Awesome! While you are waiting to receive the videos in your e-mail, I want to share with you one of the most important skills for you to develop in your healing...
Now that you know the importance of asking the right kind of questions to get to intuitive answers… Misa’s Healer Within ebook (PDF), she answers over 50 powerful, open-ended healing questions from her readers (like the ones that have been on your mind) including:
- How do I address the anger I feel towards my body for betraying me?
- How does loneliness affect your physical health and how can you learn to love yourself to heal yourself?
- I think I have released/forgiven someone but anytime their name is mentioned, the emotional energy of what happened comes up again. What can I do?
- How do I release my heart out of its stainless steel prison?
- How do I remove the block or trauma of...?
- How do you know when you have overcome something?
- Where do you begin when you want to heal?
- How do I heal the inner turmoil I seem to have constantly?
- What is my intuition trying to tell me?