kind of Humor Can Bring Joy, Insight and Healing to Intimate Relationships
Steve Bhaerman is a comedian, podcast host and author who has performed cosmic comedy in the guise of Swami Beyondananda for the past 35 years. Noted author Marianne Williamson has called him the Mark Twain of our times. On the serious side, Steve is co-author with cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, of the book Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here. You can also hear him on his Wiki Politiki broadcasts.
Trudy Trueheart Bhaerman is a lifelong student of holistic health, a self-trained dancer, an astrologer and health and beauty maven.
In the Bhaerman's interview, you'll discover:
- How they use humor to diffuse difficult situations and how it has enhanced their relationship
- Discover why a sense of humor so valued and valuable in a relationship
- Find out how humor changes your perspectives about what is really happening between you and your partner
Steve and Trudy's Free Gift for You!
The Zen Cohens of Harry Cohen Baba e-book -- 45 of the Funniest Jokes in the World and How to Tell Them
This book contains 45 hilarious jokes, many of which are also "teaching stories"—lessons and ideas made memorable because of humor. While so many people insist they don't know how to tell a joke (clue: the punchline goes at the end), this book offers easy tips for becoming an effective humorous story teller.
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